• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Very first try at growing peppers. Rymerpt 2014 ( 2 pod CHALLENGE VIDEOS)



The seedlings are Thai and the egg carton is Thai seeds. The other little pots have habenero seeds. I'm also gonna try some supperhot seeds when the package arrives from Smiley. (Thanks again Mike)

I'll post progress often I'm sure. Yesterday the seedlings moved from a small six pack to their new nesting grounds. All rest in nothing but organic seed starter soil and water.

I have many other seeds that Mike sent me. I think what you mentioned is part of what I have. Gotta check. I'm concerned about room, but am gonna stuff as many on the patio as I can. Maybe I'll hit you up for seeds later. Thanks.

I just reread your post. You have a mix. I also looked in my seed box. I have a few 7pot varieties and I do have the naga as well. When room frees up on the grow mat I will be adding a couple more to my grow list. I have not decided what, however. My wife likes the chocolate scorpian powder, so I may go with the chocolate bhut. I'm also thinking about the white hab I have. Hell I might justplant them all (in stages).

Now i have to go and build a small grow light nursery.
That was fun! Just built a grow light box. Rubbermaid storage box, aluminum foil, some elmers glue, red duct tape (ran out of glue) and my trusty pocket knife.

When do the infants go from heat mat to the grow box?







Just placed the infants (peach bhut, chocolate trinidad scorpian) inside the grow light box.

That freed up two billets on the heat mat.

Decided to add yellow 7pot, and peruvian white habenero.

My grow list now reads:

(Six) Thai from nursey (as seedlings)
Peach bhut(Smileyguy) (just came up)
Chocolate trinidad scorpian (Smileyguy)(just came up)
(Three) lemon drop x tepin (Smileyguy)
Wild tepin (Smileyguy)
Fetalli (Smileyguy)
Prik kee nu (Spork)
Chocolate bhut(Spork)
Scorpian tongue (Jojo)
Thai (Jojo)
Trinidad Scorpian Maruga Saten strain (Smileyguy)

There may be more?.,.....have seeds, but limited room

Fan onlow inside box
neoguy said:
Check your temps often in that box, and keep your soil moist, otherwise you may fry some.
Yep, fried them both. Fuck!,,,,

I have been told that I need a cfl bulb.


This is what I have.

I'm sick of spending more money.

I took the fan out of the box.

I have propped the lid.

I' m gonna leave them in the box for now.

When others come up they will go into the grow box(that will not be as hot) and hopefull I'll get the right bulb.


OK ive cooled down a bit.

How long can they stay on the heat mat?

Do I need a grow light at all?

Do I need a grow box?

Will I be able to do this without spending a bunch more money?

I know i'll need more soil, but thought that would about cover it. I already have the 10-10-10.

Thought I was nearly done spending money.
jojo said:
don't really need the lights on til after they pop... when they pop, u are gonna wanna take the cups out then place under the lights.
How soon after they show?
jojo said:
yeah, since the weather is warming up a bit, u wont need the heat mat after they pop, depending how warm your area is...  in most cases, the heat mat is only used while germinating...  keeping seedlings under a dome past germination may cause damping off....  pepper seeds don't require sunlight to germinate, so u could save on electric bill if u only use it during the vegetative stage aka seedling stage.
How long can they stay on the heat mat? Couple leaves? Right after hook is spotted?
I still have more seeds to replace those two. I will, however, have to wait for a billet to open up on the heat mat though. Thing is my wife likes chocolate scorpian powder and I want a peach bhut. Aaahhh , sucks to start over.
Rymerpt said:
Yep, fried them both. f**k!,,,,

I have been told that I need a cfl bulb.

This is what I have.

I'm sick of spending more money.

I took the fan out of the box.

I have propped the lid.

I' m gonna leave them in the box for now.

When others come up they will go into the grow box(that will not be as hot) and hopefull I'll get the right bulb.


OK ive cooled down a bit.

How long can they stay on the heat mat?

Do I need a grow light at all?

Do I need a grow box?

Will I be able to do this without spending a bunch more money?

I know i'll need more soil, but thought that would about cover it. I already have the 10-10-10.

Thought I was nearly done spending money.
How soon after they show?
How long can they stay on the heat mat? Couple leaves? Right after hook is spotted?
I still have more seeds to replace those two. I will, however, have to wait for a billet to open up on the heat mat though. Thing is my wife likes chocolate scorpian powder and I want a peach bhut. Aaahhh , sucks to start over.
you don't really need a grow box, especially with the warm weather were experiencing.  place them under lighting right when u see a hook..  asap.
u prolly don't even need that, u could prolly even germinate them outside now.  The reason we were using warmth and grow lights was because it was in the middle of the winter when we started them...  
germinate like u normally would, with the heat mat and dome in those cups...  but when it pops (hook) then put them under a light or take outside...  do not cover them!   u wont need a heat mat after it pops either.
if you really want to use a grow light, u can find a 2 foot florescent lights for about $10 at home depot.
I wish you much luck your next go around.  keep us posted.  
The twins look good. Don't wanna top water it anymore. Checked the diaper and all seems well. Gonna bottom water, but not needed yet.
Got a nice break in the storm today. Sunny and nice. Did not know though when I left for work. Teens still huddling away from the storm against the house. Wish I had put them back up on the ledge.
Ok teens back on the ledge, dancing in the spring breeze to the melodious sounds of the wind chimes. The twin hooks still look good.
Today is day 20 for my original seed planting. The only ones that came up so far are those two that got easy bake ovened.

Original seeds started March 15:

2) Lemon drop x tepin (placed outside April 14)

Wild tepin(aborted April 14)

Fatalli(placed outside April 14)

Chocolate scorpian(10 days)(easy baked)(replanted April 5)(8 days)

Peach bhut (10 days)(easy baked) (replanted March 31)


Prik kee nuu (added March 24) ( 7 days)

Scorpian tongue (added March 26) (10days)

Peruvian white habenero (added March 31)(9days)

Yellow 7pot (added March 31) (6 days)

Thai (added March 26)(10 days)

Chocolate bhut (added March 24)

Mike's Tepin X Lemon Drop (added April 8)

Trinidad Scorpian Maruga Saten Strain (added April 8)

Rocketman's Thai short hot (added April 14)
Its been a while so I just gave the thai seedlings a little snack. Some 10-10-10.

Joe dirt was leaning over kinda funny so I moved a bit of soil to around his stock. Seems the rain exposed his feet a tad and his toes were cold. All better now.