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Wayrights 2eleven

Been pretty darn quiet around this thread lately Kev-O! Come on man, my season just officially ended so I need some updated pictures from your pepper forest to lift my spirits while I'm deseeding mountains of pods... :dance:
Some really nice pepper flower pics there Kevin!

Really diggin' the Black Prince flower though, the way it just seems to hover in mid air waitin' for that pollinator to come by and do it's business. :lol:

And another interesting thing about the Black Prince flower is that it has six petals, while the others only have five. :cool:


Very nice pics Kevin. And I must agree with Doug on the flower shots. Sweeeeeet :woohoo:

That black prince flower pic is my new backround image
That is prolly the best pic I snapped all year!!
Thanks amigo's!!! :cool:

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Been pretty darn quiet around this thread lately Kev-O! Come on man, my season just officially ended so I need some updated pictures from your pepper forest to lift my spirits while I'm deseeding mountains of pods... :dance:

Yeah dude, what up wit cha?

I got Queen Laurie and Birgit's Locoto getting ripe and pretty, all from your seed! Pix soon!
Haha!! Hey Gary and Dan,, I have been a lil negligent in my updates!! :lol:

Gary , my season may end this week , but your garden looks like you are in full swing!! :dance:

I hope I get a few more days,, I was too lazy to pick today,and a 31f is predicted tonight. :(
If they survive this we get another week of warmth! :woohoo:

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So ,, a small update,, as it may be the last!

My C Flexuosum seems unaffected by the chilly temps!

Some of my Brains are still turning for me!

And you just cant stop these Primo 7's!!
They have been producing for me all year!!

Same with the Coral Reef,, all year producer!

Purdy Flowers. :)

Here is a freind that stopped by to visit!
Sorry pal..No aphids here! :cool:

My C Galapagoense have been going nuts ,,especially with the cooler temps!!!

Mebbe if I didnt squeeze it so tight.......... :eek:

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That's more like it! It's funny but my Galapagoense did the same thing and I'm finally getting a ton of pods after bringing it inside.

Quit playing with that thing in the last picture, you're going to go blind!!!
That's more like it! It's funny but my Galapagoense did the same thing and I'm finally getting a ton of pods after bringing it inside.

Quit playing with that thing in the last picture, you're going to go blind!!!
Whats that you say?? Is there a bigger font??

everything is looking great! Any plans to overwinter anything, or are you starting fresh next year?
Starting it all anew my friend! I dont really have a place for overwinters. :cool:

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Love that Mantis pic . Classic shot! It's a shame old man winter is on his way but I can't wait to see your Douglah garden next year .
Nice update Kevin!

I think praying mantid are the coolest insects out there!
Can you imagine what competion we would have if they were the size of a medium-large dog.

So its gonna be a douglah garden next yr huh?
Hey Kevin,

Nice photos...... :lol: ..........Trying to create a "Purple Peter Pepper"...are ya.?........ :lol:

Anyways, when did you plant your Galapagoense? This will be my 1st year growing it. I can plant out in mid May and I intend on getting a jump indoors with that particular and some other late season "Gems". I'm hoping to get some ripe chili's before my season ends, early November...

looks like you are having another stellar season Kevin...great thread with some beautiful pictures...
Kevin, looks like another season has come to an end for you, and from all appearances you had a great one this year as well.

Looking forward to seeing what you are able to cook up in the lab for next year! :cool:

Love that Mantis pic . Classic shot! It's a shame old man winter is on his way but I can't wait to see your Douglah garden next year .

Yup Jamie winter finally got here! Longest season I remember tho! :dance:
Good stuff wayright! Was a pleasure following this. Would you happen to be a golfer? Just curious with the screen handle.
Thanks man! Not a golfer :) Had to google to see what you meant!

Nice update Kevin!

I think praying mantid are the coolest insects out there!
Can you imagine what competion we would have if they were the size of a medium-large dog.

So its gonna be a douglah garden next yr huh?
Haha ! thanks Stephen! Yea that guy was attacking my camera! :rofl:

Hey Kevin,

Nice photos...... :lol: ..........Trying to create a "Purple Peter Pepper"...are ya.?........ :lol:

Anyways, when did you plant your Galapagoense? This will be my 1st year growing it. I can plant out in mid May and I intend on getting a jump indoors with that particular and some other late season "Gems". I'm hoping to get some ripe chili's before my season ends, early November...

Hey Greg, I planted the Galapas, mid Jan, for April plant out. and was getting pods back in June! :cool:

Read through this whole thread last night and today.
Really great job all the way around! Very inspiring!
Thanks man! I appreciate that! I have as much fun keeping up the log, as I do growing the peppers!

looks like you are having another stellar season Kevin...great thread with some beautiful pictures...
Thanks AJ! Thats means alot , coming from such a revered grower as you! :)

Kevin, looks like another season has come to an end for you, and from all appearances you had a great one this year as well.

Looking forward to seeing what you are able to cook up in the lab for next year! :cool:

Hey Doug, I cant wait for a lil competition this coming season in growing some of the great new varieties we acquired!
You have a hella head start so get them fellas primed for your teeny lil growing season! :lol:

And my season hasnt totally ended,,, My C Flexuosum looks incredible, not one single blemished leaf!!!! :dance:
It will be interesting to see how long it survives as the temps fall!
I'll try to get some piccys up soon!

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My season has come to a screeching halt!!
But that just means next spring is that much closer!! :cool:

I cant wait to see how extreme the temps can get before my Flex calls it quits!!

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That Flex is like an "Evergreen" ....I'd be picking those "peas" and eating them like candy....How hot are they?

That Flex is like an "Evergreen" ....I'd be picking those "peas" and eating them like candy....How hot are they?

It really is Greg!! it looks like the same leaf sets on my nandina! :)
They have no detectable heat to me, and are very juicy, kinda like a very tiny berry!

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Depressing Video but now comes the planning for next go around.

As i was watching you first show the Flex I was thinking

What a great candidate to cross with a super hot.
Nice update Kevin.