• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Hey Ramon, the one chomped on jalapeno pepper appears to be BER. You can see the discoloration on the stem also. I'm not going to tell you to drown them with calmag haha. I notice BER more with annuums,consensus is calcium/magnesium deficience but sometimes over/infrequent watering will cause the same thing. It could be the cause of the crinkled and upward waving leaves on those JA plants. Evaporation is not your friend down there I'm guessing. IMO that doesn't look like mite damage. You would see more narrow leaves, with undercurled and bronzed growth.

Great update mon. Good luck!
Rosemary Oil, interesting. I'm going to have to watch that video. I have a friend who uses Sesame Oil. It's a tablespoon of Sesame Oil to a quarter cup of Canola Oil mixed with some Dawn dish washing soap to 2 gallon lawn sprayer and then fill with water. He sprays everything with it from Vegetables and Citrus to his decorative stuff.
Ok thats it I am done. No more looking at your glog till after I eat. LOL
Ribs look awesome, as usual, thinking I might have to make some this weekend or next. I dont do BBQ on em though, I have a homemade dry rub that i make. Rub it on and let it sit for 30 mins, flip em over more rub. Wait another 30 mins and then they hit the grill. I dont like gas grills so everything is made on a charcoal grill. While they are cooking I will hit the coals with some liguid smoke, close all vents on the grill, once the liguid smoke hits the coals, I close lid and let it sit for a few mins. MMMMMM damn now I made myself hungry for em. UGGGGGHHHHHH
Plants look great as well. Hope you got the pets issue under control
Devv said:
First off a big +2 on 1130!

Wonderful harvest and update. Your plants grow so well it's crazy!

Keep up the good work my friend!
Thanks Scott, you gotz one awesome grow going as well! BTW Shane deserves to be at da top!
stc3248 said:
Damn it...quit giving me crap to like over here!!! haha...those Habs are beautiful as always! Great to see the predators moving in...they're the only real way to win the battle with the bad guys!
lol, as I said above you deserve top spot mon and I’m thousands behind. Nada to worry about, as long as I have pods to cook & eat mi a happy camper. As always thank you for the kind words you write both here and throughout the forums ^_^
sicman said:
i salute you on the pineapples i dont have the patience"barely have it for typing a sentence." maybe run rings with your finger a half inch deep around that plant that jalo that got munched on. you might find something? if you dont it was only 5 minutes of your time.
Pineapples are a breeze, you just set them and they’ll do fine on their own, well a little water during long spells is about it. The thing that sucks about them is getting to grow from slips, you have to grow for a few years to build up enough and without them I agree the wait time is way too long. I’m closely looking at that Jal and still haven’t seen a thing, I’ll probably cut them off if it stops raining and inspect dem closer. Thanks for popping in and the kudos ^_^
megamoo said:
Wettable Sulfur kills 90% of them but then they come back so its not a total fix. The predatory mite breeder said that it is one of the least harmful chemicals to beneficials but it still kills or repels some good bugs. I've also heard it can stress your plants directly so you don't want to do it regularly.

The predatory mites solved the mite problem but some of the plants produced stunted pods after that. The key is to catch it early so they don't spread.
You are right, I only did the sulfur once on 4 plants and don’t think I’ll use it again. Most of them are looking better except the MoAs that I hacked :/ Thank you for da sound advice ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ^_^
meatfreak said:
Nice to see you growing some Jal's to, I would take off that cracked one before it returns and eats that one also ;) Sorry to hear about your pests, I know how frustrating it can be! I'm sure you will kick it's ass.
I beat the mites before and hopefully do it again but I hate the set back on new growth. I think you guys are right, I’m removing the Jals as soon as it stops raining. Thank you for advising me ^_^
JJJessee said:
The JAs and the pineapples are beauties!
Thanks Carl, now if the rain would stop I can get back to dem bugs, hehehe … have a great week brethren!
sicman said:
what the ? i was so wrapped up in your pest munching on the jalo i never seen that awesomeness human grub :dance: nice ribs and sexy korn!
Thank you! I'm just surprised that I'm not fat with all the great foodies here that send me off to eat mas, hehehe
Pr0digal_son said:
Hey Ramon, the one chomped on jalapeno pepper appears to be BER. You can see the discoloration on the stem also. I'm not going to tell you to drown them with calmag haha. I notice BER more with annuums,consensus is calcium/magnesium deficience but sometimes over/infrequent watering will cause the same thing. It could be the cause of the crinkled and upward waving leaves on those JA plants. Evaporation is not your friend down there I'm guessing. IMO that doesn't look like mite damage. You would see more narrow leaves, with undercurled and bronzed growth.

