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White Hot Peppers 2017

Well, its a little smaller than last year.  I need to cut some out of this, will need to find some strength to do it.  There is about 10 that I don't have listed yet some late arrivals.   Most of the Chinense are now started minus a few. 
Here's the list - it will definitly change some but this is the start.
7 Pot Brain Strain Caramel
7 Pot Brain Strain Chocolate
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate
7 Pot Bubblegum Chocolate Elongated
7 Pot Bubblegum Cluster
7 Pot Bubblegum Red Long
7 Pot Bubblegum MAMP x JRGS
7 Pot Bubblegum Moruga
7 Pot Bubblegum Naga Orange
7 Pot Bubblegum Naga Peach
7 Pot Bubblegum Naga Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum Orange Large
7 Pot Bubblegum Peach Ghost Jami
7 Pot Bubblegum Red
7 Pot Bubblegum Red Large
7 Pot Bubblegum x Aji Jobito Yellow with Calyx
7 Pot Bubblegum x Aji Jobito Huge Yellow X
7 Pot Bubblegum x Bhut
7 Pot Bubblegum x Butch T
7 Pot Bubblegum x JPGS
7 Pot Bubblegum x Naga Morich
7 Pot Bubblegum x Neyde
7 Pot Bubblegum x Neyde Large Orange
7 Pot Bubblegum x Neyde Pink
7 Pot Bubblegum x Reaper
7 Pot Bubblegum x Reaper AW
7 Pot Bubblegum x Reaper x BT
7 Pot Bubblegum x Yellow Moruga
7 Pot Chaguanas Chocolate
7 Pot Congo Gigantic SR Chocolate
7 Pot Congo Gigantic SR Mustard
7 Pot Congo Gigantic SR Orange
7 Pot Congo Gigantic SR Red
7 Pot Congo Gigantic SR Yellow
7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Douglah Long Mustard
7 Pot Douglah x Reaper Yellow
7 Pot Infiniti
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Jonah Orange
7 Pot Lava Choco
7 Pot Lava Choco x BBG7
7 Pot Lava Long
7 Pot Lava Red
7 Pot Mustard
7 Pot Peach
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Primo Orange
7 Pot Primo x Reaper
7 Pot Primo Yellow
7 Pot Rennie Chocolate
7 Pot SR Strain
Aji Ahuachapan
Aji Charapita Iquitos
Aji Cochabamba
Aji Fantasy
Aji Fantasy White
Aji Jobito
Aji Margariteno
Aji Margariteno ST
Aji Melocoton
Aji Pineapple
Aji Rosita Dulce
Apocalypse Chocolate
Bahamian Beast
Bahamian Goat
BBM Reaper
Bhut Assam Yellow
Bhut Jolokia Caramel x BBG7
Bhut Jolokia Choco Giant
Andy's Bhut Jolokia Orange Copenhagen King (Brain Pheno)
Andy's Bhut Jolokia Orange Copenhagen King
Bhut Jolokia Peach WM
Bhut Jolokia Red Giant
Bhut Orange X
Bhutlah BBG7 Chocolate
Bhutlah Black
Bhutlah Black X (Lime)
Bhutlah Chocolate AW
Bhutlah Chocolate SM
Bhutlah Mustard
Bhutlah Red
Bhutlah Red AW
Bhutlah Scorpion
Bhutlah Yellow
Big Black Mama
Big Caramel Mama
Big Red Mama
Big Yellow Mama
Bih x Sugar Rush
Bishops Crown
Black Bhutlah Scorpoin
Black Panther
Black Panther Orange
Bleeding Borg9
Bleeding Borg9 Choco No Calyx
Bloody Riot Orange
Blue Ghost
BOC x Aji Pineapple
BOC x Genghis Kahn's Brain
Borg 9 Chocolate
Borg 9 Yellow
Brain Strain Scorpion
Brazilian Brain Strain Choco
Brazilian Starfish
Brazilian Starfish Yellow
ButchLah Red
Capinoto Scorpion
Carolina Reaper
Carolina Reaper Brown
Carolina Reaper Caramel
Carolina Reaper x Biquinho
Carolina Reaper X Long
Cayenne Yellow
Cheiro Amarela
Cheiro Pessego
Choco Ghost Jami
Chocoalte Reaper/Scorpion
Congo Trinidad Giant Yellow
Congo x ButcH T
Daisy Cutter Yellow
Dedo de Moça
Dedo de Moça Amarela
Defcon 7
Devil's Brain
Devil's Heart
Devil's Tongue Caramel
Devil's Tongue Chocolate
Douglah x Bhutlah (Andy)
Elysium Oxide Scotch Bonnet
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw
Genghis Kahn
Gigantic Yellow Chinense X
Goats Weed
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Hand Grenade Choco
Habanero Lemon
Habanero Niranja Picante
Habanero Purple
Habanero Tabaquite
Hair Pepper
Hot Rod Serrano x Maui Purple
Jalapeno White
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Jay's Ghost Scorpion Peach
Jay's Ghost Scorpion Peach x Primo
Jay's Ghost Scorpion Red
Jay's Ghost Scorpion Red x 7 Pot Bubblegum Elongated
Jigsaw Moruga
Joe´s Long Cayenne
Kenji Orange Purple
Kenji Purple
Kpakpo Shito x BBG7
Kraken Peach
Machu Picchu
Madamme Jeanette
Madballz 7
Mako Kokoo
Maui Purple
Naga Viper
Nagabrains Chocolate x Jigsaw
Nagabrains Chocolate
Nagabrains Red
Nagabrains Yellow
Naglah x Moruga
NuMex Lemon Spice
NuMex Orange Spice
NuMex Pumpkin Spice
NuMex Vaquero
Orange Ghost Jami
Peach Bhut x Reaper
Peach Bleeder
Peach Wasp
Peter Pepper Orange
Peter Pepper Red
Peter Pepper Yellow
PI 281317
Pimenta Lisa
Pimenta Moranga
Pink Tiger
Pink Tiger x BBG7 Choco
Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut Red
Pumpkin Tail
Purple Serrano
Purple UFO
Raja Mirch
Reaper X (JB)
Reaper x JPGS
Red Ghost Jami
Scotch Bonnet Allen Boatman TF
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet Faria
Scotch Bonnet Marabella MKT R
Scotch Bonnet Marabella MKT Y
Scotch Bonnet MOA (Binks)
Scotch Bonnet MOA (Juanitos)
Scotch Bonnet MOA Red
Scotch Bonnet P. Dreadie
Scotch Bonnet Safi
Scotch Bonnet Schneider Farm
Scotch Bonnet WHP
Scotch Bonnet x Naga Morich
Scotch Brains
Scotch Brains Long
Sepia Serpent
Sepia x SB7J
SepiaReaper x Neyde
Sugar Rush Cream
Sugar Rush Peach Long
Swamp Thing
Tepin X Lemon Drop
Thunder Mountain Longhorn
Trinidad Scorp Orange Long Tail
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Long
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Brown
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Peach
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Satan (Drew)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga UV Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion x Morango
Trinidad Viper x Purple Bhut
Trinidad X Strain Variant
Trinidad X-Strain Red
Venezuelan Tiger
Venezuelan Tiger x SRTSL
VicNic 1313
Wartryx “Hand Grenade Pheno”
Yaki Blue Fawn
Zoki Long
JUR-Z-Devil said:
jesus... i need to move so i can grow more than one per variety... is that what you have on your site for sale or what you should have this season?
That is this seasons initial stab at a grow list.  Some staples in there and regrows, but mostly new stuff again.  My OCD kicks in, just love growing out new strains to see what they are about.  Half the fun anymore for me is also growing some of the newer unstable varieties.  I know a lot of people don't like that and want to be 100% sure they are growing something they know, but I like the surprises also and love seeing what comes out of some of these. 
agreed when you have the room for that... ive seen some of your surprises id love to try even more than what they were suppose to be like the black bhutlah x the trinidad x and the swamp thing... all very kool and i dare say kooler then what they were suppose to be... its hard though for people like me who can only grow one of each, but i guess ill just hope for the best and enjoy the surprises like ya said... hell, a surprise may be just what you need even if it wasnt what you were expecting...
Wow! Justin I must say I got excited when I saw that list. Some very good ones in there. I'm very interested in seeing the BOC x Aji Pineapple among others. I hope some of those crosses from Enrico and Manuel grow true for you as well. Here's to another back breaking season. Can't wait for the adventure of Spring to arrive.

