what part of your mouth burns so much it's hard to eat?

heat in what part of your mouth makes it most difficult for you to eat?

  • lips

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • tip of tongue

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • sides of tongue

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • top of tongue

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • back of throat

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • gums

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • combination of more than one area

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • no level of heat can stop me

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • I don't eat food that hot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • it's the sweating, runny nose and watering eyes that stops me

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The sides of my tongue are usually the part that most burns after eating some sauce. Last night I tried a hab, cut the end off, didn't think that was hot and I was disappointed, so I went and took a huge bite out of it and was in for a rude awakening!
chilliman64 said:
the more of your posts I read Pam, the more concerns I have for you. I think you need to 'get out more'. yes, I am using 'get out more' as a euphemism for getting laid.

Ha! You're just jealous because I didn't make googoo eyes over your "sitting naked in front of a fan" post. Next thing you know, you're gonna be calling me a dyke and telling me I'm on my period.

sit in a coolroom, naked with a fan on you,

*in a breathless, Scarlett O'Hara accent*

Oh, why, I...I get quite warm with nary a pepper in sight just thinking of you, you windblown scalawag, you.

Feel better now?
After a point my tounge and the roof of my mouth kinda go a scorched numb type thing. Thats when I know I've had about enough.
Pam said:
Ha! You're just jealous because I didn't make googoo eyes over your "sitting naked in front of a fan" post. Next thing you know, you're gonna be calling me a dyke and telling me I'm on my period.


*in a breathless, Scarlett O'Hara accent*

Oh, why, I...I get quite warm with nary a pepper in sight just thinking of you, you windblown scalawag, you.

Feel better now?

you're strange

btw, I was telling lennyk to do that not saying that I do that
Yeah...I didn't just read a few of those posts.... really...

The top of my tounge gets me. It feels like needles and I have to stop for a while. My prototype sauce is like that.... but It's SO GOOD!!!
Ok, interesting experiment last night. The very generous bentalphanerd sent me some of his hot sauce to try. I tasted a little bit, and boy did that heat bite! I was trying to focus on the flavor so I could write a review, though, so I thought about it. Since I always feel the burn the most on the tip of my tongue, I put about an eighth of a teaspoon of the sauce on the middle of of my tongue. Still great heat, but the flavor really came busting through.

Now I just have to get over my performance anxiety and write a review.
Pam said:
I put about an eighth of a teaspoon of the sauce on the middle of of my tongue. Still great heat, but the flavor really came busting through.

Thats it you're hooked now. You'll be guzzling naga juice within a week.
chilliman64 said:
just do it Pammy

Ok, chillimanny64, I know you've had a little nerd pain, what do you think?

I put a bit on steak to try it, and I liked the way it worked with the flavor of the meat instead of smothering it. **

Not the review, I'm still working on that. Not quite sure how to describe the flavor. Well, actually I could describe it to another woman, but I need a more universal description.
Pam said:
Ok, chillimanny64, I know you've had a little nerd pain, what do you think?

I put a bit on steak to try it, and I liked the way it worked with the flavor of the meat instead of smothering it. **

Not the review, I'm still working on that. Not quite sure how to describe the flavor. Well, actually I could describe it to another woman, but I need a more universal description.

Don't stress now, you enjoyed it and thats great, I'm really just glad to share it around. Also just a little curious about if the flavor/heat is good...and what does -

"I could describe it to another woman, but..." mean?