• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Very first try at growing peppers. Rymerpt 2014 ( 2 pod CHALLENGE VIDEOS)



The seedlings are Thai and the egg carton is Thai seeds. The other little pots have habenero seeds. I'm also gonna try some supperhot seeds when the package arrives from Smiley. (Thanks again Mike)

I'll post progress often I'm sure. Yesterday the seedlings moved from a small six pack to their new nesting grounds. All rest in nothing but organic seed starter soil and water.

I have green ghost peppers EVERYWHERE

I had to throw out three plants today. One of my scorpion tongues, one of my chocolate scorpions, and my Jojo thai.

Aphids and underwatering killed them.

I did, however, use their big pots nd soil to help a cople others.

I hard fan sprayed everyone to wash away the aphids and have vowed to maybe water more often.

They were bone dry YEP, I'M A DUMB ASS
Starting to see some ladybugs. Flipping aphids are still a prob but not as bad. Trouble is I now have birds coming by to eat the ladybugs. Ahhhhh
I vow that if I can ever afford to live in a house that I will grow so damn many pepper plants that homeland securuty will have to be notified of my creating weapons of massdestruction.
I tried to cheat and make my own recipe for bread and butter pickles. They don't suck, but bread and butter pickles they are not.
Thanks to winning a couple contests and some verry generous fellows I have a dehydrator full of super hots and tons of reaper seeds.

There may be another seed contest in the future.
Contest petered out. Folks just don't wanna spend the time to write story. Oh well. I have lots of reaper seeds. My dried super hots are done and daring me to turn them into powder. Kinda scared. Lift the lid and they even smell hottttttttttttttttttttt. Now that's sizzlin.
Wow did I make a killer sauce this weekend:

Five ghost peppers

Ten red jalapenos

Ten red bishop's crown

Four big red Anahiem

Five star annis

Three cloves

Tablespoon lemongrass

Teaspoon salt

Full head of garlic

One medium onion

Two cups rice wine vinegar

One cup white vinegar

Chopped and boiled down for ten minutes

Put in blender

Strained three times

End result is a bit thick, but truely YUMMY

Made two 5oz bottles