• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Went out to purchase Defcon sauce, came back with Daves Ghost Pepper.....

I never said people will be rewarded for speaking there mind. I am just tired of people getting up in arms if something is said they don't agree with. Everyone's opinions will be different. If he wants to say daves doesn't taste good to him that's ok. No need to attack him because of the way he expresses himself.

I see, you don't agree with me and whoever else not agreeing with what that guy said?? Basically you are "up in arms" over some peoples opinion of that guys, opinion?? :think: "No need to attack" me/us for 'attacking' him for the way he "expresses himself". After all, aren't we all expressing ourselves, if you want to get literal...

If you have the right to critique my critique/s, then shouldn't I have the right to critique his critiques of Dave's sauces and your critique of my critique/s?? :eh:
Instead of a rebuttal, im just going to say im sorry. Want to put an end to all this meaningless arguing. I didn't want to upset anybody. :D
Instead of a rebuttal, im just going to say im sorry. Want to put an end to all this meaningless arguing. I didn't want to upset anybody. :D

lol, u have nothing to apologize for, this is/was just peoples opinions of other peoples opinions...... aka, life. :)
Creator would I be right in saying your "extract" is more of a reduction? Start with 40lbs of peppers and turn it into 5lbs of hot, snarling goo? Or do you actually go through one of the extraction processes?

It's kind of a hybrid between an extract and a reduction. I came up with my own way years ago, and have been perfecting it ever since. It's not as simple as just boiling it down, as I use liquid CO2 during one of the steps to draw away the sugar. We take about 40 pounds of dried peppers (equivalent of 400 pounds fresh) and reduce it down to about a gallon of evil. It's not an overnight process, and each batch usually takes upwards of about 8 months to complete.