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preservation Vinegar or Lime quantity

How you all doing. well I finally have some ripe O-Habs,& would like to make a hot sauce out of them. Im not to sure on the quantity of vinegar or lime to use in the mix,is there a base quantity to use per grams of chilis.


Yep 20-25% is cool...Be careful with the wine vinegars as they are much lower in acid! i'm a bit of a lime fan! Good work, my habs are so close its crazy......Hab concentrate here we come!
Scorpion said:
Be careful with the wine vinegars as they are much lower in acid!

I'm curious as to why you say this ?
I use red/white wine vinegars mostly, but I have also used basic vinegar & apple cider vinegar. all of these vinegars are 5% acidity (including the wine vinegars) say's it right on the labels.
chilehunter said:
I'm curious as to why you say this ?
I use red/white wine vinegars mostly, but I have also used basic vinegar & apple cider vinegar. all of these vinegars are 5% acidity (including the wine vinegars) say's it right on the labels.

I generally use the apple cider vin as well but have used white and even tried balsamic once when I ran out of cider vin. Tasty stuff. The lime juice which is always fresh squeezed, I always use to bring out and enhance the hab flavor. I don't know how much acid is actually in my sauces as I just eyeball it and taste. I make rather small batches..a dozen 5oz bottles at a time so it never stays around long enough to go bad. Coincidently making a batch tonight.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
I generally use the apple cider vin as well but have used white and even tried balsamic once when I ran out of cider vin. Tasty stuff. The lime juice which is always fresh squeezed

if ya have a choice between basic vinegar & apple cider - apple cider wins! & price is close to the same.
IF you have wine vinegar for a choice, IMO wine vinegar wins!! the taste is much sweeter!! only problem it cost's alot more!
I've never tried the other herb type of vinegars.
as for lime juice I love the stuff (I'll even eat limes fresh!) I add lime juice to every hot sauce, be it freshly squeezed or from concentrated.