I think this is a controversial post; but I also find it fun. In this forum there are many posts about tastes and in all of them the conclusion is always reached that taste, in terms of good or bad, is always subjective.
I don't want to focus on whether a pepper looks good or bad to you, just its umami flavor.
I've read about umami peppers on occasion. Even here the great Nigel was talking about the umami flavor of the Aci Kirmizi pepper.
Are there really any umami flavored peppers?
If we understand umami as a mild and prolonged flavor, we can't stop eating because it stimulates the receptors of the entire tongue and makes us salivate like dogs with a cookie...
What is the most umami pepper you have ever tasted??
I like a lot of peppers, I can't stop eating 7 pot yellow, jonah, or scotch bonnet, for example. But these don't look like umami to me...
I don't want to focus on whether a pepper looks good or bad to you, just its umami flavor.
I've read about umami peppers on occasion. Even here the great Nigel was talking about the umami flavor of the Aci Kirmizi pepper.
Are there really any umami flavored peppers?
If we understand umami as a mild and prolonged flavor, we can't stop eating because it stimulates the receptors of the entire tongue and makes us salivate like dogs with a cookie...

I like a lot of peppers, I can't stop eating 7 pot yellow, jonah, or scotch bonnet, for example. But these don't look like umami to me...