Great update mon. Good luck!
Thank you for the tip, I’ll inspect closer after rain, I think you might be right on the left one but the right one looked like teeth marks to me, I’ll know better when I remove them. AFAIK none of the hals are infected with mites, only the MoAs and a few of my JA Habs, I do know they are mites because of the leaf curl and I can see them with a 30x magnifying glass w/cheaters on, hehe. The worst part is that I believe the mites deposited an infection on the MoA leaves and that is why I have been removing them a little at a time :/
RocketMan said:
Rosemary Oil, interesting. I'm going to have to watch that video. I have a friend who uses Sesame Oil. It's a tablespoon of Sesame Oil to a quarter cup of Canola Oil mixed with some Dawn dish washing soap to 2 gallon lawn sprayer and then fill with water. He sprays everything with it from Vegetables and Citrus to his decorative stuff.
Bill that sounds like an interesting recipe, I also use Dawn (2 to 3 oz per gal. of water). I’ll use hot water and sometimes use pod spiced water, seems to work but I let it go too long without intervention and now paying the price :/
koskorgul said:
Ok thats it I am done. No more looking at your glog till after I eat. LOL
Ribs look awesome, as usual, thinking I might have to make some this weekend or next. I dont do BBQ on em though, I have a homemade dry rub that i make. Rub it on and let it sit for 30 mins, flip em over more rub. Wait another 30 mins and then they hit the grill. I dont like gas grills so everything is made on a charcoal grill. While they are cooking I will hit the coals with some liguid smoke, close all vents on the grill, once the liguid smoke hits the coals, I close lid and let it sit for a few mins. MMMMMM damn now I made myself hungry for em. UGGGGGHHHHHH

Plants look great as well. Hope you got the pets issue under control
Great recipe, I’ve done dry before but it’s been a long time. Mine were soaked in mojo for 10 to 12 hours, slow cooked in grill, the last hour or mas brushed with BBQ sauce with low heat. Thanks for the kudos brethren!

As always, thanks everyone for reading, looking and comments I certainly appreciate them!
I cant eat cooked BBQ sauce but I love stuff on the grill so I had to come up with a diff way to make things. Alot of expiermenting on the dry rub and think I came up with the perfect one. Well I think I did atleast LOL.
koskorgul said:
I cant eat cooked BBQ sauce but I love stuff on the grill so I had to come up with a diff way to make things. Alot of expiermenting on the dry rub and think I came up with the perfect one. Well I think I did atleast LOL.
Awesome job you did, I love dry rubs … that’s how the original jerk cooking is from the area of it’s birth Boston Bay, Portland JA. When I do jerk I normally do dry rub, well it’s a little moist but not much and when cooked it’s too dry for some folks and that’s why you see the moist jerk sauces that exist today. If you can't tell, I love da dry too!!!

Last nights foodie, chicken marinated in mojo for 4 hours, grilled and re-grilled with some BBQ sauce, finally topped with sofrito starter.

Close up of the chicken as the ribs were left over from the day before but still tasted awesome!

After a break in the rain, I picked the two Jals in question … come on you experts out there let me know what ya thinks??? I’m leaning with rot on the larger one from too much water and the smaller one I’m not sure, looks like chops on it … could even be snail damage.




The positive, trying a clone from the damage my White Bhut took from one of many passing squalls today. BTW Mama Bhut is fine, you can't even tell natures own surgery. This was one of her lowest branches pointing up, between the wind and all the rain, nothing could have saved the stalk. BTW please chime in on the how to, I'm just doing it in rain water like my mother always did. Ahi como la extraño :/

Different angle

Finally lunch \o/ … You didn’t think I was going to throw away imperfect Jals did you, lol. I was starving after going thru Greg’s last foodie, total awesomeness PIC1!!! I didn’t have the time or all the ingredients, not to mention his patience, hehe.

