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music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Lemme' see if this works.

Badass tone just like my tweed 5E3!

texas blues said:
Lemme' see if this works.

Badass tone just like my tweed 5E3!



I'm loving your 6 uploads too....VERY not bad!!
[video=youtube;Q6yZ5giXiKY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6yZ5giXiKY&feature=PlayList&p=B3DBF37751EA96ED&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=24[/video] .
Seen their live shows three times in the past-
A similar sounding band i used to listen to-
The official adventures of... the Graaand Maaaster FLASH... ASH-ASH-ASH


If you don't know by now, Gassy Gas is a freak, freak, freeeak...

I bloody well love that song and it is further proof that you are pissed! :D

Nufin suss: This is great on up in smoke!

