• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Look at the MoA stem....that ain't no pinner that dang thang is blunt !

Is that the result of the sea-weed? Those plants just had 2 leafs on them a few weeks ago. My plants are just playing "kick the can" ..just moseying along...

The chocolate scorp in putting out an interesting flower array. Those pods should bring on some decent heat.

Cool MoA flower.......
End of season I am certainly interested in the elusive MOA...If I can keep mine clean. I will be spreading some pepper love as well!
Your in mi brethren, so it’s Annie, Scott, Chris & you that I’ll cover so far unless Steve continues to be more productive. Steve will cover a bunch others as well, he has much more Jamaican SB MoAs going than me (I only have 3 going), AFAIK Sawyer is taking some 2[sup]nd[/sup] generation now. This will be awesome \o/

Look at the MoA stem....that ain't no pinner that dang thang is blunt !

Is that the result of the sea-weed? Those plants just had 2 leafs on them a few weeks ago. My plants are just playing "kick the can" ..just moseying along...
Aren’t your stems as thick? I was figuring that these are like some super strong gene seeds, if I’m wrong in that here are my thoughts:
  • Plants that I grow outside put up with some serious South FL wind from youth, so the ones that make it rarely need a support pole. They strengthen their stalk as they grow.
  • Yes I’m using seaweed spray once or twice a week (more often than before), even a little before a normal watering but I use other stuff as well. My seaweed tea mix is coming out much stronger now than original batches, I can see particles floating around the gallon jugs and it's much darker in color, I have to perform a second strain in order for it to spray without clogging. Plus I'm not rising the Sargassum.
  • Chicken poop, I’ve been drying it longer and making it into more of a dust, once a month they get table spoon.
  • Egg shells: when I transplanted a few plants about 3 months back I noticed that some roots have grabbed hold of the small egg shells within the soil as you know I use a lot. If it was just one off I probably would have said it’s a fluke but in some cases there’s 5 or 6 root grabbing egg shell from one plant. So I started experimenting with converting dried egg shells to dust (pistol and mortar) for a better mix into the soil. I didn’t start this until recently so a table spoon has gone to every plant so far and I’ll be mixing that into soil when I transplant. I’m just not sure how much to give, I want to increase the level but I don't want to OD them, hehe
  • I still give small pieces of banana skin, like ½” size squares well below the surface, deep enough not to attract pests. Anyone trying this keep an eye out, as this can attract ants IMO, so coffee grounds is a must too.
  • I’m still mixing some coffee into soil but less, less than 10%, around 7% to 8%. I believe this coffee helps me keep ants at bay and my plants that have none are the ones that have had aphid planting ants :( I'm only spraying coffee as needed and I switch between it and soapy water to spot kill only.
  • Finally I’m spraying mineral oil based product once a week to keep whitefly and other sucking bugs away. I believe this has helped wonders but I recently read that this could burn up some leaves during our summer so I might have to seek out an alternative, for now I’ve been mixing 2oz VS 3oz.
Aside from things I’ve mentioned here I can’t think of any ting …

The chocolate scorp in putting out an interesting flower array. Those pods should bring on some decent heat.

Cool MoA flower.......
Can’t wait for that decent heat, thanks for flower comment and IMO your JA SB MoA flower is definitely ahead of mine, heck mine didn’t even fully open yesterday. But soon come Mon!

As always, thanks for commenting guys its always special to hear from the SuperMon’s here on THP … have a great week ^_^

Edit: Also forgot to mention as I've mentioned before, the Jamaican SB MoA might have a thicker stalk to support such large leaves that act as sails in the strong winds. If the stalk isn't strong, the wind would have broken it long ago ...
Ramon, I've been neglecting your glog. Sorry about that Mon. It has been my loss though. Your plants look beast! Those leaves on your MoA and TS are gigantic. Looks like your grow is almost in full swing. I hope to see a fat harvest soon. Especially of MoAs! Good luck brother.
Ramon, I've been neglecting your glog. Sorry about that Mon. It has been my loss though. Your plants look beast! Those leaves on your MoA and TS are gigantic. Looks like your grow is almost in full swing. I hope to see a fat harvest soon. Especially of MoAs! Good luck brother.
Daniel no problem mon, we all get tied up and have a hard time getting to everyone’s glog. I’m just glad you were able to stop by and comment, you’re always welcome here ^_^

Sounds like you have a good regimen going, Ramon. I mix seaweed into my compost tea, but I haven't thought of a lot of the things you do.
Seaweed is awesome IMHO, I have noticed a huge change in my older plants since I started making tea and feeding them. Hats off to you Stefan for using it my friend, the other stuff is important as well IMO but not so much earth shattering as the weed, what a difference it makes. I hope to soon make a batch of 100% fish emulsion, while I’ve used fish in the past it’s not something I easily give up, much rather eat it myself :D

