heat What will be the next "world's hottest pepper"?

Naga Chomper said:
I had a steady supply of Reapers this year so comparison was easy. I had one for breakfast every morning for a good month and a half, so I was immensely familiar with the heat level. In that same time, I had no less than 5 other peppers that were not a little, but CONSIDERABLY hotter than the Reaper. I know that because I would have multiple supers in a day. Start the day with a fresh Reaper, and have a tasty Brazilian Ghost for desert after lunch, and finish the day with a Brown Moruga nightcap.
Holy crap! That's one ironclad digestive tract you have there, sir. Out of curiosity what other peppers were up there in heat, to you?
Great way to compare, I am currently trying something slightly similar with powders, because eating whole supers (let alone a few a day) is not something I can handle regularly... Maybe once or twice a year after I've forgotten the previos experience enough to think it's a good idea again.
I will be keeping an eye out for that tasty cross you mentioned.
The Fatalii jigsaw under performed to my good old trinidad moruga scorpion. So I Guess it also greatly differs with different strains..
Naga Chomper said:
I had a steady supply of Reapers this year so comparison was easy. I had one for breakfast every morning for a good month and a half, so I was immensely familiar with the heat level. In that same time, I had no less than 5 other peppers that were not a little, but CONSIDERABLY hotter than the Reaper. I know that because I would have multiple supers in a day. Start the day with a fresh Reaper, and have a tasty Brazilian Ghost for desert after lunch, and finish the day with a Brown Moruga nightcap.
Reapers were no match for a few. Brown Moruga included. The other one that really stood out was a cross from joemomma. It was a Congo x Chocolate Ghost. Not the tastiest pepper, it was rather bitter. But my lord. Right up there with the Brown Moruga.
The TASTIEST by far was a Naga x  7 Pot from Judy. Really hot, but a super mild and genuinely sweet flavor. That overwhelming floral tendencies were greatly subdued. It was easily on par with a Reaper for heat, but a TON better flavor. Easily the best tasting super hot I've ever had.
Reapers are hot no doubt, but it's only a matter of time until someone spends enough to dethrone it. Might be Ed himself...
Personally I see no point to it. But to each his own.
Thank you for such a detailed response. My mind is blown with your hot pepper eating power. Your a super hot pepper super hero of some sort!
Naga Chomper said:
The Jigsaw, the Brown Moruga, the Bubble Gum 7, the Brazilian Ghost, and the cross.
Those 5 stood out this season.
So is the Jigsaw a type of Fatalli?
Can anyone seriously taste anything hotter than a Brain Strain? I mean c'mon, our pathetic human tongues struggle with anything over 1,000,000 scoville units.
Has anyone seen the latest from Dale? Apparently according to "breaking news" on the 11th he has the new "World Record Holder" and will be the "only grower on the planet, besides the creator, growing this TOP SECRET variety". Here we go again. Of course it's "Top Secret" and the creator currently has a previous record holder. *sigh*
Scorched said:
Has anyone seen the latest from Dale? Apparently according to "breaking news" on the 11th he has the new "World Record Holder" and will be the "only grower on the planet, besides the creator, growing this TOP SECRET variety". Here we go again. Of course it's "Top Secret" and the creator currently has a previous record holder. *sigh*
lol bad part is most likely there is quite a few growers out there going for it its only a matter of time for someone to step up to take the crown and then the wait will begin again for the next one pepper growers are like mad scientist haha
ps. cant wait to see by how much the next record holder wins and how it looks :D
In general I think the whole worlds hottest thing is about selling seeds before another super hot takes it's place.
I don't know for a fact,but read stuff about tests being different to raise the rating of said peppers.
Testing different ways until one gives the best results.
I get the idea that different tests are for different amounts of scoville numbers.
I really don't know for a fact about it...
An example just for whatever could be that Pubescence generally can feel hotter when eaten than other peppers only because they have a couple different alkaloids than lets say a Jalapeno or whatever.
They aren't that hot but hit more receptors.
At the same time,1 plant of a Douglah or whatever might kick butt,but it isn't that common or whatever.
So it all boils down to actually testing in the most favorable way to get your hottest plant to be the record.
For me the hottest (and most tasteless) pepper I've ever eaten was Brain Strain.
Hot as heck but tasted like the Butch T,Battery acid.
Brain Strain was hotter but both tasted like battery acid to me.
I've tasted several versions of the reaper.
All/most were super hot but none were world record holders for heat in my opinion.
I will admit they had a good/sometimes better taste compared to some/a lot of other supers.
But taste has nothing to do with the world record.
A lot of the recent crosses will or might be contenders BUT they are probably 1 trick ponies.
Just my opinion,worth exactly what you paid for it. :)
I can't see why the hottest pepper is so important, it's probably just a macho thing.. saying you can handle the hottest pepper, but it isn't much good if it tastes like &$%@!
 for a pepper to stand out from the rest of the superhots, it would have to beat the others by 500000 to 1000000 SHU otherwise it's just splitting hairs
JungleRain said:
I can't see why the hottest pepper is so important, it's probably just a macho thing.. saying you can handle the hottest pepper, but it isn't much good if it tastes like &$%@!
 for a pepper to stand out from the rest of the superhots, it would have to beat the others by 500000 to 1000000 SHU otherwise it's just splitting hairs