contest VOTE! Alternative Burger Throwdown

Best Alternative Burger?

  • Balls - [url="

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yumyumyellow - [url="

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • mygrassisblue - [url="

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • zdecker - [url="

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • wrightdaddy - [url="

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Yeah - that's what I meant Boss - it's C&W, but in burger form without the bones of C&W. :cheers:

and it looks really, really damn tasty - but gimme a crab cake boiger slathered in win-sauce over that any day.
This was the toughest vote yet. I wish I had 5 votes as there was at least that many worthy entrants.

2nd & 1st runners up: Geeme & Lady Sic (in that order) - the freshness & color, the combo of sweet & savory really made both of these stand out - my compliments on throwing down - you're both total badasses.

My final vote went to TB for the russian king crab sliders - hollandaise really put them over the top IMO.

Again, I loved the chicken & waffles burger and the gyro burger - they look delicious & I'd eat both in a heartbeat. But that said, there just wasn't much originality for me. They we're what they were - the chicken & waffle burger at least used a fillet of boneless chicken, but the gyroburger - Sum it's like you didn't even try to make it your own. It just looks like a gyro With 2 pitas instead of 1 (or, pretty much the way I ordered them in Holland)

Both delicious i'm sure but neither held a candle to the bison, deer and other meats out there & especially not Geeme, LadySic & TB's throw downs. The seafood was awesome looking.

Good luck TB!

Way to be extra critical about my entry LDHS. I'm actually glad it worked out that it was almost exactly like the gyros you used to order. I was going for authenticity, not originality. Must have hit the nail on the head.

I hope you don't cry or get scared away from the TD's when I go extra critical on your next entry. ;)
Hahaha - way to e extra sensitive about it Sum.

If you were going for authenticity then you'd know that a gyro isn't a burger.

I didn't intend it as "extra critical" or even "critical" at all - just calling it like I see it. You must need a lot of sunscreen for that thin skin. ;)

As for your threat, hey, knock yourself out - we all have our opinions.

Ps - what's really amazing is how you managed to miss the 2 weeks of ribbing I took over my passion for grilled pineapple. Like someone being critical of one of my entries would be surprising?

FWIW, had you put that gyro on a bun I might have considered it one of the favorites.

Anything but a pita, which made it no different than any other gyro, and no longer a burger.

I guess you also missed the part where I said it looks delicious? :cheers:.
Thanks for the kudos and votes so far!

Sonya, as I mentioned before, I'm not usually a burger fan, but the combo of the perfect amount of doneness and the flavors made this something I can see myself making frequently. I was surprised at how much I liked it!
i voted for p.k. that "holiday" made me want to stay! it was close between him and wrightdaddy.

p.s. there wasnt one burger i wouldnt have ate,,a couple i would have to take a few things off but everything looked great!
LDHS....I love your TD I would like to add a note about my burger, since I didn't get to in the entry post. My bun was home made, with some of RedTailForester's Wild powder mix and little crumbles of butter and garlic.

The patty's were made from the Fresh Bass fillets (which were broiled with butter, some S&P, a little Wild Mix and bread crumbs) The meat from a king crab claw, garlic, onion, S&P, bread crumbs and some more Wild Mix. Then I breaded them lightly in panko and gave them a short fry until golden brown.

My whole idea was a play on fish and chips. If you didn't see the teaser pics that I threw up at the last minute yesterday, my patty was spritzed with fresh lemon and topped with onions, pickles, a southwest mayo, sea salt and vinegar potato chips and butter lettuce.

and yes the brain strain was eaten... :onfire:

I saved half the burger for my buddy (who has two little kids) after he took a bite, he said it reminded him of this lol

I like WD's too, but I noticed a lot of the same things on his beef burger (same exact bun, same mayo, bacon, cheese, a bacon grease saute, different red meat, still 80/20.). Delicious? Yes. Also, seen this before. I guess he thought he won with it so..... :)

"Hey, f**k you a$$hole" :)
"No, f**k you and your beeyatch mother" :hotsauce: :crazy: :whistle: :halo:
"Stick it up your keester you smoothie drinkin', three nipple, ugly, smelly, sweater-vest wearin, cross dressin, milli vanillli listenin', fat, skinny, sissypants :party: :P :welcome:

Good times.

No BS - this is a really, really tough competition this weekend.

Y'all made absolutely beautiful alternate burgers - really raised the bar in terms of ingredient selection & creativity. There are truly no losers here - I'd happily nom nom nom anything I've seen in this topic, which is why I waited until I had time to go through every single one to cast my vote.

In the end I'm a sucker for crabcakes with hollandaise, so that got my vote, but LadySic's salmon burger was sooooooooo close that I truly wish I could split my vote between them.

Congrats to everyone though, yes, even Sum of my Gyro, because these are all really nice burgers. Any one of these could be served in a 4-star and customers would gobble them up.

lmfao frydaddy - classic.

3/5 - yours was a very close 4th, a virtual tie between you and Geeme - and those were really not far from LadySic or TB's entries. All really close IMO.

I commented in the prep topic that the freshwater fish looked like a rare and awesome entry - if it was trout instead of bass you would have had my vote.

either way a bad-ass bass burger. (which probably shoulda been the name)
I had to roll with booma for this one.
Go check it again. It's awesome!!

Kangaroo meat. Beet and kiwi sauces. Baked bean topping. Other stuff too. Craziness!

Excellent job! I like the WAY out of the box approach.
I'd gladly wolf down one of those with a frosty pint of Fosters!

As a side note, I'd like to applaud the Sic family.
If we could award an overall June, "3 burger winner", one of the sics should get it!
They both had some awesome awesome entries!

It's been a fun month, lots of greatness!
Cheers Frydad,

Definitely went for the out of the box approach and turned out really good.

My vote went for 3/5, love a good fish burger, and the differences in textures looked great.

but was a bloody hard choice, every burger looked great
I thought Lady Sic was creative and knew how to add textures (panko), flavors, and balance (lemon to counter the richness of eggs and cheese). And THOSE BUNS! No not those buns... the... never mind don't get me in trouble with Man Sic.

Still looking but props to LS!
I thought Lady Sic was creative and knew how to add textures (panko), flavors, and balance (lemon to counter the richness of eggs and cheese). And THOSE BUNS! No not those buns... the... never mind don't get me in trouble with Man Sic.

Still looking but props to LS!
ooh those buns\ they are sweet!!! butt you know they make the world go around.
I generally won't vote for my own, as a principal sort of thing. Getting to actually taste it makes voting for it mighty tempting though! That aside, other than my own, my top contenders ATM are Deathtosnails, muskymojo, 3/5King, and texas blues, in no particular order. Which to choose... which to choose.... which to choose...
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