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contest Vote! Five Dollar Feast

Who made the best use of $5?

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This is the first TD I've been around for, and I have to say that you guys are F-ing awesome! I can't make food look like that with any budget!
Welcome to the Forum Emu, stick around and keep reading and the ideas will start loping in your head and the next thing you know your voting and then going immediately to look for the debate for the next mo the TD. it's great fun and once the family and friends get involved it's even better.

WOW SL your running away with it. Sum your gaining on her, grab another gear and floor it Bro!

Emu, I agree- everyone here is Awesome. I am often blown away and in shock at the TD contestants and what they chef up. Check out the Drunken Chef thread for more complete awesomeness done daily.
Let me be the first to High-Five you! :clap:

"High-FIVE" :lol: Thanks DD, and RM and everyone. Did not expect to win this one, just wanted to put up the best dish I could think of for $5.

Emu, there's some serious creativity and awesomeness around here. It continues to amaze me what people come up with. You may need to invest in a drool-proof keyboard. :lol: Hope you can jump into the next one in September.
WELCOME, EMU! :welcome:

My first TD was almost a year ago. I got a few votes...just enough not to embarass myself, and just enough to keep pushing me. The important thing about these TD's is breaking out of your comfort zone, and trying something new.

I love doing these. My plan is to actually win one within the first 10 years of trying.

CHEERS! :beer:
Good job everyone. There is some great food there. I would have liked to do this one, time just got away from me. Weekends always seem to be so busy.
My first TD was almost a year ago. I got a few votes...just enough not to embarass myself, and just enough to keep pushing me. The important thing about these TD's is breaking out of your comfort zone, and trying something new.

I love doing these. My plan is to actually win one within the first 10 years of trying.

CHEERS! :beer:

keep the faith, amigo, it took SumOfMyBits 20+ before he won.
SL can sure cook, and now we know she can shop!
keep the faith, amigo, it took SumOfMyBits 20+ before he won.

It took me a long time. I think I hold the THP TD record for non-wins. Maybe even the THP TD record for second places. The important thing is that they were fun. Almost all of them were at the FD household, which is always good hangs.

Dang....this thing has turned into a well deserved ass-whuppin'!!!

Ain't no doubt what that is.

SL just schooled us.
Dang....this thing has turned into a well deserved ass-whuppin'!!!
well, that was NOT the intention....but did you enjoy it? ;)

SL can sure cook, and now we know she can shop!

thanks, THP

Great idea Paul! That was a fun one. Very outside-the-box! Good times.
Yes, this was a great see-how-far-you-can-stretch-the-$5-box challenge. And for myself, it WAS a challenge to cook 2 cups of soup! I've never cooked that small amount of anything in my life! Gimme 5 gallons of chili or biscuits and gravy for 20...DONE DEAL! 2 cups of soup?!?!??? never done THAT before (or at least not without Top Ramen :lol: )

It took me a long time. I think I hold the THP TD record for non-wins. Maybe even the THP TD record for second places. The important thing is that they were fun. Almost all of them were at the FD household, which is always good hangs. Ain't no doubt what that is.SL just schooled us.

SumBits, when you got it, you did it up top notch, SoFlo FoSho!

Nice work Salsalady!I can't believe how much food you managed to squeeze out of a fiver!
Thanks, Raelacea. It's all about the staples~
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