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What did Santa bring you?


Business Member
Look what Santa brought the SalsaKid!

We'd contacted HBD's about Bottle #11 (SK's favorite number), but they told me it was already gone. :( I was pretty bummed, so imagine the surprise...




Not wasting time, SK broke open the taster, after the first whiff and a couple chips, it was time fro breakfast-

WOW! Hot and YUMMY on fried eggs!

Thank you, Santa!

Feel free to share your family-friendly goodies~

Happy Holidays, everyone!
Well besides the blessed body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, I got a canvas Saints Superbowl 44 Championship jacket. :)
Merry Christmas!

I haven't had a fried egg in a very long time..... nor bacon.

.........anyways, daddy got a dehydrator, the Nesco FD-80, I kind of knew I was getting it, so, yesterday I bought about half a pound of orange habanero pods and I just finished cutting them up and starting up the unit - she's quiet, real quiet. no i didn't use gloves, yes I washed my hands, no it didn't work, i have a prickly feeling along my temple, yep, lightly wiped my face with the hand that didn't hold the peppers. prickly over my eye, yep, wiped there too. upper lip - prickly. damn, i'm touching the keyboard. NOTE, To Myself - don't pull a NJA!

hoping to have orange habanero pepper tomorrow, was going to take pictures but there are a ton of pictures on this site of peppers in a dehydrator, mine are just orange habs so no real excitement.

now, back to tending the turkey.......... yikes, i still have to make the stuffing.....gotta go!
..........as an add on, NOTE To Myself........never dehydrate anything hotter than pineapple in the house.......... had to move the lot to the garage........wife and kids started to complain and sneeze. okay, i put the dehydrator in a basement bedroom thinking it would be okay, the wife was wrong, as I am never wrong. (she made me move it). What am I going to do when all my scorpians are ripe? (live in the garage).
Lindsey made me some chile oil from my home grown stash. They were in 2 mating bottles...very fancy and tasty! Pics later. Oh, and a 27" iMac i7 Quad Core.
i got very spoilt by Santa this year - a set of global knives and a new saucepan set along with a cookbook :) i am very impressed! Now, just need to find somewhere to put them!
..........as an add on, NOTE To Myself........never dehydrate anything hotter than pineapple in the house.......... had to move the lot to the garage........wife and kids started to complain and sneeze. okay, i put the dehydrator in a basement bedroom thinking it would be okay, the wife was wrong, as I am never wrong. (she made me move it). What am I going to do when all my scorpians are ripe? (live in the garage).
Depends you can be in the garage and be happily married or you could be in the doghouse and not. :)
COOL Stuff!

superbowl jacket, dehydrator, knives and cookware, chile oil and iMac.

And I received silicon cooking spoons, a mini chopper and a large set of pepper and salt grinders.

Keep 'em coming~
Received a Nesco dehydrator myself. FD-75PR. Supports the remaining trays from my old dehydrator so that's a plus!

Also got a 3 gallon air compressor, a dremel toold plus a buncha accesories, another multipack of hotsauce, and my own little walkin greenhouse. I don't wanna wait for spring to set it up :(
I got lots of neat stuff!.....

Here are some of the beers I got:


Some document frames for a few of my Navy awards:


....and a few Redskins iems..... :rofl: NOTE the Flavor Bible. I can't wait to read it!!


oh yeah.....and I got hot sauce.....but you knew that. ;)
Got some t shirts,assted peppers to try,deep fryer and and damn good swordfish fillet for my dinner!Great x-mas here and hope at all yalls! Rich
The rest of the story is the cases on the front porch since it's cold outside, colder than the fridge!

nice to see some good chilehead things like dehydrators and hot sauce coming around.