• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
PIC 1 said:
Ramon sorry to hear bout the aphid invasion.....I lost my appetite thinking about that until, I saw that wonderful looking steak and green mango salsa.
Keep spraying the plants with forceful water from the garden hose. Any white egg clusters should be visible under the leaves and between the nodes. I smash those using latex gloved hands dipped into a bowl of rubbing alcohol (or Barcardi....ha). The ants won't bother with that mess. Aphids are easier to control outdoors...keep pestering them and they will move elsewhere.
Enjoy the ribs/rum and the Memorial Day weekend !
Thanks Greg, I can certainly be an aphid pesterMon, hahaha … I will be spraying the wazoo out of dem. You too have a wonderful weekend and thanks for the steak comment even though it’s not rare (used left over and when I sautéed it looses the rareness).
Devv said:
Ramon, sorry to hear about bugz..but I know you'll kick their azzes and send em packing!
Foodie looks great, another recipe to add into my book!
The seaweed must have worked, we had zero chance of rain and it's now flooding north of us. Been pouring here....now worried, JA's are on the deck, but under window screen...
Scott I don’t give up easy, dem bugs are in for a war and aphids are easier to beat than mites. Planning on sending in round two soon, so if you don’t see me around here I’ll be in dat battle zone, hehe. What now a dance to make it stop ;) … Oh and if you find green mango in your area, this one’s a great tasting salsa recipe to differentiate once in a while from a matoe one ^_^
Al-from-Chile said:
OMG, da bossman is cracking the whip on me ... well I better fess up then!!!
well, being honest ... I havent updated it in quite a while - so your "threat" is a good reason to update :-)
sl2, Al
Great update Al your plants are looking stellar and I love dat sauna you got going on. Wow you have a huge back yard, very nice ^_^
Here’s the worst of the carnage affecting one of the 3 MoAs. The others don’t look as bad and I hope to keep them that way. The war rages on, while I’m not spraying yet, beneficials on da southern front right now ….

One lonely troop still attacking, seems it’s too hot for the ladybugs after the sun rose … I’m hoping they’ll come back when plants get shade by 3:00 PM EST. But it could rain by then, that could help. Although I believe the rain is what brought the aphids in to begin with, they were probably seeking higher ground during the passing squalls.

