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WA state wildfires news- Another fire today Twisp/Winthrop 01Aug14

salsalady said:
POWER IS ON!!!  :woohoo:  
Guns-n-Pods, it's been amazing the help that has come in and is still coming in.  It's going to be a long road for individual families. 
PS- are you going to make it to the NW Chilefest in Sept at the Kanasket-Palmer SP? 
I did not know of such a thing!  Pass me the deets!  That place is out by Enumclaw right?
Here's the Perts....
The thread is in the Contests, Events forum.  Yes, it's out that direction.  Maple Valley?  I can't remember~~~ :crazy: 
Thanks for passing along the info to other NW members if you see them.  I try to make sure everyone knows, but I'm not in all the growing forums.  After the last couple weeks....I'm ready for a break!!!!  Between now and then, it's looking like workworkworkworkworkwork.....
DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) "We are here to protect lives not save structures" Told to a homeowner while his house was burning down and 15 "firefighters" were in his yard taking pictures.
DNR = Do Not React
Good sign to have posted around here-
"Protected By Smith & Wesson
Cleaned up By Kubota"
Otherwise known as SSS.  shoot, shovel, and shut up
I think there's only been one instance of looting, and one generator stolen.  But still....
Don't know about the DNR comment.  A homeowner on the south side at the bottom of Libby Creek tracked down some fire chief driving up Libby Creek Road and pleaded "Can you please save my house?"  pointing across the creek.  The guy said, "well I might be able to send one unit over there".   She asked "How about 2 units?"  (This was just after the fire jumped the river and the highway).  She ended up with 4 units, not sure what agency they were from, but they saved her house. 
The fire is definitely not over.  Hillside above Benson Creek still very active.  Temps are back up in the triple-digits again....
I know of three people with missing generators. My neighbor is one of them.
Anyway, my old hood up on the Loup got fucked. The above ground pool we left with our neighbor up there ended up saving two houses. D. Jones, D. Brandenburg, and others were up there bucket brigading water from the pool. Brandenburg called his son to come up there immediately with the truck and bulldozer. He was stopped at Beaver creek road by 10 trucks with crews picking there asses. He said "if you don't move your trucks, I will push them out of my way"... They moved there trucks.
And that is just one story... so many others. A state representative was actually helping Gebers employees fight the fire down near Pateros.
He is shocked at the lack of "help". I hope this plays out the way I think it might... "DNR gets a Federal Enema". :fingerscrossed:
That's what "firefighting" means now. Stop civilians from trying to save their homes.
glad yall are well. bigs hugs and kisses from the sic family.
LOL Sic glad you can give everyone a little chuckle with all the sadness going down. I've watched that about 20 times and it still makes me laugh. 
I'm glad you guys are doing well too. That DNR sh*t is unreal. 
Thanks, JayT.  It still gets to me.  But we're back to work, replacing meter bases and pump gear. 
Siccy, Siccy, Siccy....where do you find those things????
actually....Never Mind!  I really don't want to know!  :lol:
Oh bloody hell.
They still haven't even come close to getting the Carlton Complex fire out. Now, for the last 45 minutes we have been hearing a concentrated amount of sirens. Come to find out, a car traveling between Twisp and Winthrop blew a tire and sparks flew starting a new fire. You would think that being ½ mile from the firefighter base camp (the High School) they would have it out in no time. These goddamm DNR fire"fighters" are worthless. Hwy 20 is closed, it's getting bigger and Winthrop is on a level 3 evacuation notice. It is a fairly densely populated area with a lot of single roads (driveways) in and out. There will be much civil fallout, I can feel it.
Fire camp is Evacuating, Everything between Twisp and Winthrop is Level 3 (already know of some homes gone).  Little Ritchy says CrownS is burned, the pig field is burned- Sun Mountain Lodge, Twin Lakes, Twisp River, Pine Forest all evacuated.
Little Ritchy's property is adjacent to the school where the fire camp was.  Officials knocked on their door asking if they could take down the wood rail fence between the school property and their property so they could use their driveway to get vehicles out. 
The original fire up by Pearrygin Lake was kicking up big time this afternoon also.
We are a looong way from done with this beotch.
no, he's at his place.  Heard they can't get out because of all the traffic.  ???  But that's teen-news.
I'll get an update.

Ev says he texted Trev 2 hors ago and they were fine.  (end quote)
KHQ6 seems to have good coverage, and King5 also has some news bites.  I'm staying up until the 10:00 news.....and then it'll be LightsOut for me~

         It is hard to put into words what people go thru in a natural disaster.In the Midwest the tornadoes are quick and hard hitting.Where in the case of these fires, it's the agony of wondering if it will hit your area.Both are destructive and the rally mentality that communities form is amazing.
A big wind storm just blew threw about an hour ago.  We were watching the wind whipping our willow tree breaking branches off...just waiting for the whole thing to split. 
Then, the power pole behind (the EMT's) house broke, wires fell to the ground catching a big bush in the middle of a tinder-dry grass field on fire.  The fire was right next to the 5th-wheel and pole-barn trailer cover.  Wind was out of the south, blowing towards Abby's house and the rest of the lower houses that haven't burned yet.  
Holy Shit!  40mph gusts and flames 20 feet in the air!   I think there were some hand crews down at the fire hall 3 blocks away as there were 3 or 4 people on site within 3 minutes.  but they only had backpack tanks, not nearly enough to contain or put out the fire.   
All the neighbors were grabbing tools and heading over there.  Yogi and Robin's house up Texas Creek burnedto the ground when the first fire blew threw Texas Creek last week.  They were driving down the road and saw the flames.  They jumped in the back of Darwood's truck with 5 other guys and stood perimeter guard while the first fire crew was working on the flames along with another truck of guys from the wedding that's supposed to happen tonight next door.  (I mention that because Yogi and Robin lost everything and yet they jump in to help after spending the day sifting through the ashes at their own place.)
Byron asked John and Jeff from the store to check up Texas Creek, make sure nothing had blown that far.  They went up to JR's and were talking with him when another micro-burst of wind whipped through JR's willow tree sending projectile branches flying all over.  John  said they literally hit the deck.
The first OK Co fire truck on scene was working from a tender with a hose....until the hose hit a hot spot and burned a hole in the hole.  :banghead:  Whatever,...they had it fixed in a couple minutes and there were 2 other tanker trucks in a few minutes. 
Another close call......................
I need a drink!
Thanks for the thoughts, guys.  Just talked to Scovie, the power pole on the corner of their street is leaning and about 30 trees along the river blew down. 
Trees down all over the valley, knocked down a bunch more power lines, another little fire from a lightening strike.  News said most major roads are closed due to trees down. 