food Viva la plancha!

texas blues said:
Quinoa is as plain as rice.
In public.
Behind closed doors I work my magic.
My potions, salves, and unguents.
And transform her into the awesome nutritional power slut that she really is.
My wife started making both Quinoa & Farro as a rice substitute.  With nothing added I give the nod to Farro, but with some magic as TB says, Quinoa is good.
texas blues said:
Quinoa is as plain as rice.
In public.
Behind closed doors I work my magic.
My potions, salves, and unguents.
And transform her into the awesome nutritional power slut that she really is.
I've heard if you treat it like fried rice, it can be quite good - but Danielle did not rock it out ...
Might be my fault, I bought it at the foo foo store and it was like Purple Peruvian shit ...
grantmichaels said:
I've heard if you treat it like fried rice, it can be quite good - but Danielle did not rock it out ...
Might be my fault, I bought it at the foo foo store and it was like Purple Peruvian shit ...
Purple Peruvian shit.
Sounds like you bought blow.
And wrecked it tryin' to make rocks.
grantmichaels said:
I think that's pink flake, but never was my style of drug ...
Nor mine.
And I don't worship false drugs.
I get high on the real 'thang.
Powerful gasoline.
A clean wind shield.
And a shoe shine.
Can't remember who I plagiarized for that rant.
Canned Alaskan pink salmon, minced onion, granulated garlic, ancho chile lime powder, schredded scheddar scheeze, oats, and 2 eggs.
On the flat top with olive earl.
Some I melted more scheeze on top.
PF whole wheats toastin'.

Have mercy!

Ancho chile lime remoulade and some roma toms.

While this won't be my best burger EVER...
it was pert' dang' guud'.
Definitely my bestest salmon burger ever.
Was it the scheeze inbred into the salmon?
The chile lime?
The extry scheeze?
ya'll decide.

If I was havin' secks with that burger and it died while I was eatin' it....
Fuck yeah!
I'd finish it.
Looks good TB. I think the cheese and onions mixed in are almost a must when doing burger/sliders. I also think it helps with keeping it moist. I need my burgers to be medium to probably medium well.
Oh shutty TB's thrown more food on the ground then all of us combined.
A can of salmon on the ground ain't hurtin nobody, and the cat will love it. :)
Sorry but that canned stuff is boiled to death until the albumen is foaming on top of the water, and I can't stand salmon like that, even not from a can.
The Hot Pepper said:
Oh shutty TB's thrown more food on the ground then all of us combined.
A can of salmon on the ground ain't hurtin nobody, and the cat will love it. :)
Sorry but that canned stuff is boiled to death until the albumen is foaming on top of the water, and I can't stand salmon like that, even not from a can.
to quote TB "you couldn't pay me to eat that" I was thinking cat food meat loaf sandwich's 
I know TB is gonna say...
"Negative." And proceed to tell me how it's cooked so I'll beat him to it. ::googling:: Damn, it's packed raw and heat processed and cooked right in the can.
Anyways, I do love the fresh sliders from 2009. I just like my tuna raw or seared and my salmon smoked or grilled medium... I grilled some arctic char (I know it's a different fish but I'm not into salmon steaks) that was killer, made sure it was medium for proper flake texture but still juicy and not cooked to pale pink, unlike tuna which can be rare in the center.
Both of these fish I hate cooked well done so it's not just the can. I'd eat a tuna fish salad sandwich maybe, for comfort food's sake, but haven't had one in ages.
TB is the one who said he was coming out of the closet... lol. I applaud him. :clap:
I know you were. I saw him post that and I wished for the best which has nothing to do with my feelings on salmon. Humor is good medicine and he will chuckle at our posts. He knows it is good because he cooked it and that's what he likes.