That stem is a TRUNK! Love the details of petals of MoA's indicating . . . "A" class! ;)
I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a trunk yet but it is super thick for a plant that’s only 13 inches tall and I’m impressed by that. I think it makes more sense to believe it compensated for the huge leaves blowing around and needed the support. The weed & other stuff I do just keeps them lush, happy y mas …

Well all I can say is the first few pages look great. I need to set aside a few hours/days to catch up :)

Keep it up!
Kevin thanks for popping in and nice comment, hopefully you’ll find the reading and pictures worth the time it takes you. BTW you are always welcome to start from here ^_^

Looking good Ray Ray. Can't wait to see that MOA podding up.
Thanks Jamie, I’ll save you some seed if you’re interested in da JA MoA SB’s, dem beasts mon!

I liked the info on trunk building, I forgot to mention earlier...Impressive!
Thanks Scott, read what I subsequently said to Annie above, that is entirely possible.

Been neglecting some of my favorite peppers the Jamaican Habanero girls, so rather than let dem get pissed I thought to feature some soon come pods now that the rain has stopped, Summer rains are here \o/






Nons, Cilantro starts that I’ll be transplanting later this week

And update on 2 of my pineapples, smaller one is now flowering, guess which one ;) hehehe

As always, thanks all for comments, I will try to get by everyone’s glog after dinner and will certainly come back to hit “like this” but if you read my thread in da lounge you’ll know I’m all out for today :/ Just checked and gotz some more, this thing is crazy mon, hehe ...
Hey Ramon, good pictures there my man. Awesome looking plants. Healthy looking plants... nice pics of the flower and pods... great tips on the feed - will add that to my list next season. I'm liking this business of watching everyone else putting their sweat equity into the plants, while I just read :D Thanks!
Ramon, Annie is right, that is a trunk. That is so awesome. I had to go back three pages to catch up and I thought I was keeping on top of things. First, those cayennes are picture perfect. GORGEOUS! The trunk on your MoA's are huge and they look super healthy. Choc Scorps are great. Lots of buds and stuff. I wanted to have one this year but for some reason, Either I killed it early or the seeds didnt pop, I didnt get one. So glad your year is going stellar. Cant wait to see more. and the foodie pics..... Yomp yomp yomp!!!!!!!
Aren’t your stems as thick? I was figuring that these are like some super strong gene seeds, if I’m wrong in that here are my thoughts:
  • Plants that I grow outside put up with some serious South FL wind from youth, so the ones that make it rarely need a support pole. They strengthen their stalk as they grow.
  • Yes I’m using seaweed spray once or twice a week (more often than before), even a little before a normal watering but I use other stuff as well. My seaweed tea mix is coming out much stronger now than original batches, I can see particles floating around the gallon jugs and it's much darker in color, I have to perform a second strain in order for it to spray without clogging. Plus I'm not rising the Sargassum.
  • Chicken poop, I’ve been drying it longer and making it into more of a dust, once a month they get table spoon.
  • Egg shells: when I transplanted a few plants about 3 months back I noticed that some roots have grabbed hold of the small egg shells within the soil as you know I use a lot. If it was just one off I probably would have said it’s a fluke but in some cases there’s 5 or 6 root grabbing egg shell from one plant. So I started experimenting with converting dried egg shells to dust (pistol and mortar) for a better mix into the soil. I didn’t start this until recently so a table spoon has gone to every plant so far and I’ll be mixing that into soil when I transplant. I’m just not sure how much to give, I want to increase the level but I don't want to OD them, hehe
  • I still give small pieces of banana skin, like ½” size squares well below the surface, deep enough not to attract pests. Anyone trying this keep an eye out, as this can attract ants IMO, so coffee grounds is a must too.
  • I’m still mixing some coffee into soil but less, less than 10%, around 7% to 8%. I believe this coffee helps me keep ants at bay and my plants that have none are the ones that have had aphid planting ants :( I'm only spraying coffee as needed and I switch between it and soapy water to spot kill only.
  • Finally I’m spraying mineral oil based product once a week to keep whitefly and other sucking bugs away. I believe this has helped wonders but I recently read that this could burn up some leaves during our summer so I might have to seek out an alternative, for now I’ve been mixing 2oz VS 3oz.

