• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Thanks Steve, we’ll catch up at noon mon …

Moo mon, thank you for checking from so far away :) It’s not really a secret spot, if you where here you would be welcome to meet and we could enjoy a pint. That said it would be funny if some cop thought it was a deal going down, lol.

I think I'm going to have to do some 007 stuff and find this "top secret exchange location" too
Ramon I'm glad to see the seedlings getting their 1st true leaves. There's plenty of room in the pots for the roots to anchor.

Dem plants are going to love dat tea, mon. I can't wait to see the jump it gives them...wait til you see the green in the foliage!

I'm fighting hunger pains right now looking at your dish preps. That's only going to make my lunch taste better..........whatever that may be.

So you're still harvesting from last years plants....nice. Are they sending out new waves of flowers? You could probably cut back a growing tip or two to speed up the process.

The "Grammy's" were on the tv Sunday...I was in the plant room but had to step out when I heard the "Bob Marley" tribute...Ziggy, Sting and many other artists, some this year's nominees for awards. Pretty cool to see da jam'in and harmonizing on stage. Two Moa's popped that night.........ha

Always a pleasure to read this glog and view the photog...
I think I'm going to have to do some 007 stuff and find this "top secret exchange location" too
You are more than welcome to join us today or any other time. We are meeting at noon by the New River in front of a place called the Briny Pub in Lauderdale, not really my cup of tea, I’m more the type of guy to drink at the New River Saloon or the Pirates Cove across the river (South side of New River). But we don't eat or drink there, we just meet for 15 minutes or so during Steve's lunch break from work. ... If I had someone to help me carry the canoe down to the river I’d paddle over there and flip Steve out, lol. One of the reasons I'm building a floating dock :)

Ramon I'm glad to see the seedlings getting their 1st true leaves. There's plenty of room in the pots for the roots to anchor.
I feel the same way as you about the new leaves, I’m excited! But I have become very careful with too much sun so I believe they are growing slow. This is because as you may have read earlier in glog that I may be loosing your #1 Yellow Bonnet Jamaica 07, I possibly gave it too much sun too fast :(

Dem plants are going to love dat tea, mon. I can't wait to see the jump it gives them...wait til you see the green in the foliage!
I’ve not given them any for fear of it hurting them, so you think I should spray them with it? I believe the stuff is very powerful and I thinned out what I’ve used so far on the first spray to the larger plants. I certainly don’t want to loose any more …

I'm fighting hunger pains right now looking at your dish preps. That's only going to make my lunch taste better..........whatever that may be.
Thanks, I love to read compliments coming from a master chef like yourself, what ever your lunch will be I’m sure it will be great!

So you're still harvesting from last years plants....nice. Are they sending out new waves of flowers? You could probably cut back a growing tip or two to speed up the process.
Yes, 3 of them are 3 years old but not too large and thank you for the tip, will try on one for sure ^_^

The "Grammy's" were on the tv Sunday...I was in the plant room but had to step out when I heard the "Bob Marley" tribute...Ziggy, Sting and many other artists, some this year's nominees for awards. Pretty cool to see da jam'in and harmonizing on stage. Two Moa's popped that night.........ha
Cool, I missed it :( … but did get a chance to see Ziggy in Miami a few months back and in JA some time ago. He has really improved his show, taken on a style of his own and prefer when he does his thing VS Poppa Nesta's music but that’s just me ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Always a pleasure to read this glog and view the photog...
Again, thank you for stopping into WG’s shack and you know the feelings are mutual as I enjoy reading/viewing your glog immensely my Chicago brethren :)

Ok Brahda, I'ma have to go back and take me a good looksie at how you made dat tea, You should do some Before / After compairison pics of the plants.

Keep em growing dher Brah

Bill I did not post any directions, I just read various directions off the net and did my own thing. What I believe is key in my vat is that there is a lot of life in sargassum seaweed, for years I feed my salt water fish in my aquarium from that life. That said, I believe the seaweed needs to be as fresh as possible or that life would not make it to the vat. Thanks for commenting and stopping into WG’s shack mon :)
Y'all too funny mon. I can't red this thread withouta not hearing it with a Jamaican accent mon. You be jammin with tem plants and tea. I tell you dis dontcha know. They will be loving it.

Planting the JA habs tomorrow. !!
While I’m not Jamaican, I’m Cuban American, another small island in the Caribbean ;), and bi-lingual I do love their accent it’s especially beautiful from their women, hehe. Good luck with them & hope you enjoy their flavor as much as we do …

Alright Ramon, I want in on these JA habs man. What you want bud?
PM sent, gotta run to hook up with Steve … chat laters and have a great day mon!

