• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Very first try at growing peppers. Rymerpt 2014 ( 2 pod CHALLENGE VIDEOS)



The seedlings are Thai and the egg carton is Thai seeds. The other little pots have habenero seeds. I'm also gonna try some supperhot seeds when the package arrives from Smiley. (Thanks again Mike)

I'll post progress often I'm sure. Yesterday the seedlings moved from a small six pack to their new nesting grounds. All rest in nothing but organic seed starter soil and water.


They look like wings. My little pepper squadron.


Hermione is really lookin like a beutiful young lady. Check out her beefy stalks.


Stanley thinks he's a stud by puttin out a couple buds.
Sorry no pics, but nearly all of the teenagers have tiny buds. They seem to really want to be all grown up. And think they know everything ; )

Happy Good Friday everyone.
Rymerpt said:
Today is day 20 for my original seed planting. The only ones that came up so far are those two that got easy bake ovened.
Original seeds started March 15:
2) Lemon drop x tepin (placed outside April 14)
Wild tepin(aborted April 14)
Fatalli(placed outside April 14)(aborted April 20)
Chocolate scorpian(10 days)(easy baked)(replanted April 5)(8 days)
Peach bhut (10 days)(easy baked) (replanted March 31)
Prik kee nuu (added March 24) ( 7 days)
Scorpian tongue (added March 26) (10days)
Peruvian white habenero (added March 31)(9days)died
Yellow 7pot (added March 31) (6 days)
Thai (added March 26)(10 days)
Chocolate bhut (added March 24)
Mike's Tepin X Lemon Drop (added April 8)
Trinidad Scorpian Maruga Saten Strain (added April 8)
Rocketman's Thai short hot (added April 14)
Rocketman's FDA Scotch Bonnet (added April 18)

Serrano (added April 18)



Chocolate Bhut (March 24)

Peach Bhut (March 31)

Tepin X Lemon drop (April 8)

Trinadad Scorpion Maruga Saten Strain (April 8)

Rocketman's Thai short hot (April 14)

Rocketman's FDA Scotch Bonnet (April 18)

Serrano (April 18)

Rocketman's Fatalli (April 20)

Peruvian White Habenero (April 20)

I found a street side farmers market yesterday and bought 1/2 pound of WONDERFUL dried red serranos. I seeded four and planted a solo cup with a couple seeds tonight. The dried pods taste awesome! Gonna have to cook with them soon.
I didn't have any Serrano's last season and missed them. But I have at least 2 in the dirt. A good all around pepper.
Trying to keep me records straight. Here is what I have:


Six very healthy Thai teenagers (local nursery)


Jojo Scorpion tongue (born April 5)

Chocolate Trinadad Scorpion (born April 13)

Jojo Thai (born April 5)

Yellow 7pot ( born April 6)

Spork prik kee nu (born March 31)

Trinadad Scorpion Maruga Satan Strain (born April 20)

Rocketman's Thai short hot (born April 20)

Peruvian White Habenero (born April 23)

Serrano (born April 24)

FDA Scotch Bonnet(born April 26)


Chocolate Bhut (March 24)

Peach Bhut (March 31)

Tepin X Lemon drop (April 8)

Rocketman's Fatalli (April 20)

The Prik kee nu under the lights had a helmut that I tried to remove. I did this about a week ago and I think I screwed it up. All that stands is a green stalk. I left it alone thinking that it might be OK. Today it is still just a green stick. Seems alive, but how could it servive without a leaf? Should I keep it or replant a prik kee nu ?
Rymerpt said:
The Prik kee nu under the lights had a helmut that I tried to remove. I did this about a week ago and I think I screwed it up. All that stands is a green stalk. I left it alone thinking that it might be OK. Today it is still just a green stick. Seems alive, but how could it servive without a leaf? Should I keep it or replant a prik kee nu ?

It may survive... I would take the chance because seed starting kills me :)

I have had a couple that ended up with no leaves and lived to tell. I have also had good luck soaking my seeds overnight before planting to soften the helmet and They almost all come off on their own.

Nice to see your grow coming along, keep up the good work.
Two new hooks tonight:

Rockman's Short Thai Hot(6 days)

Trinadad Scorpian Maruga Satan Strain(12 days)

Going off the heat mat and under the lights.

Ooops, I forgot to mention. Sense the Trinadad Scorpion Maruga Satan strain came up on Easter, we have decided to name that plant JESUS.
Rymerpt said:
Ooops, I forgot to mention. Sense the Trinadad Scorpion Maruga Satan strain came up on Easter, we have decided to name that plant JESUS.
He is risen indeed!

How many varieties are you up to these days? It seems like every day you've got more showing up. Also, any luck with our leafless friend?


Jojo Scorpion tongue (born April 5)......... STINGER

Chocolate Trinadad Scorpion (born April 13).... LEAFA

Jojo Thai (born April 5)......................... TEE

Yellow 7pot ( born April 6)...................... TOTO

Trinadad Scorpion Maruga Satan Strain(born April 20) JESUS

Spork prik kee nu (born March 31)

Rocketman's Thai short hot (born April 20)

Peruvian White Habenero (born April 23)

Serrano (born April 24).

jojo said:
is it pronounced Hay-zuus?
Naw, I'm thinkin Jee-zus. Born Easter, whoo woulda thunk?

The serrano is nuts. Have three in the cup and they all look like the wings will be out this weekend.