What are you excited for!

With the year coming to an end and the 2014 season coming up fast I have been thinking about what I'm excited to grow next season and there are quite a few species I cannot see pod up. Especially the Brazilian Ghost Scorpion that I have in a DWC setup right now. 
So what are you all anxious to see pop up and even some crosses you hope to have made! So lets hear them!
As a newbie I'm excited that I have many new species to try, MOA Scotch Bonnets and JA Habs top the list, thanks to the AMAZING members who were kind enough to send me seeds...thanks to all of you.
Im gonna be sewing some white 7 pots this weekend im excited about those. The SBJ7 sounds interesting im excited for the day those seeds are readily available.
Pretty much all the peppers I have growing. I have scotch bonnets and Bhut Jolokias. That said, I have my fingers crossed that I'll have some MoA seeds in the new year.
I am very much into trying to differentiate all the flavors of the superhots. I got several nagas and bhuts, as well as 7 pots and reapers.

Probably the flavor I am most intrigued by is the MoA scotch bonnets and white hab. I live the Habs so much in general. For afew more weeks before germination time though.
rebelgrower3 said:
Wow I'm excited about alot but most of all Borg9, Nagalah, Pink Tiger, Bubblegum 7pot and a few i won't mention just yet.
??? you got pink tigers???
I seen a post awhile back and a picture of them, AWESOME looking pods. I heard they tasted really good too.
I am jealous! 
I'm just excited to be able to start on time rather than mid to late spring.... harvest was pretty small this year starting seed in april even though I don't really have to worry about frost....
As long as the wife doesn't decide she wants to move....
HP22BH said:
??? you got pink tigers???
I seen a post awhile back and a picture of them, AWESOME looking pods. I heard they tasted really good too.
I am jealous! 
Yea i received them from a guy in Italy off of Facebook.
I am most excited about Inca Berry and Prik Sam Daun. They both seem to be different from my other 25 varieties I have started with limited info on the net. I cannot wait!
7pot x c. frutescens from JR
Also curious to see what will survive my winter (mostly sheltered outdoors).
Im most excited about BubbleGum7 pots, and Trinidad Scorpion Sweets. Still haven't been able to find a place to get them yet though.
But I'm also excited about growing all the same ones I grew last year, but starting them on time. I only had good harvests on my ButchTs and Chocolate Habs because they were over wintered. Everything else I started late and took to long to move outside and only got in the single digits for most.. But I did manage to get a few ripe pods from each species(datil, early jalapeno, takanatsume, tepin(this one produced well even late)) I have about 8 ghost peppers on my plant and 2 of them just started changing color about 4 days ago so should have some of those too!
spysee said:
Im most excited about BubbleGum7 pots, and Trinidad Scorpion Sweets. Still haven't been able to find a place to get them yet though.
But I'm also excited about growing all the same ones I grew last year, but starting them on time. I only had good harvests on my ButchTs and Chocolate Habs because they were over wintered. Everything else I started late and took to long to move outside and only got in the single digits for most.. But I did manage to get a few ripe pods from each species(datil, early jalapeno, takanatsume, tepin(this one produced well even late)) I have about 8 ghost peppers on my plant and 2 of them just started changing color about 4 days ago so should have some of those too!
Spysee, send me a pm . I got some seeds for you. Merry christmas.
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
C. Reaper x Brainstrain and 2,300 other plants.....
Wow,nice one Brain Strain Pepper Head :)
capsidadburn said:
Lots to be excited about.  BOC, Bubblegum7,Peach Ghost Scorpion, Sunrise, Sepia Serp, Jigsaw, MOA, NagaBrain, Brown Moruga!  All thanks to kind members here!
Basicly everything I've got comes from the FANTASTIC members of THP :)