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water Watering question...

With over 150 seedlings in small pots, I'm finding the method of placing each one in its own cup and then into a second cup, separated by a pebble to be a lot of work.

I have moved them into groups of 12 - 16 on a tray, and would like to know the following:

If they only wick up sufficient water for their needs, is it fine to leave them standing in water in the tray? (Or do I let the tray dry out periodically?)

Standing water leads to insect problems, as well as bacterial and fungal problems. Don't let it sit around too long.
I may be wrong in doing so, but I only water my seedlings when they need it (read "start drooping" a bit)

I definitely would not let them sit in water...remember this...

wet soil + high temps = root rot
AlabamaJack said:
I may be wrong in doing so, but I only water my seedlings when they need it (read "start drooping" a bit)

I definitely would not let them sit in water...remember this...

wet soil + high temps = root rot

Listen closely to this man. Also, wait for the soil to almost completely dry out before watering again. Let the little guys droop a bit.
Too much water is not good for peppers and definitely not seedlings or young plants. Don't let them sit in the water for longer than 5 to 10 minutes and only infrequently as needed.