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What's the best way to get blood stains out of a rented tuxedo?

Oh gosh, it's a Facebook style status on THP!!! I knew this day would come.
#luckydog #wittystatus #lolnot
Scott, why not take it to the dry cleaner?
If it is just bar fight blood, any dry cleaner will do. If it is something more sinister, take it to a seedy part of town and find a dry cleaner there. <-- and don't tell us the details.
Jeff H said:
Scott, why not take it to the dry cleaner?
If it is just bar fight blood, any dry cleaner will do. If it is something more sinister, take it to a seedy part of town and find a dry cleaner there. <-- and don't tell us the details.
Dry cleaners ask too many questions...
I mean, my friend said...