-Beef is hard! Because Booma perfected simplicity and smash... but D3monic used his "over the top" flavors
that work combined with classic flavors to create epic burgers! He also did a smash that was pretty perfect so combined with his cheffing, he in essence elevated the smash, and passed Booma in that regard, especially when coupled with the smoke burger! That's a compliment to both! But I don't know who that funny looking dude is in the BK commercials because D3 is The Burger King!
-Grant, with his indulgent approach, was still able to execute the better looking and better handling burger with all that excess, which is a tightrope act.
-GIP nailed the jucy lucy, it's all about the cheese, nice ooze, nice pull!
-bpiela! I'm a sucker for a good homemade salsa so I eyed t0mato's a couple times and well done t0m, but bpiela nailed some classic flavors like smoked turkey + BLT flavors (like a club) and added the sweet profile of pineapple/teriyaki, with smoked gouda being the perfect cheese. That thing is epic man!
-Ozzy took veggie, dragonsfire broke the rules by posting a potato side order in front of the burger, and like I said, it's up to the voters, no DQ. So exercising the power of the vote, but also, Ozzy rocked it. I eat eggplant a couple times a week, but yeah, that bean burger, nice!
-Damn Grassy! I purposely didn't look, and I know someone mentioned some similar flavors. I can see that, with a lime sauce, and quick pickle... we have similar tastes and you rocked that out! I'd love to try it. You reminded me of how fun these are, thanks!
-HopsNBarley - Fresh over canned for me, and wow! Awesome. I like the croquettes too and a special nod for the black rice bun. But those perfectly cooked fresh tuna burgers are awesome, the "fresher flavors" one to let the fish shine, and the chipotle pineapple, want to try both!
-JHP - I love some crab cakes and these burgers nailed the delicate approach you should embrace imo. The bun, soft and airy, and not likely to impact the patties. The patties, perfect, nice mayos and slaw, and the crab on top of crab was a nice touch! TC had some flavors I would try, but not sure I want chimi on crab due to the texture, and I am a chimi lover. That peach tho! Drool! But I'd try both!
-CheriLBW for the gator win! SOS has some great classic flavors here, with fried onion and shrooms, and the gator, being deep fried. Yes, I've had gator bites! But there's something about that spinach salad flavor (spinach goat cheese sauce, and bacon), and being fried in the bacon grease that make we want to dig in! Kudos to SOS for sending her gator.

Well done all! I rarely enter and that was fun! (burger punnage)