chinense White Habanero Anyone..?

Here is a pic of one of my white habs it is the only one that i left pods on because I want to see if the other 3 plants grow any faster without pods on them i will be giving all of my plants the same ferts. I am curious to see the results The little white pod on the plate is one of the white habs that I took off today it was very small and it was hot as hell.:mouthonfire: I ate three of them just to see how hot they were at such a young age and they were all very hot and they all had that hab flavor. the pods were all less than a week old.



My little guys are finally hitting a growth spurt. Here's a few pics

Giant white hab(left) and White ammo hab(centre and right)

White ammo, the one in the bigger pot
imaguitargod said:
MIRICAL GROW! Jiffy Pots suck! Just get the soil nice and soaked and you should be fine. Covering it will make it too moist and plus, pepper plants like to have the dirt dry out brifely when being germinated, it helps them move faster.

dude why do jiffy pots suck?
RedThumb said:
Sorry to hear that!;)

If you want me to collect some seeds for you this fall, just let me know.

I would appreciate dat very much..:violin:

I would trade u some seeds too..but Im still lost..all ma lil signs blew off wit da im literally blind at wat im growing..But thanks!! I would like dat!!
Started seeds March 15th
I can see tiny flowers forming on all 3 plants.
White bullet looks weird. I have another white bullet that looks better but it's a bit leggy.

From left to right

Orange hab, White Bullet tm, Naga


Top shot from left to right
Naga , White bullet, Orage Hab

your white bullet looks fine to me. mine seemed to grow in the same "weird" manner. here is a pic of mine last year..... (pic is called pequin but IS the WB hab. i had a seed mixup at the first of the year)


put in code because isnt a clickable link - C&P :)

potawie - that white ammo is off the hizzle!!!! taste? worth growning?
habman said:
What happened how did all the plants die?

Well I only had 3 survivors...

All of dem had there 2 pair of true leaves and I was hardening them off..and I went out of town for a day..well dat day there was severe thunderstorm..and well I came home 2 of of ma 3 potted habs where..flipped..the one dat survived..was bent to da floor and I tried to stand it but I guess it didnt make it..I dindt knoe it was gonna rain or thunderstorm..
here are new pics of my plant. the pics earlier are the same plant but from last year and this pic is this years plant. overwintering is really paying off.
