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w00t got a AJ's package of superhots!

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I can't just make a bowl of salsa with a 7 Pod pepper too hot. I think the best use for these 7's is powder. I would have used the scorpion, chocolate hab and fatalli.

This actually turned out edible, I was pleasantly suprsied. I tried a small piece of the 7pot w/ placenta attached :lol: Good stuff.
This is the 7pot I used

PRF, I am so looking forward to planting your 7 pot seeds. They really got you didn't they? I can't wait!!!

Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of eating one whole, by itself. Yet. I will cook with them and powder the little devils and use that though. Hopefully have enough to share with you folks around here too.
Well, the jerk chicken came out GREAT! Really hot but not so much it takes away from the dish. Perfect.

However....I did finally grow the balls to try the scorpion last night....with similar results to the chocolate hab.

Lol only this time I only ate a piece, not the whole thing, which is why it caught me off guard. Looks like my stomach still has a way to go to catch up with the my mouth's tolerance. Getting tired of wasting all these awesome peppers by throwing them up lol.

Dunno what the problem was this time, I had eaten a full meal and was pretty stuffed actually. Oh well, if at first you don't succeed, try again right :onfire:
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol only this time I only ate a piece, not the whole thing, which is why it caught me off guard. Looks like my stomach still has a way to go to catch up with the my mouth's tolerance. Getting tired of wasting all these awesome peppers by throwing them up lol.

Dunno what the problem was this time, I had eaten a full meal and was pretty stuffed actually. Oh well, if at first you don't succeed, try again right :lol:

For me, it what you eat and when.

If eating superhots, I'll eat a small meal of something generic and non-greasy like an hour b4. Rice, pasta, bread are good.

I tend to like a homemade bean/cheese burrito, or a cheese sammich.

Think of it like a night out drinkng..ya eat something filling but not TOO filling first. :)

Never eat superhots on empty tummy, or a full one..both end badly.

ANd stay away from fast-food. ;)
I just chewed up a piece of that scorpion about the size of a quarter for about 10 sec then spit it out. Fucking can barely see to type this, but do not feel like throwing up whatsoever lol. My mouth is in WAY worse shape than I've ever felt before, but my stomach is ok. The heat pretty much floored me immediately. Very hot pepper. Very tasty though. I wish I wouldn't throw up from eating these things, they taste so good. Hopefully my stomach will eventually catch up to my mouth as far as tolerance goes.

For now I'm going to stick to the method of chewing up a really big piece then spitting it out. Seems to achieve desired results. Bout to drink a beer then chew up a small naga. Then probably curl up in the fetal position and cry it out lol. Actually when my mouth is burning i feel the need to get up and move around. That happen to anyone else? Like I can't stand still.
Scorps are pretty brutal... I ate about a 1/4 of one and thought was pretty good tasting. Then mouth and throat went ballistic. :)

Least they don't seem to have the burn duration of a regular Naga. Or, mebbe i was just too drunk to notice..lol
QuadShotz said:
Scorps are pretty brutal... I ate about a 1/4 of one and thought was pretty good tasting. Then mouth and throat went ballistic. :)

Least they don't seem to have the burn duration of a regular Naga. Or, mebbe i was just too drunk to notice..lol

True. The burn was very intense but not that long. I mean it definitely lasted probably 5-10 minutes with warmth for another 5 or so. Not long considering how frigging hot it was at the peak.
Got that jerk chicken that's been marinating almost 48 hours on the george foreman grill right now. Smells so good. Even the air is slightly hot to the taste :)
Txclosetgrower said:
Actually when my mouth is burning i feel the need to get up and move around. That happen to anyone else? Like I can't stand still.

Well not normally but when I tried AJ's 7 pod I was pacing.
Some of the peppers are getting close to spoiling so I decided to use a bunch up. Tonight I decided to use the Fataliis to make a sauce. I was going for a vinegary sweet hot sauce with a Fatalii face punch and I think I achieved it.

10-12 Fataliis
cider vinegar & white vinegar
turbinado sugar
onion powder
pinch of saffron
pinch of tumeric
pinch of thyme
pinch of kosher salt
1 can of whoop ass


You cant go wrong using Fatalli in any recipe,Its just a great pepper and as long as you don't smoother that intense flavor all will be fine in any recipe used :whistle:
QuadShotz said:
Mmmmm, Fatali & Saffron...that sounds wonderful!

Bet that would do some Thai food up in a righteous way. ;)

It's about to get its first assignment: operation cheesburger.
I'm happy to report that the sauce passed its first test with flying colors. That was one awesome burger.
I'm sure you find it will pass most tests. I use my fatalii sauce on just about anything and it is good.
I was fortunate enough to get another little care package from AJ and am making some chili tonight. Ingredients include turkey, roasted pork, BACON, dorset naga, fatalii, 4 orange habs, 4 jalapenos, a mix of many powders, onion, green onion, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, spices, brown sugar, 1 bottle porter beer. It's simmering away right now. I know that this isn't a chili thread, but I AM making it with AJ's superhots. I am hopefully going to do the poppers tomorrow. My stomach is not quite right for it tonight.
JayT said:
I was fortunate enough to get another little care package from AJ and am making some chili tonight. Ingredients include turkey, roasted pork, BACON, dorset naga, fatalii, 4 orange habs, 4 jalapenos, a mix of many powders, onion, green onion, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, spices, brown sugar, 1 bottle porter beer. It's simmering away right now. I know that this isn't a chili thread, but I AM making it with AJ's superhots. I am hopefully going to do the poppers tomorrow. My stomach is not quite right for it tonight.

My stomach still isn't quite right. My boss's boss picked up a 7pot and a T.scorp from me today, he's going to host a manliness competition over thanksgiving among the relatives. And make chili w/ the 7 pot