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Wayrights 2eleven

Really diggin' those there 'nana peppers. :rofl:

Great job with those young plants this early in the season! :cool:

Thank you Doug, They got a slow start but I think they may pull it off for me this season!

Love those wilds, they will be fun to grow out. They look nice and healthy.
They are fun but very slow growers! I may need to give em some nutes eventually!
Thanks Marc!

Wilds look great K. Love those little name flags all fancy and printed. :crazy:

Just so ya know, you may have too much time on your hands. You need some warmer weather so you can go dig some dirt my friend. :lol:

Keep up the good work!
Yea Rick, you know I have too much time if I'm messin with lil flags!!!
I cant wait to get my hands into the red Georgia clay! Thanks!

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It almost looks like it might be about time to hook those bad boys up with sum o dat badfish fertilizer...

...that'll get 'em growin' crazier than a three eyed squirrel hunting for nuts on a full moon. :crazy: :rofl: ;)

Off to another good start this year great looking plants. grind up a sheet of nori sea weed in a quart of water let it set for 7 days water with the clear stuff will help thicken up stems you can us the left overs in the soil, works for me. great luck for the up and coming season.
It almost looks like it might be about time to hook those bad boys up with sum o dat badfish fertilizer...

...that'll get 'em growin' crazier than a three eyed squirrel hunting for nuts on a full moon. :crazy: :rofl: ;)

Yea man, If I hit em with the badfish emulsion, they would truly be sublime plants! :cool:

Off to another good start this year great looking plants. grind up a sheet of nori sea weed in a quart of water let it set for 7 days water with the clear stuff will help thicken up stems you can us the left overs in the soil, works for me. great luck for the up and coming season.
Thank you Al, good to see you here, I may try your seaweed solution this year, I remember how well it did for you last year!

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I wasnt gonna plant any more this year,,but...we know how that goes!
So I planted a last tray of 50 last week.
I couldnt resist after getting a pepper I have really been wanting! Thanks Oscar!They are already popping up!

So my final addition to my 2011 list is as follows! :lol:
Aji Habanero
Aji Panca
Criolla Sella
Inca Red Drop
Chinchi Uchu
PI 260557
Black Prince
Pepperoni De Senise

Now for the fun stuff!
My wilds have gotten alot bigger since my last post!

C Buforum

C Cardenasii

C Galapagoense

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A few others that are getting kinda big!

My only Pube this year is Gondol!

Hard to see the dark leaves in this pic of Blackbirds Eye.

Coral Reef looks really cool!

1 last pic! a Chinense assention, that is doing really good!

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Those look like some interesting seed additions you've made there Kevin.

I know it's tough to make those last few cuts in order to get down to your starting line-up...but did you decide to keep a couple on the taxi squad, just in case one of your starters goes down with an injury...just saying... ;) :rofl:

And your plants are looking very healthy and robust there too.

The dark leaves on your Blackbird's Eye will hopefully really stand out later this season on your mature plants.

That fuzz on the stem of your C. galapagoense reminds me of antler velvet of even a little of peach fuzz...very nice looking plant growing there for you.

Have you noticed a big difference since you took your plants off of the 'Dasani' and switched them over to the 'Gator Force'?

Maybe the extra elecrolytes are keeping their fluid levels higher and helping them perform better without keeling over due to dehydration exhaustion...just sayin' ;) :rofl:

Very jealous of that Tovarii dude! I'm still waiting to see if I'll have any pop...
I am sure yours will do fine, judging by your nice wild germination so far!
How long have they been in the ground?

Those little guys are sure looking great Kevin :dance: :dance:
Thank you!! Logchief. They are still little but I havent got any nutes on em yet!

Those look like some interesting seed additions you've made there Kevin.

I know it's tough to make those last few cuts in order to get down to your starting line-up...but did you decide to keep a couple on the taxi squad, just in case one of your starters goes down with an injury...just saying... ;) :rofl:

And your plants are looking very healthy and robust there too.

The dark leaves on your Blackbird's Eye will hopefully really stand out later this season on your mature plants.

That fuzz on the stem of your C. galapagoense reminds me of antler velvet of even a little of peach fuzz...very nice looking plant growing there for you.

Have you noticed a big difference since you took your plants off of the 'Dasani' and switched them over to the 'Gator Force'?

Maybe the extra elecrolytes are keeping their fluid levels higher and helping them perform better without keeling over due to dehydration exhaustion...just sayin' ;) :rofl:


Thanks Doug, If I lose a senior starter, I just can't replace him with a rookie freshman at this point in the season! :lol:
The Blackbird's Eye has dark leaves they just dont translate well to photos.
I do love the fuzzy leaves of the wilds, The Eximium is almost thorny!

Heck with the Gatorade , I'm putting them right on the Sailor Jerry!! :lol:

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Thank you noah!
Not juicing yet man :cool:
Still on the tap water!

I think my 10 day is lows above 50 tho!! :woohoo:
So I think I may prep my garden this weekend and harden these babies off!

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Alright, time for an update I reckon!
Guys ,I still havent used ANY nutes! Nutes equal culling!
And I hate to cull!
So it's been a few weeks and things are still going very slowly indoors!
It has been wet as heck around here, and I dont know if yall know what prepping Ga red clay is like when its wet!!
It aint an easy task!
So my plans have been pushed back a bit.

Here goes!
No particular order.

I am very happy with the growth on my C Buforum!

C Cardenasii

C Tovarii

C Galapagoense

C Eximium

Coral Reef

Blackbirds Eye
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PI 224444



Christmas Baby


Grif 9265

Ok Thats all for today!
I promise! :cool:

I cant wait to get these in the ground!!!

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Wow those are looking incredible Kevin! :cool:

And so that's how ya grow yer C. galapagoense and C. tovari...great job on those two as well.

I can see that you're looking like more of a contender than a pretender with your pepper grow... ;) :rofl: :rofl:

And another great looking update to your.....

....wait for it..............................

.......................................Grow Log! :lol: :rofl: :cool:

Wow, beauty! Some of those with the long stems don't even seem to need support. How much "fan time" do they get and how often do you get em outside?

So if no nutes applied yet, what you got for growing medium in there? (Not counting those biodegradable pots LOL.)