A big wind storm just blew threw about an hour ago. We were watching the wind whipping our willow tree breaking branches off...just waiting for the whole thing to split.
Then, the power pole behind (the EMT's) house broke, wires fell to the ground catching a big bush in the middle of a tinder-dry grass field on fire. The fire was right next to the 5th-wheel and pole-barn trailer cover. Wind was out of the south, blowing towards Abby's house and the rest of the lower houses that haven't burned yet.
Holy Shit! 40mph gusts and flames 20 feet in the air! I think there were some hand crews down at the fire hall 3 blocks away as there were 3 or 4 people on site within 3 minutes. but they only had backpack tanks, not nearly enough to contain or put out the fire.
All the neighbors were grabbing tools and heading over there. Yogi and Robin's house up Texas Creek burnedto the ground when the first fire blew threw Texas Creek last week. They were driving down the road and saw the flames. They jumped in the back of Darwood's truck with 5 other guys and stood perimeter guard while the first fire crew was working on the flames along with another truck of guys from the wedding that's supposed to happen tonight next door. (I mention that because Yogi and Robin lost everything and yet they jump in to help after spending the day sifting through the ashes at their own place.)
Byron asked John and Jeff from the store to check up Texas Creek, make sure nothing had blown that far. They went up to JR's and were talking with him when another micro-burst of wind whipped through JR's willow tree sending projectile branches flying all over. John said they literally hit the deck.
The first OK Co fire truck on scene was working from a tender with a hose....until the hose hit a hot spot and burned a hole in the hole.

Whatever,...they had it fixed in a couple minutes and there were 2 other tanker trucks in a few minutes.
Another close call......................
I need a drink!
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. Just talked to Scovie, the power pole on the corner of their street is leaning and about 30 trees along the river blew down.