So what’s in it; sautéed ground beef, sofrito starter, garlic, onions, raisins, jals, pimento stuffed olives, finely ground matoes, tomato sauce, cheese y mas mas!

Close up:

Foods looking good. Especially lunch More cheese please.
Deff looks like something chomped on the smaller one. Probably got to the membrane and got the heat, said to hell with this and moved on.
Good luck on the clone, wish i could help but have no idea
WalkGood said:
After a break in the rain, I picked the two Jals in question … come on you experts out there let me know what ya thinks??? I’m leaning with rot on the larger one from too much water and the smaller one I’m not sure, looks like chops on it … could even be snail damage.



Early in the season I caught a snail in the act of chowing down on a Jalapeno.  Looks like the same thing.  You can see the bite marks around the edges.

and the pictures of your food are making me drool ;)
I'm no expert, I would say chomp marks on the lighter damage. The other could be the same type but older damage. As for BER I'm thinking it would have progressed, hard to tell now as the evidence has been consumed :rolleyes:  LOL
Read an interesting article about oils:
I guess the jist of it is that all oils essentially do the same thing. As for the test. I'm waiting a week more for the sulfur to timeout, I just sprayed Sat.. What good would it do for me to burn the plant and never know if the Rosemary was the real culprit or not.
As for the cloning, so far water has worked for me, some seaweed extract should help, I usually add a pinch. I know a lot of people are using root hormones.
As usual great foodies Ramon! Your glog is growing way fast!
koskorgul said:
Foods looking good. Especially lunch More cheese please.

Deff looks like something chomped on the smaller one. Probably got to the membrane and got the heat, said to hell with this and moved on.

Good luck on the clone, wish i could help but have no idea
Thanks Rob … mas cheese for you when you stop by sunny rainy south FL, hehe. I’ve had a lot of luck cloning plants around da yard but I’ve never tried a pepper. It just seemed like a huge waste to toss this branch.
megamoo said:
Early in the season I caught a snail in the act of chowing down on a Jalapeno. Looks like the same thing. You can see the bite marks around the edges. *pics* and the pictures of your food are making me drool ;)
I think you are right moo, thanks for the confirmation and also thanks for food comments ^_^
Devv said:
I'm no expert, I would say chomp marks on the lighter damage. The other could be the same type but older damage. As for BER I'm thinking it would have progressed, hard to tell now as the evidence has been consumed :rolleyes: LOL

Read an interesting article about oils:


I guess the jist of it is that all oils essentially do the same thing. As for the test. I'm waiting a week more for the sulfur to timeout, I just sprayed Sat.. What good would it do for me to burn the plant and never know if the Rosemary was the real culprit or not.

As for the cloning, so far water has worked for me, some seaweed extract should help, I usually add a pinch. I know a lot of people are using root hormones.

As usual great foodies Ramon! Your glog is growing way fast!
Thanks Scott and I agree … I can’t get to every plant when it’s raining and they seem to rise up from no where when it does. I guess a few that get past me and aren’t smart enough taste the heat are hopefully don’t come back. Funny I’ve caught some big ones on the JA Habs but they’ve never bitten the fruit and if they did the JA Hab packs a heck of a lot more heat, lol. Nice read, thanks for the link and I agree, you should wait to make sure, you think a week is enough time?

BTW thank you for foodie compliments ^_^

I'm still out of "like this" sucks, I'll come back and hit you guys up when I have some. For now you can dibbie up these:








