Whens your plant out ?

Curious as to when my fellow chili heads and neighbors are planting out this month ? By the looks of the weather , probably this weekend , 2 weeks later than last year . weather sucks ! 
I always wait for the May 24  long weekend for my peppers. ...but i do sneak onions and cucumbers in a week before.
I thought they would have already been planted out but I just checked the weather report and it shows highs on the mid 50s and lows in the mid 30s this weekend. Can you believe that??????

It's an unseasonably cold spring this year I'm told.
Started a few days ago.  Going to be a marathon this year, will be planting until June probably to save the back and let some of the younger plants get up to size.
May 12th by the almanac. Still hitting low 40's and cold ass rain for at least another week. Might be the end of May Again this year. Last year was the same. Really thinking how to build a heated a greenhouse.
Last Sunday


The cup had their names on them. Just temporary markers.
Between May 30 - June 3 here, tried earlier last year and my peppers and tomatoes did almost nothing growth wise if I planted earlier.
I'm likely going to wait until after the May 24 long weekend although the weather has been temptingly nice lately.  I thought about sneaking them out there earlier but shortly after I started thinking about it there was a frost warning so I'm playing it safe this year.
I would usually have planted mine by now but buying a new house has put a damper on that. Plus sold my truck so having some issues getting soil right now. and my plants are severely root bound so I might be a little screwed...