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What the hell is TWITTER

there's a song in there somewhere Quad...
I saw a really interesting use for twitter on Discovery Health once. A child was going through a major, major surgery and the family was in the waiting room for the entire 12 or so hours of the operation and the surgical staff in the o.r. was tweeting their progress to the family so they knew exactly where the doctors' progress and what was going on to their son.
yup...that was over in dallas at the childrens hospital...it was a father that gave his young son a kidney essentially saving the childs life
Other cools uses have been (in no particular order):

Iranian protests
Airbus crash in the Hudson
Hurricane 2008 - Houston, forget the name of the storm
"following" famous people who tweet
on occasion
I've been on Twitter a few years but have only been highly active the past several months. I use it to notify people when I make updates to my blog, along with posting any other interesting hot sauce/pepper/food related links I happen to come across on the internet. Yeah, I do some mindless posting like, "I'm stuck in traffic right now", but I try to keep things balanced so that there's at least some interesting stuff in the mix.

I admit Twitter's not for everyone...yet. There's a lot of cool uses, but I loathe the "micro-blogging" definition a lot of folks attribute to it. To me, it's more like "public text messaging" or "social text messaging". Just like anything, there's a lot of crap to wade through, but if you know where to look and know who to follow, Twitter can be quite useful.

If anyone wants to, feel free to follow me: http://www.twitter.com/scottroberts. If you let me know you're from The Hot Pepper or any other chile website, I'll follow you back (just as long as you're not God-awful annoying and post 100 tweets a day ;)).