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WA state wildfires news- Another fire today Twisp/Winthrop 01Aug14

THanks, everyone!
We are still out of power, but I-net's on!!! :woohoo:
I don't have any good pics of the fires, there was too much going on.  We've been out of power for 7 days so far.  Twisp may have power in another 2-3 days.  Don't know how they will manage that...but we're not expecting power for at least another week.  The utilities are staging replacement poles for the regular power lines at a few places along the valley floor.  I heard there were 22 poles burned on the main transmission lines over the Loup Loup pass. 
We had a community pot luck last night at our place.  Someone's freezer was out of power so they brought a box of meat to the Carlton Store and told them to use it for a community dinner.  I have a propane stove out in the salsa kitchen so I was able to cook it up for tacos.  We had about 50 people come by.  It was really good for everyone to be able to connect. 
I'll be back around now.  gotta go read the 438 emails to my email and the 186 emails to A & J.....  
Thanks again you guys for the thoughts. Nice to know we are thought of for sure.
Things are definitely better today. We woke up at 5:AM to a down pour (in FL they call them "Gator-Gushers"). They are still fighting it down south, but for now we are out of danger. There have been about 90 lightning strikes NW of us which is the opposite direction from what has already burned. I think there might have been enough rain with it that we'll stay safe. I heard on the news that WA is only $6 million over budget on this one. Wonderful. Don't get me started about those bureautic assholes.
I heard what SL heard, power possibly this week for us and next week for her. We'll see...
So many planes, and helicopters flying over head it was at times more like an air-show. Chinooks, Black Hawks, Sikorky's, Smoke jumper dual props, Army Ntl guard, and a couple DC-10's. We don't have any commercial air traffic over the valley so to look out my living room window to see a DC-10 at 300 feet off the deck is a little unnerving. The little pilot plane would guide the tanker ahead of him to show him the flight path, then he would nose down, slow enough just to keep that thing in the air, dump the retardant and pull up, full throttle, right over my house. weird.
Some more pics.
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Thanks for showing us what you all are going through. It's sucks to see all that devastation. Those are some crazy pics.
Glad to know you all are safe.  Sorry to hear about your friends and neighbors.  Good on ya for the potluck SL.  Thanks for the pictures Scovie.
Internet was out, now back-  Nice pics, Scovie!  Thanks, for everyone's thoughts and prayers.  Again, we are OK, but there are 150 homes destroyed.     
Yesterday thunderstorms blew through Washington and there were over 5000 (yes, that's 5-thousand) lightening strikes.  But I think there was enough rain that it didn't start any more fires.
Some random pictures-
2014-07-15 19.13.43.jpg

2014-07-15 20.10.38.jpg

What fire can do-
This panel had a post on the pack side, you can see the rectangle impression in the dirt where it burned below the surface-

This was a similar set up, but the fire was so hot, it incinerated the PVC pipes and wires out of the panel and below the ground.  Also the transformer next to the panel.


Yesterday, during the thunderstorms, hail blew through a stretch up Twisp River.  What's next?  Locusts???


Every telephone cabinet up and down the valley has a generator chained to it to get the phone lines working. 

Random signs-


Can I get a bump, please?
Thanks, tctenten.
Community pot luck, and what do you know... if there's a vehicle, guys will gather around it.  :lol:


Weird funnel cloud from fire heat.
2014-07-16 15.48.10.jpg

Tanker over our house-

Not To worry.  Today volunteers brought 2 cases of water and some food. 

I really honestly do appreciate all the donations that come in to the Red Cross centers.  People donate what they can and what they think will help.  I think the Red Cross down at the corner church was inundated with donations so they came around to give food away even though we don't need it.  Not sure what kind of a meal I can make with it, but something will work.  Gotta go with the flow~
It sucks to see you guys go thru this but so nice to see the community come together for each other.
Thanks for your time to update us. SL
Glad to see you are both making it through this.  I love the sense of community here in the NW.  Love to see people coming together to help each other out.  
POWER IS ON!!!  :woohoo:  
Guns-n-Pods, it's been amazing the help that has come in and is still coming in.  It's going to be a long road for individual families. 
PS- are you going to make it to the NW Chilefest in Sept at the Kanasket-Palmer SP? 