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We interrupt tonight's fun for this important message...

Please welcome your Alien Overlords, pathetic huuu-mons!


We now return you to your regularly scheduled tomfoolery already in progress.
millworkman said:
Awesome picture, what are they inside?

A half inch PVC pipe. They lived in there all summer and most of the fall. I had about a gazillion squirrel Tree frogs in the yard this summer.
texas blues said:
Nice Pam. Bet those eat heaps of bugs!

Cheers, TB.

Yeah, I don't think I sprayed the garden at all last year. I wanted to spray for stink bugs, but by that time of the year, late summer, I had too many frogs and lizards in the pepper patch to risk it.
Start the fryer! Passow, get the batter.
Forget the fryer, I have a mirror!