Good luck my friend.

As always thanks for sharing your growing experience.

moruga welder said:
I can see them from my house !        :party:
Since your are so close, maybe you can come down one day and kick me in the head and knock some sense into me?   I'll pay you for your gas and time to do it even.
JUR-Z-Devil said:
agreed when you have the room for that... ive seen some of your surprises id love to try even more than what they were suppose to be like the black bhutlah x the trinidad x and the swamp thing... all very kool and i dare say kooler then what they were suppose to be... its hard though for people like me who can only grow one of each, but i guess ill just hope for the best and enjoy the surprises like ya said... hell, a surprise may be just what you need even if it wasnt what you were expecting...
Yeah, totally understand.  Theres a few vareities I really want to be sure are true.  jay's Peach is one of my favorites so I used isolated seeds on that one.  Sometimes I use open pollinated over isolated just in case something better might come of it.  I do plant in a way though, all the chinense are grown on other side of yard from annuums and baccatums.  So no guarantees or anything but at least any accidental crosses have a fair poetential to be something good.  I also think a lot of these are just unstable anyway.  Several of my NOTs last year were from isolated seed but unstable varieties.  The black bhutlah x was from isolated seeds.   This year I am growing that again and also some of the original black bhutlah seeds, will see what happens this year.
OCD Chilehead said:
Wow! Justin I must say I got excited when I saw that list. Some very good ones in there. I'm very interested in seeing the BOC x Aji Pineapple among others. I hope some of those crosses from Enrico and Manuel grow true for you as well. Here's to another back breaking season. Can't wait for the adventure of Spring to arrive.