So many new (to me) ideas here ... that much awesome sauce in one post almost feels like I've cheated somehow ;)
Nice work on the pods. Nice work even on the MoA to flower!! Make them set brother man. Make them set. Wish mine can look like everyone else's MoA. !! Keep it up
Thanks, yea can’t wait to try dem Jamaican MoA SB’s I’m expecting them to be as good as the ones I enjoyed in JA \o/ Hope you turn out some nice MoA pods too …

Hey Ramon, good pictures there my man. Awesome looking plants. Healthy looking plants... nice pics of the flower and pods... great tips on the feed - will add that to my list next season. I'm liking this business of watching everyone else putting their sweat equity into the plants, while I just read :DThanks!
Thanks Lourens and I’m excited to see your creations with all dem pods … worst case you could fill the pool and have a pod party, hahaha … No seriously post pics as you make stuff, that sauce looked wonderful. I’m still finishing the sauce I made last year, lol, but soon come for me too …

Interesting variation, lighter and darker green pods........similar shape, the lighter green seem to have longer connecting petiole's.

Cool pineapples....
Greg I noticed that too from that JA Hab from it’s first pods last year, it’s impossible that it crossed with anything as at that time I was exclusive on JA Habs. Fortunately I saved enough seed to get me back there again cause the likelihood of a cross now is more likely. What do you think caused that mutation? I use to call her my albino babe, lols. That said, in the end they end up going thru the beautiful color changes the others do and taste just the same ^_^

Thanks for commenting on pineapple, dem Hawaiians mon ;) I still have 3 others that have not put out yet but I suspect at least two of them will start before next winter. Takes way to long to yield from tops, heck even slips take 8 months but once you’re in with a few slips it’s hard to stop growing something that doesn’t get attacked by anything and needs no watering, I need some peppers like dat lolz …

Ramon, Annie is right, that is a trunk. That is so awesome. I had to go back three pages to catch up and I thought I was keeping on top of things. First, those cayennes are picture perfect. GORGEOUS! The trunk on your MoA's are huge and they look super healthy. Choc Scorps are great. Lots of buds and stuff. I wanted to have one this year but for some reason, Either I killed it early or the seeds didnt pop, I didnt get one. So glad your year is going stellar. Cant wait to see more. and the foodie pics..... Yomp yomp yomp!!!!!!!
I should hopefully have plenty of seed in the near future and I’d be happy to send you some for next season … hit me up when you start seeing me post dem chocolate scrop pods … Thanks for your positive vibrations Pia and I’m looking forward to seeing all your plants hit dirt \o/

So many new (to me) ideas here ... that much awesome sauce in one post almost feels like I've cheated somehow ;)
Back at ya with that topsy turvy grow you gotz going mon, looks wicked and thanks for commenting ^_^

As always, thanks all for popping by, reading and comments … have a great hump, I mean hump day, lolz …
Man I saw some Kelp and fish ferts on the CCN webpage after seeing the results your getting i might just have to get me som-a-dat!

Those plants/pods are looking seriously good Bro and where in the world did you find Pineapple seeds? Good Stuff Maynard!
Man I saw some Kelp and fish ferts on the CCN webpage after seeing the results your getting i might just have to get me som-a-dat!
I washed off the weed before my first batch following directions on the net and while the results were very good, they were not as dramatic as not washing the weed and leaving the little marine life in the weed. I think this is key. That said, I do not know how commercial guys do it, they might filter out the little life so that sealed containers do not explode from gases. Once you move to Titusville I would run over to Cocoa Beach, harvest some and make your own batch … it’s worth it’s weight in gold. Well seeing how high gold prices are maybe tin or copper, hehehehe

Those plants/pods are looking seriously good Bro
Thank you!

where in the world did you find Pineapple seeds? Good Stuff Maynard!

Pineapple seeds look like this (click here) and the seeds are located within the flesh of the pineapple, mostly towards the lower part of the fruit. But in most pineapples we get here they are proably impossible to find due to hybridization, lack of pollination, or the fact that commercial fruit is harvested before the seeds are mature.

That said, I originally started my first pineapple plant years ago with our youngest son to get him into growing stuff. We used a pineapple top, but in order to get fruit from a top it takes 2 to 3 years. Which we did, 2 years exactly … during that first grow we got shoots that come out the sides of the plant called slips. IIRC we got 1 on the first plant, I read about them cut them off and planted. Off one of those slips I got like 3 more slips, did the same. The beauty of using slips is that you yield fruit in 8 months VS 2 to 3 years. Several times I’ve thought bout stopping because pineapple isn’t that expensive but they require no work so I just let them grow and enjoy da fruit ^_^

BTW once a plant yields fruit you need to cut it down as the chances of it producing again are little to none. That said, I one year I did get another slip after the main had yielded fruit. In that case I left the slip on the main root system, cut down the original plant and it later yielded fruit from the slip. If you are interested, there's loads of great info on the net VS me, lolzzzzzzzzz
Shweeeet Ramon! How's dat comeback hab doing? Haven't heard about her is a bit...that pod mutation I think is somewhat normal. I had some Caribbean Reds do the same thing last year. As long as the taste is good...color and shape I can deal with!