Recently I mad an open offer for free Arledge pepper seeds and asked if anyone was interested to provide me with the means (postage) to send them their free seeds. So what I have to ask everyone, and I really hope a lot of you will take a minute to respond, is,was it fair that I should ask for postage in order to send someone their free seeds? Why I ask this is I can't believe how many people sent a request by mail and didn't so much as send me a stamp. Some people sent a bubble envelope with no postage. Others just wrote a quick note stating, "Please send free seeds." And then again some were very considerate and sent a SASE just as I requested when I made the free offer. So I went into the chat room and asked several members there this very same question and I couldn't believe the varied responses. Some members said, "If you made the offer pay the postage." Others said, "If they didn't send postage don't send the seeds." So what is protocol here? I want to be fair and just. If someone makes a "Free" offer are they expected to pay for postage also? Please respond so I can understand how the majority of you feel.