• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Very first try at growing peppers. Rymerpt 2014 ( 2 pod CHALLENGE VIDEOS)



The seedlings are Thai and the egg carton is Thai seeds. The other little pots have habenero seeds. I'm also gonna try some supperhot seeds when the package arrives from Smiley. (Thanks again Mike)

I'll post progress often I'm sure. Yesterday the seedlings moved from a small six pack to their new nesting grounds. All rest in nothing but organic seed starter soil and water.

tsurrie said:
for me yogurt works best .. but none that low fat crap
Yogurt FTW! :party:
Mouth burn it certainly helps but I find it's true magic is in extinguishing gut fire. And yeah, seconded, the low fat shite don't work. It's gotta be full fat!!!
Might be a funny idea but has anyone tried honey?
Received a package from Smileyguy tonight. Wow did he send some scary looking pods.

There my be reviews on the horizon.
Its been a pepper kinda day.

Woke up and watered.

Then harvested about 50 Thai peppers.

Then made superhot pickled eggs.

Then made 5 pint jars of pickled peppers (scorpion, serrano, jalapeno, garlic, shallot
I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID but my pics are missing.

I must have screwed up photobucket


On a lighter note I tried a pickled egg last night. Its only like 5 days. It was awesome! Ended up eating several of them. Yum!

Edit: Ha. Fixed the pic prob

Note: don't set up a seperate album on photobucket it messes up your links
I just got back from Denios farmers market. I bought 7 lbs of Habaneros for 14 bucks! Also picked up some small pickle cucumbers.

Its pickling time!

Made dills, dills with superhots, and pickled Habaneros.

I also filled my dehydrator to capacity with habs


I sooooo want to crack open one of my dills with supers.

Wife says to wait another week.

AHhhhhh.........I feel like a pregnant gal that wants/needs sourkraut at midnight.

   The pickling looks great Rym.Love the flavor of the peppers after some of the heat is pulled away..Did you use fishing line to hang your peppers?
Casper (my Ghost plant) is now in exile. He has been sent to the front of our appartment. The other plants generated a petition stating that he took up to much of their well deserved sunlight.
