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Which pepper to grow in TX

Well some bad news... I woke up this morning to find that my Douglah plant was on the ground and 1 of my BT's got split / broken in the main stem. I guess we had alot of wind last night or this morning.

I went ahead and taped up the messed up stem and tied it back together...its basically my main plant stem is cracked in half at the bottom of the plant. Hopefully it will recover!

That sucks! Ya last night was pretty eventful, the wind is what woke me up around 330 or so. Waking up this morning I thought for sure I was going to see some damage on at least one plant but thankfully nothing was taken out.... hell I don't even think I lost a single leaf haha.

Hey guys, I'm a friend of ballgum and I have one of the extra choc habs he got from AJ (thanks AJ lol). Ballgums have begum peppering however mine have not. I did not feed mine very often as I did not want it to get too large. Right now it's a decent size and should be perfect for bringing it indoors over winter (im gonna try to keep it producing all year). I'm fairly confident it will start producing soon but I just wanted to check here to be sure. Seeing ballgums produce already....i started to step up the feeding to every other watering.

It's keeping it's flowers...I'm guessing I must need to stay patient.
Hey guys, I'm a friend of ballgum and I have one of the extra choc habs he got from AJ (thanks AJ lol). Ballgums have begum peppering however mine have not. I did not feed mine very often as I did not want it to get too large. Right now it's a decent size and should be perfect for bringing it indoors over winter (im gonna try to keep it producing all year). I'm fairly confident it will start producing soon but I just wanted to check here to be sure. Seeing ballgums produce already....i started to step up the feeding to every other watering.

It's keeping it's flowers...I'm guessing I must need to stay patient.

Hey Mossy...why not start your own thread,no need to hijack mine!!

Haha jk...welcome! :D
Hey guys, I'm a friend of ballgum and I have one of the extra choc habs he got from AJ (thanks AJ lol). Ballgums have begum peppering however mine have not. I did not feed mine very often as I did not want it to get too large. Right now it's a decent size and should be perfect for bringing it indoors over winter (im gonna try to keep it producing all year). I'm fairly confident it will start producing soon but I just wanted to check here to be sure. Seeing ballgums produce already....i started to step up the feeding to every other watering.

It's keeping it's flowers...I'm guessing I must need to stay patient.

What kind of soil are you using and what kind of food? Is your plant in direct light or only certain hours of light?



scorpions gettin ripe!



red savina

choc hab
Myself and ballgum already talked but I wanted to update the thread. I am not sure what type soil I used but the food is 10-15-10 miracle grow if I remember. I am having trouble getting the plant full sunlight in my yard.

To make the sunlight problem worse, the low temperature forecast has been ranging from 35-40F so I moved my plant indoors beside a sun facing window. It looks like the fore casted lows will be back to the 50's soon so I am thinking if the weather picks up I will move it outside again.

1) How resilient are these plants to being moved a few times a week?

2) Am I right to avoid outdoors night time temperatures below 50F or should I just be worried when it gets closer to freezing point?

Myself and ballgum already talked but I wanted to update the thread. I am not sure what type soil I used but the food is 10-15-10 miracle grow if I remember. I am having trouble getting the plant full sunlight in my yard.

To make the sunlight problem worse, the low temperature forecast has been ranging from 35-40F so I moved my plant indoors beside a sun facing window. It looks like the fore casted lows will be back to the 50's soon so I am thinking if the weather picks up I will move it outside again.

1) How resilient are these plants to being moved a few times a week?

2) Am I right to avoid outdoors night time temperatures below 50F or should I just be worried when it gets closer to freezing point?


fyi...i just kept mine out through the cold, and they appear the same. in fact, it looked like i had new peppers after that day we talked.

I would say freezing temp not good but 50 ok...i'm not sure tho
I have been leaving all my plants outside and have not had any issues. I don't worry to much about the low 40s but anything below that and they are coming in. A frost advisory was issued for our area yesterday, for whatever reason, and the temps never dipped below 42 here although the advisory said into the mid 30s. I think they issued it to far south and was supposed to be for the middle to northern parts of OK. Either way we still have some weeks of growing left, no to worry.

Ok thanks. Yeah I ended up putting mine back outside. They get better sun and the temps have picked up. We had a few crazy fast rain storms that swept through. :/ plant got too much water recently and did not have any peppers last I checked. Ballgum I need to grab some of your food mix for the next feed. Whats the name of it again?
For a texas grow I might recommend,
Grabbing some seeds from NMSU and the hippy seed co.

Jolokias will grow just fine in Texas. AS will Butch scorpions.

But if you want to grow for flavor

try these 3 varieties

New mexico chili
Aji dulce
Suave Habanero ( heatless variety)
For a texas grow I might recommend,
Grabbing some seeds from NMSU and the hippy seed co.

Jolokias will grow just fine in Texas. AS will Butch scorpions.

you know, I have kept my mouth shut on most of your posts papadaca, but I can NOT let this one go...have you ever grown in Texas?, if not I don't think it wise to offer advice on something you know nothing about....do the plants grow?...maybe...if you can keep them alive during the dry hot summers we have here with extreme temps (100+) for many days and little to no rain...

Growing the plants here in north Texas is NOT the issue, it is getting fruit set...there is almost zero fruit set on the superhots and most chinense in July/August...some annuums produce at a slow rate such as the Super Chili, some Cayennes, and Jalapenos...my superhot and chinense plants this year did not start setting fruit until the 3rd or 4th week in September...and they are still setting fruit...question is, will I get ripe fruit before first freeze...not first frost...not worried about the frost....first freeze...I may not get any ripe pods this year if we have an early freeze and this will be the first year in several I have been "shut out"....

***rant over***
chinense plants this year did not start setting fruit until the 3rd or 4th week in September...and they are still setting fruit...question is, will I get ripe fruit before first freeze...not first frost...not worried about the frost....first freeze...I may not get any ripe pods this year if we have an early freeze and this will be the first year in several I have been "shut out"....

Same here, AJ. My chocolate habs are gonna make it, for sure. But I have a 7-pot, a Yellow Bhut, a Naga Jolokia, a Aji Panca, and a couple of others in the back that are just now showing some nubbies. Last night was starting to get close to ugly, but it looks like we have at least another week. Hopefully a month.

Good luck, buddy.
I too am in the same boat... My Aji Crystal has a ton of fruit set that should be ripe in the next week or two but everything else.. Bhuts, 7 Pods, TS etc etc just have started to set. This summer was brutal in more than enough ways to make me hate this entire season. Thankfully I will be able to pull plants into the garage for some time until that too gets to cold and then they'll be moved indoors to ripen a first harvest then I'll call it good until next season. I really hope the summer of next year will much milder.
