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What Would Be Your Ultimate Fantasy Pepper..

I would have to say a naga that grew as fast as a jalapeno...
but for a perfect mix I say naga for taste and heat but with the size of a wax pepper with that thick fleshy skin.
Naga x Trinidad yellow 7 Pod than cross with Chocolate Buth Jolokia to have heath with flavor new hybrid pepper.That I would like to try to hybridized or some one else.
something thats tasty & HOT, grows to the size of bell peppers & have multi color ripening stages, prolific, & grows great where I'm at :)
not asking for much I think :lol:
Something with the heat of a naga, the flavour of an orange hab (I don't have much experience with flavours yet), but didn't feel like two rats wrestling in my lower abdomen at 2am.