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w00t got a AJ's package of superhots!

It quickly creates mucho gas in your stomach. Causing inflamation of the diaphram, false hiccups, a barf reflex, and burping. Fight the urge to toss for as long as it takes.
Eating fataliis now at work, but slowly lol none whole. I've been giving some away to co-workers today, figured I'd share the wealth as well as find out who I work with is a true chilihead. Got to meet a few cool people by sharing peppers, thanks again AJ! Thanks from them too :)
The Scorpion is a killer. Listen to Klyth make sure you eat a big meal before you eat it. And don't make the same mistake I did, don't eat hot wings or chili first.
Lol no more eating them whole for a bit. I'm just nibbling my way through them. I think I'm gonna dry most of these and make powder, but freeze a few for later. I might eat a whole one later, depending on how much I drink I'm sure lol.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
CHICKEN! Eat'em while their fresh they're so much better.:P
I think i'll make some jerk chicken tomorrow or maybe start it tonight and eat it tomorrow. I should probably make two batches, my girlfriend is coming down tomorrow and she'll not be happy with me if all I have is weapons grade jerk chicken.

I got the idea from one of the guys I gave some of these peppers to at work. Another guy talked about how he's going to grow these and use them in next year's chili contest up here. I'll definitely follow-up on that, naga & 7pot chili sounds awesome.

I gave everyone the full rundown on these peppers to prevent any casualties lol. I explained how even just 4 years ago some of these peppers were virtually impossible to get. It was a pretty neat way of meeting people I don't work directly with.
ABurningMouth said:
It quickly creates mucho gas in your stomach. Causing inflamation of the diaphram, false hiccups, a barf reflex, and burping. Fight the urge to toss for as long as it takes.

You're doing it right!

Cheers, TB.
K first thing I made was some salsa:
3 fataliis
1 tomato
1/3 white onion
3 garlic cloves
1 handful cilantro
1 lime, juiced
sea salt
black pepper


F'ing AWESOME and pretty hot. Surprised how strong the fatalii flavor is with all the garlic & cilantro. Mmmm.
JayT said:
The Scorpion is a killer. Listen to Klyth make sure you eat a big meal before you eat it. And don't make the same mistake I did, don't eat hot wings or chili first.

That was indeed a brave thing to do before eating a scorpion ;)
Txclosetgrower said:
K first thing I made was some salsa:
3 fataliis
1 tomato
1/3 white onion
3 garlic cloves
1 handful cilantro
1 lime, juiced
sea salt
black pepper


F'ing AWESOME and pretty hot. Surprised how strong the fatalii flavor is with all the garlic & cilantro. Mmmm.

Looks beautiful! How much did that make. I made some with fataliis once and loved it although I used too many (probably about 10 for the same amount of ingredients you used) and it was a little too hot to enjoy much more than a few bites at a time.

Oh and Talas, I don't know that it was bravery, more like stupidity. Boy did I ever pay for that mistake too.
Probably made about 1.5-2 cups. And yeah, it was pretty hot, but I was drinking milk so I guess that's cheating lol. I swear I was drinking milk cause its the only thing I had in the house besides water though, was out of beer:(

Bout to start that jerk chicken
help! i just can't decide what peppers to use! aj sent too many. I can't decide between 7-pot or t-scorp. Whichever one I pick i'm adding a fatalii and a choc hab too. Maybe.

Which one?
rainbowberry said:
I'd have used just the Choc Habs.

I'm making two batches, one I want to try a superhot in and the other is for my girlfriend. I was thinking of using a fatalii in hers but you think a choc hab would be better?
Ended up using a huge 7pot, a big chocolate hab & a big fatalii in mine. 2 fataliis in my girlfriends...hope she doesn't kill me. :lol:
I can't just make a bowl of salsa with a 7 Pod pepper too hot. I think the best use for these 7's is powder. I would have used the scorpion, chocolate hab and fatalli.