Devv said:
Boys are already at work I see!
Nah, you can do the seaweed rain dance everyday!
The ladies are wet but gooooddd!!!
Have a great weekend!
While they’ve been helping, there’s not enough beneficials showing up :/ Hoping to get some seaweed later this morning, dance to follow  :dance:  But first I be killing mas bugs ...
stc3248 said:
I HATE MITES!!! You'll win this battle!
You are so right brethren, thank you! I was so busy killing aphids I completely overlooked mites and I’m sure now their second wave is hitting :( Seaweed might have to wait, now I’ll be killing mites as I sure the aphids are under control. Dam pesky bugs can really set one back …
You guys have a great day!!!
Ramon ... so the twisted / deformed leaves in the picture above was caused by aphids ? I need to remember that ! Hope I do . 
Peace & a great weekend to you !
P. Dreadie said:
Ramon ... so the twisted / deformed leaves in the picture above was caused by aphids ? I need to remember that ! Hope I do . 
Peace & a great weekend to you !
I think that is mite damage that I didn’t notice because I saw aphids and started killing them. When I noticed the damaged leaves the first day they weren’t that bad and I assumed so, that pic was taken the following morning and the mites probably went to town all night long :(
I just ran out early to get an organic sulphur solution (bondie) to kill them, was reading the directions and it says to wait 21 days after any oils have been sprayed ... shit I sprayed oil 2 days ago :/ I can't wait 21 days ... :/ Another thing is we've been in da upper 80s/low 90s temp wise and directions say no, no, no. Not sure what to do now, I did spray soapy water right away this morning, waited 15 mins and rinsed... Any suggestions?
Your glog moves fast, bro!  Three plus pages to get caught up!  Those JA habs are da bomb, man!  Bigger than golf balls!  Tortilla soup, pepper-laden ham & cheese, omlettes, green mango salsa...wow.  I haven't had breakfast yet and now I'm starving!  Lovin the shots of the baby MoAs!  Sucks to hear about the aphid problem.  Hope you get it sorted soon.
the mites are plant suckers, too? (i donno)
if yes, hit both with a healthy dose of neem ...
neems gets absorbed by the plant, and kinda "poisons" the plant for all suckers (insects that is).
pls let me know
1 abrax
pd: in my experience, fighting aphids is like a bar-fight. You need to hit early and very hard. So stop dancing like a butterfly and get them gloves off :D
WalkGood said:
I think that is mite damage that I didn’t notice because I saw aphids and started killing them. When I noticed the damaged leaves the first day they weren’t that bad and I assumed so, that pic was taken the following morning and the mites probably went to town all night long :(
I just ran out early to get an organic sulphur solution (bondie) to kill them, was reading the directions and it says to wait 21 days after any oils have been sprayed ... shit I sprayed oil 2 days ago :/ I can't wait 21 days ... :/ Another thing is we've been in da upper 80s/low 90s temp wise and directions say no, no, no. Not sure what to do now, I did spray soapy water right away this morning, waited 15 mins and rinsed... Any suggestions?
Ramon, I waited the 2 weeks, and watched them get chewed on, but the sulfur has been working. From what I read it can burn the leaves, I guess you can test it on one and see. That's if you have one you don't mind sacrificing. Annie posted about a product (short name) 217 in my glog. It's pricey but she swears by it.
Good luck! And yes I HATE STINKIN MITES too.
I wish I had a solution.  My solution was to get them outside asap.. Since yours are already outside I would do a home depot run and ask them how to get rid of the damn things.  My new seedlings have messed up second set and I know its due to the fungus gnat issue I had and thought I got rid of.  Apparently they love fish shit and when the tops of the soil get wet from soaking too long,  they come right back... ugh the endless struggle of pesky pests.You will sort it out.  even if you have to strip some leaves of the most affected start with new growth.  
DocNrock said:
Your glog moves fast, bro! Three plus pages to get caught up!
Not intentionally, I noticed that there are limitations on quoting others posts and I try to reply before I get the cut off, IIRC I’ve only used the @nick response once. I don’t see the purposed in that or the 10 picture limitation; it should be at least 15. That said I’ve tried lately to post fewer than 10 pics as I think the exchange of information is important. BTW I also get behind on peeps glogs and I feel bad especially if they contribute to mine but if not it’s no big deal, hehe.
DocNrock said:
Those JA habs are da bomb, man! Bigger than golf balls! Tortilla soup, pepper-laden ham & cheese, omlettes, green mango salsa...wow. I haven't had breakfast yet and now I'm starving! Lovin the shots of the baby MoAs! Sucks to hear about the aphid problem. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Thanks Doc Brent for the thumbs up on pods & foodie, glad you enjoyed. Aphids have been beat but I’m now fighting a strong wave of mites on almost everything, they came on over night after the strong rains we had … they suck :/
Al-from-Chile said:

the mites are plant suckers, too? (i donno)

if yes, hit both with a healthy dose of neem ...

neems gets absorbed by the plant, and kinda "poisons" the plant for all suckers (insects that is).

pls let me know

1 abrax

pd: in my experience, fighting aphids is like a bar-fight. You need to hit early and very hard. So stop dancing like a butterfly and get them gloves off :D
Thanks Alfred, I agree with your statements and the aphid war was won, I don’t see any more. But once you’re hit hard by mites it’s a little late to start on the neem as I’m seeing daily damage. I’m testing a sulphur based spray till I can get some wettable sulfur, I can’t believe I can’t find any locally. Guess I’ll have to order online as things are closed around here for holiday weekend. Once under control then the neem or mineral oil every other week is a great idea, I’ll probably switch back and forth so the bugs don’t get use to it. I also had to cut off some of the more extensive damage, mon that really hurts :/
Devv said:
Ramon, I waited the 2 weeks, and watched them get chewed on, but the sulfur has been working. From what I read it can burn the leaves, I guess you can test it on one and see. That's if you have one you don't mind sacrificing. Annie posted about a product (short name) 217 in my glog. It's pricey but she swears by it.

