food Viva la plancha!

cypresshill1973 said:
Beautiful plancha, I like!!!!!!!
I need one this ya!
I think that make it. I have all tools and I would do to my taste. No problem to me
No splashed fat out on all kitchen, my wife will permit i do use it every day.
Echele putasos compadre.
La plancha' es la mejor!
Que la chingada!
Yo creo que si.
Heche un senor.
Snags, Chevups, Taters, and onions. From the garden - Sweet peppers and Thai chillies. 



The Hot Pepper said:
Where's my hero bread? Sausage peppers and onions done right!!!!! I want to hero that right MEOW!
Ah Senor!
SR, that is one beautiful spread.
And si, THP would put the sausage, onions. and peppers on a big honkin' hoagie roll like they do 
downtown in Brooklyn and other parts NYC.
It's an Italian 'thang.
My 'sef I'd slap the snags, tate's, onions, and peppers on a tortilla.
As is my way.
It's a Texas 'thang.

texas blues said:
Ah Senor!
SR, that is one beautiful spread.
And si, THP would put the sausage, onions. and peppers on a big honkin' hoagie roll like they do 
downtown in Brooklyn and other parts NYC.
It's an Italian 'thang.
My 'sef I'd slap the snags, tate's, onions, and peppers on a tortilla.
As is my way.
It's a Texas 'thang.
I like both. You can't claim ownership to tacos I may like them more than you even. ;) I eat them way more than sammies.
I like the little crispy sear strip, especially knowing that's ancho lime crust. 

Where's the lime sqeezins n pleasins?
Tex-Mex shrimp casserole.
Flat topped.
Too much a stretch to call it "shimp enchy's"
Pic's manana.

The Hot Pepper said:

I like both. You can't claim ownership to tacos I may like them more than you even. ;) I eat them way more than sammies.
For sure senor.
I don't claim ownage of tacos.
I almost hate to admit it.
I eat tacos, burritos or something tore tillah' related almost ever single dang day.
Shrimps, onions, fresno, garlic, and bell pepper.

That went on la plancha with a little splooge of olive oil.
And got hit with ancho lime powder.

While that was goin' down, I had already prepped and cooked some quinoa.
I added the shrimps fistful's of schredded  jack & scheddar, and a big 
honkin' deuce of sour cream.
I layered corn tortilla in a baking dish then added the mixto, queso and repeated.
Slapped it into the oven @350 for about 30 minutes.

The sheeit didna' pose for the pic like I wanted it.
Doesn't look oozy goozy near enough.
But it was goodern' hell, 'specially with the baja lime crema.

Heaps of shrimpy scheezy leftovers for tonight and tomorrow I reckon.
Lucky me!
I love shrimp, and ancho shrimp from the griddle sounds bomb ...
Looking good ...
I've not yet had tasty quinoa, but I have no doubt it exists (we only tried once) ...
grantmichaels said:
I love shrimp, and ancho shrimp from the griddle sounds bomb ...
Looking good ...
I've not yet had tasty quinoa, but I have no doubt it exists (we only tried once) ...
Quinoa is as plain as rice.
In public.
Behind closed doors I work my magic.
My potions, salves, and unguents.
And transform her into the awesome nutritional power slut that she really is.