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What is the hottest pepper you have found for sale locally?

On a quest for more roll on bedliner I was forced south to a local small town Norby's Farm Fleet. I found what I needed and figured since I was there I would look for some garden supplies. The guy at the checkout remembered me and said he wanted to show me something in the outside greenhouse. Back in the far corner they had 2 Bhut Jolokias for sale! He said they got in a dozen plants 3 weeks ago.

Sorry, I am a dork I guess, but I just found this odd that the hottest pepper on the planet would be for sale at a hardware garden center. They had professionally printed tags telling about them. Maybe I should go back and buy them just for the tags, they were only $3 a plant.
Matt50680 said:
but I just found this odd that the hottest pepper on the planet would be for sale at a hardware garden center.

THEY WERE SELLING 7 POTS?!?!?......................
Locally, near my area, nothing hotter than a Hab.
If I drive down to Hamtramc ( 12 miles), I get Naga Morich (Bangladeshi origin) as much as I want.
I heard the local garden supply here was selling Bhuts as well, except for $12 a piece. Yeah...I tend to avoid that place.
Farmer's markets and farm gates are open now but they won't have habs or bhuts for another few months+. The local grocery store often sells some mush they call habaneros but they look so bad I've never tried them
jamaican mutt mixes.
i've seen pods that look like habs, pods that look like scotch bonnets and even a rare pod here and there that looks like a bishop's crown.

they're not hot enough. i have to add 4 to my chilli, and even then i still have to dash it with crushed red pepper and a tinge of crystal hot sauce.
Found a guy in SE michigan that sells Bhut Jolokia (yellow, choc), 7 pots, Trinadad Scorpions, etc...

Very good grower and great prices!
orange hab in grocery store is about as hot as they get around here, even tough some of my home grown jals get hotter than those.
Actually, besides my Habs, the hottest pepper I've had here are the ones used in som tam (papaya salad). I believe they are called prik kee nu suan and 4 of those will heat one up pretty well.
I bought two Bhut Jolokia plants at my local nursery for 9.99 a piece. No peppers yet so I have no idea if they really are. But I'm hoping!