Hey Ramon...you may need to trim some of the leaves off your clone. Maybe trim off the largest leaves and cut the medium leaves in half. Find a spot that is somewhat cool with very little direct light to set it in. Hormone would help...
stc3248 said:
Hey Ramon...you may need to trim some of the leaves off your clone. Maybe trim off the largest leaves and cut the medium leaves in half. Find a spot that is somewhat cool with very little direct light to set it in. Hormone would help...
Thank you Shane, going to run out and do that now ...
[SIZE=12pt]Will hit ya next allotment ... for now
stc3248 said:
Go easy with that stuff...I hear it can be like crossing the streams on Ghostbusters! 
Yeah, "total plutonic reversal" but then so are spider mites.
WalkGood said:
Even at a mix ratio of 1oz per gallon of water how he states? One could start out with a more diluted mix.
Scott I'd use a test plant that you don't care about, I'm curious if this can be used in higher heat climates (90+) or if you have to rinse it off before the sun comes up. I'd probably keep the plant in shade so the rocket fuel doesn't ignite :D
Ditto that "test plant"--this guy on youtube got some criticisms aka, plant DEATH--which is why I wouldn't post his full recipe.
Devv said:
I'm going to test it on one plant, the 217 is at 2% which would be 2.56 oz per gal, at 1oz per gal is .78%. I have to wait until this evening when it cools down. I did do some research last night and didn't find any horror stories, so hopefully I don't create any ;)
Scott, sure glad you got those percentages down!! :party:  Rest are just emulsifiers and other oils with water . . . at moment, don't have s-mites BUT found this too: Aggie Ext says, "They [straw mites] are, therefore, considered to be natural enemies of arthropod pests." Arthropod fam includes aphids, spider mites, hornworms, corn earworm, whiteflies. But straw has to be wet to let them breed. And wear Kevlar--straw/grain mites like to ate me alive, but nice to know they could help with the other nasties. And irrigation will keep straw wet enough for many of grain mites to live. Hmm. They also like beneficial fungus so . . . if weather permits, gonna slam garden with another dose of compost tea, more balanced with fungi and Actinovate to keep those little straw itch/grain mites ALIVE!
WalkGood said:
Thanks and kudos back at ya grow too!
How did the wettable sulfur do for you? I’m only using that on 4 plants but all have some mite damage to one degree or another, they blasted me after the rains subsided :/ I’ve only done one application of the sulfur on the 4, going to hit them again tonight. I’ve been a little hesitant to use strong stuff for a long time, don’t wana wipe out the good guys.
Awesome cutting edge stuff Scott … this would save folks tons \o/ I truly hope we you find dat holy grail that kills the bug from hell, lols
If you had not passed all those “likes” today I’d be miles behind you, lolz … I enjoy passing them out and constantly run out when I really need some for great folks like you!
Thanks for da compliments brethren but IMHO you deserve the lead and I tip mi hat to you mon \o_ 
BTW I loved you're last update, totally awesome mon!!!!!!!!
Edit: I just checked and I only have 4055, so you are way ahead and as I said before you deserve it ^_^
Memorial Day menu: BBQ ribs, corn, fruit salad and baked beans


I was so hungry I forgot to take pics of the baked beans and fruit salad :/

Here are the 3 JA SB MoAs after their hair cut. Most all of the leaves below and a substantial chop off the top, I was afraid to take off more. Unfortunately there are still some bad leaves left on each …

Top view of the worst one :/ I don’t see how there could be any live mites left and I’m continuing to treat them just in case. Unfortunately they (mites) leave some bad stuff behind …

On the plus side the pods seem fine and should start ripening soon.

Notice the pod upper left and front are not "A" shaped pods, the two don't even have bonnets. Like the 2 upper right and the one behind center pictured pod.



