making-powder What pepper to use for sweet Paprika powder??

Good afternoon.
I see lots of paprika powder for sale. The one thing I do not find is seeds of "Paprika" or "Paprica" for sale.
Any suggestions?
The best paprika (pimenton) I have ever had (and used last night in my baked beans) is Castillo by Ranch Gordo:
The peppers are smoke-dried in Spain (it's reminiscent of a chipotle power, but the flavor is deeper and richer) and it's a blend of Jaranda and Jariza peppers. 100% recommended. Would love to try some if anyone here makes it. 😁
We smoked some. Dried. Best ever. Will have to try the Spanish ones.
Smoke-drying is a combination process that takes days. I think chipotles are smoke-dried for six days.
Good afternoon. Thanks for the link.
Sweltering hot and humid here and a good bunch of biting insects.
Since I posted this thread I got some sweet paprika seeds and they are really producing well.
I post some pictures.
Waiting for them to ripen. Some are about 8" long. Plants are loaded.

I was just perusing paprika, and I found this source for seeds. Thought it might be a good addition to this thread: