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music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Wtf.. it is absolutely not related to that. The song is written in 2006. But on the other hand, youtube also lists Rosemarie, Panzerlied, Erika, Infanterie du bist die Krone aller Waffen, etc as Nazi Marches..
That's what they call a nazi march. It's f**king 70 years ago, give it a rest. Not everything in German has to do with nazis.. just saying. Or else you guys will have to stop putting nazi cabbage on your hotdogs as well.
Pfeffer said:
Wtf.. it is absolutely not related to that. The song is written in 2006. But on the other hand, youtube also lists Rosemarie, Panzerlied, Erika, Infanterie du bist die Krone aller Waffen, etc as Nazi Marches..


That's what they call a nazi march. It's f**king 70 years ago, give it a rest.
ah. Whew. Glad I was wrong. You can understand my mistake when a song with the same title discusses the glory of Nazi conquest. I live in the American South in a state where slavery was rampant & civil rights were slow to come (and no, I'm not ignoring any current problems). I think Germany is equal to the Holocaust no more than I think the South is equal to slavery. Both were periods of history & hopefully each place has moved on. I certainly think so. I was not, by any means equating Germany or the German language with this period of history. Just looking at the lyrics of a song with the same name as the one you posted whose video has militaristic imagery & making incorrect assumptions. For that, I apologize.
The Panzergrenadiere Lied (Yes a "nazi" marching songs.. is also still sung, though officially banned today) There's nothing racist/nazi in it, just that it was used by the German military at the time. "The internet" tends to call all songs from that time nazi marches. It's a popular search term I guess.. It's about the speed and succes of the armored infanterie.. I'll give it a quick translation. We did some things where we were proud of.. and some things we were not. Same goes for the allieds (think of Dresden, the atomic bomb, etc). It was a very efficient military machine with superior tactics and equipment at the time, just to bad the country was ruled by a lunatic. But that's not the song that I posted.. my post was about camouflaged porn mags, dicks with camo paint.. and enemies that have to wait.  Just a drinking song for the enlisted..
Heiß war der Tag und dunkel die Nacht,  (Hot was the day, and the night was dark)
und die Heimat so weit. (And home was so far)
Zehn Tage schon in tobender Schlacht, (Already in raging battle for 10 days)
und zum Rasten blieb keine Zeit. (And for resting no time..)
Tage und Nächte stand nie der Motor, (The engine was never shut down for days and nights)
wir stürmten und schlugen (We assault and punch forwards)
und kämpften uns vor, (And fight us a way)
mit den Panzerkameraden treu vereint, (Unified with our armored comrads)
immer die Ersten am Feind. (Always the first to meet the enemy)

Panzergrenadiere, (armored infantry)
vorwärts, zum Siege voran! (Forward! On the front for Victory!)
Panzergrenadiere, (Armored infantry)
vorwärts, wir greifen an! (Forward, we attack)
Wie einst in Polen und in Flandern (As once in Poland and in Flanders)
und im heißen Wüstensand, (And in the hot desert sands)
wird jeder Feind gestellt, (Every enemy is taken on)
bis die letzte Festung fällt, (Until the last strong point falls)
und im Sturm drauf und dran überrannt. (And in the assault we're on it and will run over it)
|: Von Panzergrenadieren,
Panzergrenadieren überrannt. :| (Ran over by the armored infantry!)

Russische Kälte, Regen und Eis (Russian cold, rain and ice)
halten uns nicht mehr auf. (Won't hold us back)
Brennt auch die Sonne erbarmungslos heiß, (Even if the sun burns merciless hot)
ja, das nehmen wir gerne in Kauf.  (Yes, we'll be glad to take the risk)
Es türmen die Russen in kopfloser Flucht, (The russians excell in chaotic retreat)
vernichtend geschlagen (Destroyed and beaten)
mit eiserner Wucht,(With iron force)
mit den Panzerkameraden treu vereint, (Unified with the armored comrads)
jagen wir rastlos den Feind. (We restlessly hunt the enemy)
Southern rock-ish
Well heck. You want GERMAN MUSIC? Here's some good a%$ German Music!!!
Sadly this is like the only active thread on this forum :(  it's seed planting time darn it. MOAR POSTS!