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White Bullet Habs. Why so many problems?

I don't think the White bullet is much different than the regular white habs. Its just the name that is trademarked. The ones I grow are "White ammo" and they appear to be the same as well.
rainbowberry said:
Mine are just standard White Habs Nat. If you want some seeds I'm more than happy to send you some, just PM me if you want them.
rainbowberry, you are such a nice person! It makes me feel good to know that someone is willing to do as you offer, but the postage costs from your country to mine must be a lot. I've never written a letter to anyone in England, but I can only guess the postage must be a lot. Let's see if someone who lives near me offers to send me some or has a source that is in the USA. Your offer is so kind that I would feel rude to not investigate the possibility of finding them without costing you so much to fulfill your wonderful offer.

Would anyone near Florida have these seeds or know of a source in the USA that I could purchase them from?

If not, then I would love to have some of your tried and proven seeds, rainbowberry. If no one answers this request, then I'll PM you with my contact information.
I will definitely send you some white hab seeds nat...but I can not assure you they are pure since they were grown between Chocolate habs and Trinidad Scorpions...
rainbowberry said:
AJ's might be easier and quicker for sending. The postage isn't much at all Nat, less than a pound.

Thank you rainbowberry. That's such a lot of money for such tiny little seeds....hehe

Ought to have a special seed rate...!

Thank you again, however, with AJ just up the street from me, (figuratively), I think I'll take him up on his offer. If it is a cross, the cross might just be pretty interesting. I hope it's between the Scorpions and the White Habs. Would that ever be a cross. 300 White Scorpions on a bush at once....YIKES!

AlabamaJack said:
I will definitely send you some white hab seeds nat...but I can not assure you they are pure since they were grown between Chocolate habs and Trinidad Scorpions...
AJ, thank you for your offer and I'll take you up on it! I'll go write a PM to you right now!

Thanks man! One from that single branch that was sticking right in the middle of the Scorpion bush......hehe
NatGreenMeds said:
Thank you rainbowberry. That's such a lot of money for such tiny little seeds....hehe

Ought to have a special seed rate...!

Thank you again, however, with AJ just up the street from me, (figuratively), I think I'll take him up on his offer. If it is a cross, the cross might just be pretty interesting. I hope it's between the Scorpions and the White Habs. Would that ever be a cross. 300 White Scorpions on a bush at once....YIKES!

AJ, thank you for your offer and I'll take you up on it! I'll go write a PM to you right now!

Thanks man! One from that single branch that was sticking right in the middle of the Scorpion bush......hehe

cool Nat...just zap me a mailing addy..
Here is the plant the pods will come off of Nat...

RingburnDave said:
I can't get my whites to germinate !! It's annoying!
Are you using a heat mat? I found with the White Bullets that the mat was necessary. I tried without it and had the same results you have. With the mat, every seed germinated for them. My problems started *after* they germinated.
you know, I have been thinking about the whites and went back to review my notes...guess what...they were extremely weak looking and slow growing until about 2 months ago then they took off and have been flowering/fruiting ever since...I have found that the chinense (except for the 2 year old O Hab) do not like my July/August hot dry climate but....as soon as the weather started cooling down and we got a little rain, they have exploded...the cayennes and some other annuums have done well...
AlabamaJack said:
you know, I have been thinking about the whites and went back to review my notes...guess what...they were extremely weak looking and slow growing until about 2 months ago then they took off and have been flowering/fruiting ever since...I have found that the chinense (except for the 2 year old O Hab) do not like my July/August hot dry climate but....as soon as the weather started cooling down and we got a little rain, they have exploded...the cayennes and some other annuums have done well...
That's interesting AJ. I'm going to buy a few of the water misters that are for cooling and use them next year. I first noticed one at Home Depot in their plant area. When I walked into that area that was covered by the misters, it was at least 10-15 degrees cooler. The plants were all healthy also. I noticed the ones on the outside of the area weren't as healthy looking. My plants all went to hell during our hottest times and now that the temps are down in the highs of the low 80's, they've taken off too. I think the misters might just eliminate that problem.

Here's a link to the mist heads that you can build for yourself:

Or here are ones that are kits. I'm going to get one of these:
Nat...I just picked these peppers off two plants I have labelled White Hab...notice the ones that are white are smaller than the ones that are golden...and now that I remember, the yellow/gold ones are hotter than the whites...not worried about the purity of the strain, I just know those suckers are hot and they are prolific...


thanks for the mister information...the next stage of my retaining wall project is to put up a metal pole frame that will support shade cloth, and when I get that up, a mister system will be installed...then an automated nutrient feeding system thru a drip irrigation system, then eventually figure out how to use this area as an early/extended grow area...probably with clear vinyl panels framed with canves and grommets to attach it with...

back on subject...I am getting ready to go to the post office and mail these to you...they should be there by Tuesday at the latest....hope they grow good for you...
i noticed in between seedling stage and adulthood for my 'peruvian white habs' from peppermania, that they didn't have much vigor, were skinnier than the others and sometimes slumped over.

i took my white habs to my parents house to be grown there i come back and they are wild crazy huge! tons of light green pods everywhere to be seen.

germination was great, seedlings in the seedling tray was also great, after the first transplant it started growing a little weak, after the second transplant it kinda leaned over, didn't take too well to sun, so i had a very long time under something for shade. i'm guessing they would benefit from being germinated in it's final container and maybe be under some sort of hid light the whole time so that putting out isn't so tramatic, but in the end the sickly plants turn into something that looks better than most of the other plants. my parents live in a Valley so they have a very nice growing season, but jeeze i am so jelious lol.

AlabamaJack said:
...then an automated nutrient feeding system thru a drip irrigation system...

are you going to do it through your hose, or a gravity fed system with a solenoid or something similar? because if going through your hose you don't have very many options, plus ph balance might be difficult. with the gravity feed you may not need a pump, but i would put one in the tank for circulation. although with the hose route you could go 'powder' type fertz, but i don't think there any 'organic' ones.
teh purple penguins said:
iare you going to do it through your hose, or a gravity fed system with a solenoid or something similar? because if going through your hose you don't have very many options, plus ph balance might be difficult. with the gravity feed you may not need a pump, but i would put one in the tank for circulation. although with the hose route you could go 'powder' type fertz, but i don't think there any 'organic' ones.

The feeding/watering system is just now in the CDP phase...concept design phase...next phase will be SDD...system development and design...then to production...

sorry couldn't resist using aerospace engineering terminology for aircraft development to describe where I am with the design....giggling here... :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
Nat...I just picked these peppers off two plants I have labelled White Hab...notice the ones that are white are smaller than the ones that are golden...and now that I remember, the yellow/gold ones are hotter than the whites...not worried about the purity of the strain, I just know those suckers are hot and they are prolific...

thanks for the mister information...the next stage of my retaining wall project is to put up a metal pole frame that will support shade cloth, and when I get that up, a mister system will be installed...then an automated nutrient feeding system thru a drip irrigation system, then eventually figure out how to use this area as an early/extended grow area...probably with clear vinyl panels framed with canves and grommets to attach it with...

back on subject...I am getting ready to go to the post office and mail these to you...they should be there by Tuesday at the latest....hope they grow good for you...
Hey AJ, looking good man! Your setup is going to be seriously cool man. I'm looking forward to seeing how much the misters help next hot season.
NatGreenMeds said:
Hey AJ, looking good man! Your setup is going to be seriously cool man. I'm looking forward to seeing how much the misters help next hot season.

It has to help...I found out that chinense don't like to fruit in those 100+ degree days...they grow like mad but mine didn't set fruit during the extremes of summer this year...

Pods in the mail Nat...