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what the.... D:

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aaahh, I dunno how this happened I was gone for one day & all these cups were full of growing plants


& when I come back home, maybe 12 hours later, they have plants missing..
when I looked closely, they look like


does anybody know why it did this and any possible solutions?

There was not trace of the missing pieces anywhere, the only thing I could think of is that someone came in and cut them with scissors, but I don't see why anybody would do that...

anything helps! thanks!
Did your cat get loose in your grow room?
You need a rat terrier, she will take care of the cat as well as any critters.
The big bonus is she that will love you like crazy !

parents that may mistake it for pot?

I feel like the cups wouldda been knocked over!


Clever rats?


Maybe cutworms or something?

cutworms? .__.

Did your cat get loose in your grow room?
You need a rat terrier, she will take care of the cat as well as any critters.
The big bonus is she that will love you like crazy !


It was in my garage! & my dog was there the whole time, but I'm pretty positive it wasn't him..
Never dealt with cutworm myself so I don't know much about them at all (except that they "cut" stems close to the base like that).

I'm still thinking animal as opposed to insect/grub. I could be wrong, but I assume if it was insect/grub, you'd still have bits of leaf left. I would also hope no insect/grub could work that fast! (at least on it's own)
Never dealt with cutworm myself so I don't know much about them at all (except that they "cut" stems close to the base like that).

I'm still thinking animal as opposed to insect/grub. I could be wrong, but I assume if it was insect/grub, you'd still have bits of leaf left. I would also hope no insect/grub could work that fast! (at least on it's own)

I hope really hope not as well!

Did the missing seedlings look like this before they were cut off and taken ?


LOL nooooo .__.

hmmm... went to go check on them, and more plants have been taken out..
one of which now look like

Because the cups are not being turned over, I'll bet the farm that it's the tiny field mouse, aka- deer mouse :rolleyes: !
They are so small - a normal mouse trap may not catch them. Try a glue paper trap, works really well for me. Be sure to eliminate field mice because unlike the more common house mouse, they are the variety that spreads the Hantavirus.
Looks animal to me (especially if that is a tear under the drop of water there--claw tear?).

Seen similar as damn possums are always getting into my plants.
Was there any of the plant left? you showed the cut stem (and it does look like its been cut) or was there nothing left at all?

Who lives with you? sabotage id say not pests.

Put your reading glasses on, Meez! :P

OK Gas, bins deployed.

So what all of them plants in the first picture were cut to ground level in 12hrs? bullshit. That`s not mice i know for sure as we have a plague of bloody mice here with free roaming to all my plants & not a single seedling has been chewed, so its not mice.

How big is that poo you found? it could be rats not mice.

Tomorrow? Find it now and belt the crap outta it!


It's 2:17am here & I've looked so hard! I can't find it anywhere :[

OK Gas, bins deployed.

So what all of them plants in the first picture were cut to ground level in 12hrs? bullshit. That`s not mice i know for sure as we have a plague of bloody mice here with free roaming to all my plants & not a single seedling has been chewed, so its not mice.

How big is that poo you found? it could be rats not mice.


hmm it's not too big, maybe like half the size of a lady bug?
I dunno man, I don't know why my dog wouldn't have seen/killed it since it was in the garage for the whole time, the first time the incident happened..
Well that size does suggest mouse rather than rat, but we have mice here by the bucket load & they never touch any seedlings.
Yep they crap everywhere but no damage at all to a single seedling or small plant.

Did all of them get destroyed in 12 hours or just one or two? and go to bed you nutter you can answer tomorrow.

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