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What the hell are these?

Hi everybody,
Are a couple of days that I founded a pair of this "things" walk on my plants, anyone knows If are dangerous?

Sorry for the low pics but I got some problem to make the macro: subject always moving!

what you have there are eggs. it could very well be a type of ladybug. the larvae look different. i vote you leave them.
It's definitely not a ladybug larvae, they are black and have yellow/orange spots. I'd tend to agree with fineexampl. Looks like eggs to me, too (unless they walk! :)) and I agree that I'd leave them were they are. 99.9% of all insects are no nasties and won't harmy your plants and a lot of them (especially larvae) eat aphids and the likes!
i did a few searches this morning and it's positively eggs. i just couldn't pin down a specific species. all my searches came back with some kind of beetle or ladybird/bug variety.

the larvae areas chiliac described. kinda ugly and black.
They're some form of beetle eggs. If you leave them be, just keep an eye on them. They could just as easily be a harmful beetle as a helpful one. I had beetles eating my tomatilloes that laid eggs that looked much like that.
They are Lady bug larvae by the look of things..also there is a moth caterpillar very similar,can not remember which one :rolleyes:
mammoccio said:
ehm, they are not eggs! They move! I think they are a ladybugs larvae like in the link I already posted.

Weird. They don't look like any ladybug larvae I've seen. But I'm in the USA, so they certainly could be different.