contest VOTE! Taco Throwdown

Who made the best tacos?

  • Rymerpt - [url="

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The Hot Pepper said:
For me this is a case where the worst quality pics WIN!
BigB nailed in in many ways... homemade spicy tortillas, perfectly round, look like restaurant quality. Fresh caught fish...
Blackened yellowtail... hell yeah.
Beer battered multiple-fresh fish... good idea!
That lobster tempura in lobster reduction sauce... on that fresh tortilla... all win!!!!!
Do I like beer batter? check
Do I like blackened fish? check
Lobster? check
Fresh tortillas? check!!!!
Excellent complements. Fresh sides. Everything homemade!
The pics are horrible, not sure how the fish catching pics looked so good... differtent camera? Different photographer? :lol:
But... damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You get my vote.
Shoutout to Rymerpt! Hope you had fun, and great Extended Stay tacos for what you had to work with!
indoor lighting sucks. thanks for everything else though :)
D3 for tasty meat and sauce/topping execution and the extra mile with the real cotija. I don't wanna talk about tortillas though. Or that I might have seen rice on a taco. Everyone made great tacos! I would have eaten every dang one of them happily. I kinda feel like I need another vote though, so I can vote for G's dessert taco. Sucks there wasn't another dessert entry, so it had its own category. 
hogleg said:
This is gonna be a bitch. Don't nobody know how to treat a tortilla!?! :rofl:   Well, G is excused...but dammmm.
hogleg said:
I don't wanna talk about tortillas though.
So you're just going to allude all night, lol.
hogleg said:
Or that I might have seen rice on a taco.
Blackened Taco = blackened fish + salsa + crispy bits from beer battered fish
Better pics would have helped! You had to read this one, I thought it was rice for a sec. It's crunchy batter bits skimmed out of the oil put onto the other taco. Kinda cool. Definitely looked like rice.
Why didn't the master enter????
They don't allow cameras in the Shaolin Temple. Besides when I try to post taco pics, I only post pics I'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE, of half naked men... :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
hogleg said:
The Hot Pepper said:
Why didn't the master enter????
Uh OH!  Sounds like someone needs a Snickers!  You're just not You when you're hungry! 
OK- back to TACO's! 
Rymerpt gets major props for the Extended Stay kitchen attempt.  I can relate, did the ramen noodle challenge in the same situation.  :clap:
KBK-  Love that you mixed it up at the last minute, calling an audible for the stuff that didn't work or for what worked better.  That is a great skill to have, being able to taste things on the fly and make adjustments if Plan A doesn't seem to be working out as envisioned.  Your tacos looked and sounded delicious.  I was just wishing there was a bit of debris (aka garnish :lol: ) on the tacos.  Some minced cilantro and fine diced tomatoes would of set it off. 
geeme- I hope you saved the drained syrup from the fruits to drizzle over ice cream!!!!   Great job on those fruit tacos.
Hot Stuff- definitely taco wagon worthy-
Everyone did a great job, the flavors all sound terrific, I'd definitely face-plant into all of them. 
hogleg said:
 Or that I might have seen rice on a taco.
I put a few fork fulls of the cilantro lime rice on my last few bites of the greensauce taco (my last pic)  And some pickled onion. I preferred that concoction over the others. I saved a bunch of the tomatillo avocado salsa in the freezer and def going to use it again with the pickled onions. They go good together. 
I ended up voting for tctenten's blackened tacos. They just kept calling to me, the tasty little blackened bits I can just smell and taste it in my imagination. It was a really hard decision. So many tasty options. I wish this was a real comp and we could all sit down and eat this sheit. Everyone did such great jobs. 
I don't mind it! I've probably done it with fajitas if the rice was good.
D3monic said:
It is, may have even smeared a forkfull of refried beans on there too. It was getting close the the end and I was just shoveling goodies on. I didn't dress the tacos with rice... it just ended up on there in a hunger fueled frenzy. 
Aaaahhh, you have gained entrance into the temple, grasshopper. There was only one right answer, to the question that was not asked.
                                                                                   TORTILLA SHOVELING
Wait! is that a flour tortilla???.......get the haell outta here!!!!
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