Dang a'mighty Ramon, ya got me again! Ribs, corn, mmmm. YES SIR! :drooling:
I just can't figure, as humid as y'all got it now . . . the spider mite damage. Freak. But the pics of pods, chicken, ya doin' aw'ight! I'd say "heavenly." Oh, the unwasted jal, dayum dude, ya kill me. Just had a chicken salad sammy with hot powder on it, but no fresh . . . again: :drooling: But since y'all got so much rain, mi hermano, check that A&M on wet straw and the "straw itch mite" aka grain mite. It's natural predator of pests in arthropod fam, which includes spider mites. Maybe some wet straw at base of plants along with regime you've been doing?
Got no clue what ate that jal except you ;) :dance: . With rain, could be, probably is, BER but grasshoppers go there too. Seems like they'd hate pepper pods. Hornworm? Depends on type of damage inside. Powdered milk and Epsom salts won't alter pH like lime or Cal/Mag will and puts a little hurtin' on BER, better if done during planing/potting. Generally, annuums get a little BER middle of season here--unlike paste toms that get it at beginning--and then plants outgrow it.
Since aphids and whiteflies are in the hexapod subset of arthropods, as are grasshoppers, those grain mites might be good to ya battle with anything, including spider mites, if it's kinda kept moist once the straw gets wet in bale and the grain mites show up in the bale. In fact, if it doesn't rain, gonna go hit that straw between beds this evening with the hose. Keep it sorta saturated to help the g-mites that ate me alive, alive to prowel other stuff. smh
Beautiful food porn and beautiful pods!! :P  So just adding info . . . once I start researching stuff, hard to stop. Besides, I PAID for those "straw itch mite" bites, might as well get good out of 'em.
Couldn't it been a slug? I know they like their Jal's. Last year they ate a lot of my Numex Jalmundo pods, they just nibble off some and then go to the next pod... one of my archenemies ;) Keep the food pictures coming, it all looks really tasty!
RocketMan said:
Ramon, you should check out PaulG's Glog, he's a cloning master and has had a lot of success with them. I know he uses some king of cloning product but I'm not sure what it is.
 +1 on this, I know last year Paul went clone crazy. Great stuff in there!
annie57 said:
… … Dang a'mighty Ramon, ya got me again! Ribs, corn, mmmm. YES SIR! :drooling:

I just can't figure, as humid as y'all got it now . . . the spider mite damage. Freak. But the pics of pods, chicken, ya doin' aw'ight! I'd say "heavenly." Oh, the unwasted jal, dayum dude, ya kill me. Just had a chicken salad sammy with hot powder on it, but no fresh . . . again: :drooling: But since y'all got so much rain, mi hermano, check that A&M on wet straw and the "straw itch mite" aka grain mite. It's natural predator of pests …

Got no clue what ate that jal except you ;) :dance: . With rain, could be, probably is, BER but grasshoppers go there too. …

… … Beautiful food porn and beautiful pods!! :P So just adding info . . . once I start researching stuff, hard to stop. …
Thanks Annie ^_^ you your food makes me drool too, hehe.
You are right about the humidity, they don't like that or the rain but after the first 4 or 5 days of rain, we had 7 super hot dry days and bam they hit me and I was asleep at the wheel :/ I'm confidant that most if not all are dead and now with mas lluvia the rest should be a wash. That said I have not stopped the war ...
The Jal bites came from snail, I killed it but another one hit last night and I killed it after it hit another low hanging pod. I’ve used sluggo snail bait before like you but with the rains we’ve been having I’d be wasting the money on it now, best is a hand kill till it dries up some, funny how they come running to eat the stuff only to die later.

Straw’s great for you, wish I had that facility but for now it’s seaweed for me and I think the plants like that ground cover. I agree on the researching, once I get into something I keep going and going, thank you for all the tips muchacha, keep dem coming :)
RocketMan said:
Ramon, you should check out PaulG's Glog, he's a cloning master and has had a lot of success with them. I know he uses some king of cloning product but I'm not sure what it is.
I have been following his glog, great stuff Paul does. I don’t want to go crazy with this, I’m only going the rain water route as it kills me to throw away a nice stalk like that. If it takes I’ll be happy but if not, no big loss as it was completely removed from the main plant all on mama natures part.
meatfreak said:
Couldn't it been a slug? I know they like their Jal's. Last year they ate a lot of my Numex Jalmundo pods, they just nibble off some and then go to the next pod... one of my archenemies ;) Keep the food pictures coming, it all looks really tasty!
MF yea it’s a snail and there was a follow up the second night, luckily both are dead now but there will be more till it dries up. Here they come out of no where when it rains a lot, found one climbing one of my JA Hab plants, dead I say, lol. Thanks for popping in ^_^
Devv said:
+1 on this, I know last year Paul went clone crazy. Great stuff in there!
While I don’t remember all the details, I do remember going thru his, PIC1 and Shane’s 2012 glogs, great stuff!
Al-from-Chile said:
Clone-x seems to be the gold standard

Thanks for the tip Al, if I get serious about cloning I would definitely try it out to improve my chances but for now it’s only a try so I don’t waste a beautiful stalk. BTW it was loaded with flower buds, it killed me to pinch them all off :/

Thanks everyone for reading, commenting and providing me with your awesome tips … keep dem coming :)