What are the holes in my pods?

Some of my peppers have a single small round hole about the size of a toothpick, when I cut the open the seeds and placenta have a brownish rotten look. I don't find any bugs or worms.. Any ideas and a solution? Thanks.
yup...pepper maggots..
I'd like to control them the organic way if possible.. What are my choices? Or Should I just use some sevin dust?
Not sure but they are awful. They will literally ruin every single pod. They tend to go after the thicker walled pods. My sister had them in '08 and we haven't grown any peppers or eggplant there since. It was just too depressing throwing out all that produce. I am sure there are probably pesticides you can use but I have no clue what works. Good luck.
It doesn't look good.

I found this link: http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/veg/htms/trpcrops.htm

At this time, there are no selective insecticides that have proven effective against the pepper maggot.
I managed to grow only one bhut jolokia pod in my first very green season and I was so proud. Then I found the worm in it. :hell: Hate those things soooo much.
Stink Bugs were chewing mine last year. Once a hole got in the skin, the pepper would rot. Knock on wood, I haven't seen stink bugs around here since April. I wonder if the Agriculture Dept actually released those WASP's that were supposed to knock out sting bug eggs? Maybe they did and didn't tell anybody or maybe their experiment to test the Wasp's got out of control. In any event, I'm not missing the stink bugs, they were relentless last year.
I've seen mess loads of stink bugs.. They are all over my tomatoe and Squash plants... Havent seen any types of bugs on my pepper plants except some grasshoppers and spiders.. I check them twice a day.. This extreme drought here isn't helping matters much either.
Next year is going to be different.. It's going to be done right!
sorry to be a pain in the wazoo, but your statement:

"Next year is going to be different.. It's going to be done right!"

i take issue with.

you have not shown any evidence of you have done it wrong

i would like to see a photo please showing where you did it wrong

:dance: :crazy: :eek:

"if there ain't no pictures it did not happen"
My guess would be stink bugs. I have the same holes in my peppers and I have stink bugs out the wazooo :cool:

This concerns me since I'm only 30 minutes North or you. I mist every morning with a light Cal/Mag and Ivory soap mix. Should I be doing more, preemptively?