Here are 2 of the little guys next door that provide my peppers the potent stuff that feeds them. I thought about picturing the stuff but thought you would enjoy a picture of the workers VS their manure :D ... Steve your fresh stuff came from dem mon, hehe
S'right... chickens#!% don't hafta mean small and weak... You know what I mean if you ever shoveled it when it was more than 6 inches deep. ;)
IIRC there's around 6 or more chickens (fairly large size ones), they produce more than I can use for peppers, so I feed some other plants with them. It's a small pen so the shoveling is a snap, no 6 inches deep. I've yet to try on the Plantains, but think I'll bury some around them. BTW I've never shoveled snow but I've had my fair share of beach sand shoveling ;)

Met with Steve earlier and we exchanged packages, like a clandestine deal going down by Riverfront, lol. He gave me some of Jamison's Pecan smoked scotch bonnet powder, Jamison's Smoked Butch T pods, Steve's TFM scotch bonnet powder, Steve’s 2 TFM scotch bonnets and Steve’s 9 peppermania scotch bonnet (the one's without bonnets). Mi teaf him mon ;) I gave him plantains, some of my seaweed tea and some of that fine Florida chicken stuff. Steve I've already thanked you in person, but what the hell again on the net, thank you and now thank you Jamison, I think you would have enjoyed the river view we had ^_^


Home made clay bowl full of peppers, I be making some dip fa ya Steve-O mon, should be ready by tomorrow night :)

Steve’s TFM Scotch Bonnet

As always, I thank you for the visit & comments, have a great day!

Edit: BTW Chris (thegreenman) you are more than welcome to hook up with us ^_^
Nice harvest bruddah! Those colors are poppin in that pic! Some nice heat and flavor...can't wait to see the pics of the dip you make!
Shane is in da beach shack, hola amigo :) I'll be making him a cracker TFM Scotch Bonnet dip or spread as some may call it. I will sprinkle some of that Scotch Bonnet powder over the top, can't wait to test it out myself … for decoration and enjoyment I’ll toss on a few little Thai Hots on top as well. Thanks for reminding me didn’t even think of taking a pic.
Edit: BTW Chris (thegreenman) you are more than welcome to hook up with us ^_^
Thanks Mon.

I'll have to do it on a Monday as that's usually my slack off and do paperwork day. The rest of the week I have to actually go out and earn $$$ to keep the kid in shoes.

Let me know if you guys meet up next Monday or on a Saturday. BTW The Riverwalk Blues Festival is this Saturday and I'll be chilling down there all afternoon in case you all are around.
Great pica as always Ray Ray. I have been lucky enough to sample some of Jamisons powders and they are tasty. Keep the pepper and food pics coming bro!!!
Jamie as always ¡gracias mon!

... I'll have to do it on a Monday as that's usually my slack off and do paperwork day. The rest of the week I have to actually go out and earn $$$ to keep the kid in shoes. Let me know if you guys meet up next Monday or on a Saturday. BTW The Riverwalk Blues Festival is this Saturday and I'll be chilling down there all afternoon in case you all are around.
No plans to meet again yet but we could make some for Monday. This weekend isn’t good as we have beach soccer and seaweed harvest Saturday. I’d love to bike by the Blues Fête Saturday if time permits and Sunday is booked for me. We can talk off line tomorrow …

Steve your TFM dip is now in final cool down stage and will be ready by noon mañana. You can pick it up anytime just call first. I only want to know one thing; will your better half be trying it?

Here’s how it looks entering the cool down process, feel free to name it as all I can come up with is Yellow Fête Dip, enjoy!

And close up … enjoy
Ramon, you are the MON !!!!!!!

Let's call it "WalkGood's Famous Bonnet Bean dip"!
Done ^_^

Nice harvest you had there Ramon and the dip looks devine. Enjoy Steven!!! :dance:
Thanks Pia ^_^

I am now using duct tape to keep my keyboard dry. It's working a charm. Much better than cling wrap :silenced:
Lourens, I liked that cling wrap idea of yours, I took your idea and made mine from soft plastic as I drool at all the foodies here but normally have to run off and chow down mon :D

¡Gracias! All of you for your kind words and viewing I enjoy reading/seeing all of your glogs as well and hope that we all have more bounty than we can eat. This way we can spread dat pepper love!

I’ve received a few requests to post pictures showing the benefit of seaweed tea but I do not have that ability. So hopefully from the few shots below you can believe me when I tell you their color has deepened darker green, they are perkier looking to me and the new grow seems to be exploding on some of them. Those are things that I can not capture in pictures, my apologies. BTW I still have damaged leaves from the mite infestation which I eradicated as I did not cut my leaves off other than a few to see if they were still alive or eggs. As you all know that mites can not be seen w/naked eye, so I used a 20x or higher magnifying stamp collectors glass to verify. These are only 3 of the plants, sorry I didn’t have time to shoot dem all but the others look as good or better IMHO.

*these pictures are sized smaller than normal so I wouldn't have to dumb them down so much*




MoA alert, 2 are close to being out of da woods but the third one … I can only hope.

(pictured are two angles of the same one as I blurred the other pic)

Thanks for popping by WalkGood's beach shack to check da peppers mon, have a great day :)

Edit: Rats mi forget to post update on da pineapple (1 of 5 growing). Not sure if anyone remembers posted back on February 1[sup]st[/sup] “click here.” At that time it was smaller than a golf ball? Now it’s the size of a baseball and the stalk it’s on is 4 inches long and around 2 inches thick, this puppy is going to be a bigga one \o/
