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music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

dreamtheatervt said:
Metal opera might be more descriptive. Now I'm listening to Dream Theater's "Hells Kitchen"; quite possibly one of the best instrumental songs ever. With my screen name, go figure :)
I seen Dream Theater in concert..didnt know who the heck they were(I went to the gianti tour 7 bands ending with megadeth)at the time..they have some good songs though
Well............. I wouldn't exactly describe it as singing....

I like his version of "Common people" though! When I played it to a mate, he asked me "Who's that?" and I told him it's William Shatner and he said "Ah, that's the band's name, right!?"
texas blues said:
Hands down the best voice in rock..Chris Cornell..

Not gonna argue the power of his pipes, but he has good competition in Brent Smith of Shinedown, and the late Layne Staley of Alice In Chains. Live performances are the only true test of a voice, studios could make me sound good.
gardenkiller said:
studios could make me sound good.

Not without a ton of money and even more work. I'm a sound engineer. My mantra while behind a board is: "Crap in = crap out" Ok, not exactly, but I'm trying to keep it PG rated.

The last person I had to "clean up" took me three weeks (10 hours a day) using Pro Tools. The reason being? Well, let me tell ya....

When a singer is "off" they're not consistently the same "off-ness" throughout the song. Their voice waivers because they can hear that they are off and they try to play "find the note" or in extreme cases "find the key". I'll stop a take in a second if I find they're having trouble.

In my "Clean Up" case...one of the kids rich Daddy was paying for the session. So, I was made to clean it up or I wasn't going to get paid for the session. Well, after putting in that kind of work (trying to figure out where the kid's voice was, where it was going and how to correct it), I tacked on a $1,000 "Track Correction" fee. I had to tell the Dad that this kid couldn't sing and played him the original track with no corrections at all. He gave me a $500 tip.
DevilDuck said:
He gave me a $500 tip.

That is hilarious! The reason I was refering to a studio making people sound good is because, in my concert going experiences, I have heard some singers sound awful compared to the studio recordings. I understand certain things affect voices, but wow some have been horrible.
DevilDuck said:
Not without a ton of money and even more work.

....and you haven't even heard me sing. What if I was the second coming of Frank Sinatra......

Start spreadin the news
I'm leavin today
I wanna ......

Oh who am I kidding, you are right.
Usually, it's either due to the stress of touring, or they can't hear themselves...for whatever reason.

Also, a concert isn't a controlled environment. They have liberty do do things that you're not used to hearing on the CD..... and sometimes, it just doesn't work.
previous: Chemical Brothers - Block rocking beats
now: Editors - The racing rats
next: Filed Music - A house is not a home
Yeah, although it took me ages to get into them... They're still not one of my faves, but a quite good band. I don't know what keeps me from enjoying as much as a lot of people seem to do... :)

Oh.... about my last post: It should be Field Music!

Hadouken - Liquid Lives
Hard-Fi - Cash Machine
Harrisons - Dear Constable
I didn't get to enjoy that yet! Maybe I should, but I don't think they'll come over here before a new album is out. They played the festival circuit last year - not any festival I was at, though....

Are youngoing to any fests this year, RB?