Good luck! And yes I HATE STINKIN MITES too.
Thanks Scott! Are you using her recommendation or wettable sulfur? And is the product called 217 or is that the post number? Jamie told me he swears by sulfur for mites and always works for him. It’s nice to read you are making headway, congrats. Last time I had them I was able to beat them with mineral oil, I had to spray 3 times a week till gone and it worked well in the winter. This time of year it’ll burn leaves but I tried it again in shade and no go as I inspected leaves this morning. My stamp magnifier works great to see them for ID … wish I had a macro lens with that ability, hahahha. BTW the war isn’t over, spent a lot of time outside today trimming off the bad and spraying …

As always, thanks all for stopping in and helping with suggestions, I think it’s great when we share our experiences with others.

Sanarda said:
I wish I had a solution. My solution was to get them outside asap.. Since yours are already outside I would do a home depot run and ask them how to get rid of the damn things. My new seedlings have messed up second set and I know its due to the fungus gnat issue I had and thought I got rid of. Apparently they love fish shit and when the tops of the soil get wet from soaking too long, they come right back... ugh the endless struggle of pesky pests.You will sort it out. even if you have to strip some leaves of the most affected start with new growth.
Thanks Pia, I don’t think there’s any one solution that’s foolproof … last time mineral oil did the trick and no trimming involved. I was able to stop the infestation early on before serious damage happened. Now I’m trimming and spraying … also waiting on sulfur. I don’t put a lot of faith into what the HD reps say here, fact is they ask me questions and I’m no wonder boy, hahaha. I think here they use mainly part-time retirees so they don’t have to offer bennies. Also HD is limited on product offerings, heck they don't even carry wettable sulfur o_O Hope you can get dem second set of leaves looking better for you. Thanks for input ^_^
DocNrock said:
Dude, that is what sucks about our growth.  Aphids...ok done...now mites...ok done...now something else....Aye!   Keep it up, bro!
How true but what would we do without peppers, grow pineapples ... dem easy, pop one in da ground and let it run, too bad there's no spicy/picante pinapples, hahaha. That said, when I clear this up I am going to go with Alfred's suggestion as I've read about that before. I can't recall the pepper forum but I read about a guy that sprayed his plants with neem every other week since the second set of true leaves and according to what he wrote he's never had any issues; his approach was inoculation to prevent any future threats. Sounds wonderful if it works …
Dang sorry about the HD retired boob heads.  The ones here in the garden state seem to know a little, and I emphasize little, bit more.  If all else fails, natural selection wins.  I am sure they will pull through.  get you some lady bugs  dang, hell I dunno but I sure wish I did
Sanarda said:
Dang sorry about the HD retired boob heads.  The ones here in the garden state seem to know a little, and I emphasize little, bit more.  If all else fails, natural selection wins.  I am sure they will pull through.  get you some lady bugs  dang, hell I dunno but I sure wish I did
Thanks Pia, I’ve fought this war before and it’s not fun but can be won. You just have to hit them back hard and often, I’m lucky that the plants are big and strong, the weak or small ones almost always parish. That said, 6 of my JA Hab babies have mites too and they’re holding strong for now, time will tell and I’ll keep you guys updated with blow by blow warring :D
Yeah, Al: outrageous, but it works on mites! I mean, one shot and if use compost tea a few days later, don't see them again, but the price for rosemary extract is uh, well, essential oil price for the concentrate. Mine hit around first July last year--hot and humid, they send out battle-bugles, and they didn't play. I ordered the stuff because I wasn't gonna play either. I'd tried everything this side of Sevin. That stuff's effectiveness with the mess I had blew me away. (Made me wonder about expense of distilling rosemary for sure!)
annie57 said:
Yeah, Al: outrageous, but it works on mites! I mean, one shot and if use compost tea a few days later, don't see them again, but the price for rosemary extract is uh, well, essential oil price for the concentrate. Mine hit around first July last year--hot and humid, they send out battle-bugles, and they didn't play. I ordered the stuff because I wasn't gonna play either. I'd tried everything this side of Sevin. That stuff's effectiveness with the mess I had blew me away. (Made me wonder about expense of distilling rosemary for sure!)
maybe there should be a "217 train" implemented :-)
cheers, Al
Holy expensive products PepperMon, ekkk! For that price I'd rather buy a few pounds of peppers, hehehe. I'm hanging with the family and haven't taken any pics. I'm making some headway and did some serious trimming on  MoA damage :/ I'll try to shoot some later time permitting and update. For now I wish you all a happy memorial day!