Good luck my friend.

As always thanks for sharing your growing experience.

Yeah the BOC x Aji Pineapple sounds good.  There is another I got from a friend in Norway, Bih x Sugar rush, I will have to dig up a pic, but they look fantastic and his description sounds just great.  Says its got a great super sweet heat about habanero level.  Looks like nice sized pods, I think ripening to orange if they grow like his did.  If they produce anything I shoot some out to you.
yeah one good thing about growing only one plant per variety is i can isolate everything... I dont just isolate plants i do my own version of total isolation from the time they are buds before they show white... i isolate every individual flower... save the pollen for that flower to cross back in case i like pheno that comes out... and i do the same with crosses... i track every cross and save pollen from both parents to cross back if i like the parent pods pheno after development... I couldnt do that if i did more than one plant each... it would just be too much... im sure with 70 -100 varieties going this year ill only be able to do that partially per plant and the rest will be open pollinated so ill be able to sell both kinds... save the good phenos for seed stock sales and the so so ones for SFRB sales...
no need to pay me m i'm do for a visit     :party:
jcw10tc said:
Since your are so close, maybe you can come down one day and kick me in the head and knock some sense into me?   I'll pay you for your gas and time to do it even.
Yeah, totally understand.  Theres a few vareities I really want to be sure are true.  jay's Peach is one of my favorites so I used isolated seeds on that one.  Sometimes I use open pollinated over isolated just in case something better might come of it.  I do plant in a way though, all the chinense are grown on other side of yard from annuums and baccatums.  So no guarantees or anything but at least any accidental crosses have a fair poetential to be something good.  I also think a lot of these are just unstable anyway.  Several of my NOTs last year were from isolated seed but unstable varieties.  The black bhutlah x was from isolated seeds.   This year I am growing that again and also some of the original black bhutlah seeds, will see what happens this year.
Yeah the BOC x Aji Pineapple sounds good.  There is another I got from a friend in Norway, Bih x Sugar rush, I will have to dig up a pic, but they look fantastic and his description sounds just great.  Says its got a great super sweet heat about habanero level.  Looks like nice sized pods, I think ripening to orange if they grow like his did.  If they produce anything I shoot some out to you.
Awesome list Justin if anyone can do that list proud it will be you ... this is one glog I will be following closely .... all the very best for your grow
jcw10tc said:
Well, its a little smaller than last year.
And I feel that 40 is pushing it!  Very interested to see how that BBG7 peach Jami turns out...I wanted to order it this year but I figured it's pretty unstable so it'll be neat to see what it does for you.  Best of luck with this massive grow!
Simply mindbendingly awesome list Justin, will be glued to your glog as this develops, and really pleased to be growing several varieties provided by WHP... all the best for a bumper 2017 and thanks again for your kind sponsorship of the Biggest Bonnet comp!
dennish said:
Simply mindbendingly awesome list Justin, will be glued to your glog as this develops, and really pleased to be growing several varieties provided by WHP... all the best for a bumper 2017 and thanks again for your kind sponsorship of the Biggest Bonnet comp!
Thanks Dennis, I hope everything I sent turns into some good pods for you.  I should have entered the bonnet comp, but I tend to get busy and loose some focus on those later in the year.  I was in the growdown a few years back and felt bad couldn't post as much as I wanted later in the year.
Datil said:
Huge list! That's what you expect from a great vendor isn't?

Good luck Justin!

Thanks, will be another interesting year.  I seriously hope I can drop a few of those but that has been a weakness last few years.  
BSH said:
And I feel that 40 is pushing it!  Very interested to see how that BBG7 peach Jami turns out...I wanted to order it this year but I figured it's pretty unstable so it'll be neat to see what it does for you.  Best of luck with this massive grow!
Yeah, I went way over my limit last year, had 450 plants.  This year I want a max of 300.  I hope to get back down to around 200 - 250 max in the future, thats a good number that I know I can handle and have plenty of space for.  Yeah the BBG peach bhut is definitely a crap shoot.  But thats half the fun for me.  I like to see what comes out.  Half of what I am growing is unstable for sure, but should be interesting.  I had a few early generation bbg crosses last year that didn't develop a calyx where the year previous they did.  I figure with that one either way its got high potential to get a good pepper.
D3monic said:
Boc x aji pineapple sounds interesting. Can't wait to check them out
Yeah, I got those from a friend in Italy, but I don't think he created it, but not sure.  The pics I saw looked like they were more BOC shaped but did look tasty.  
Trident chilli said:
Awesome list Justin if anyone can do that list proud it will be you ... this is one glog I will be following closely .... all the very best for your grow
Thanks John, appreciate the confidence.  I hope I have the time this year, work is looking pretty bad for that.
Sizzle Lips said:
Very nice grow list Justin....I ordered from White Hot peppers a couple days ago....had a lot of varieties I was looking for.....just waiting for the mailman to drop them in my box.....
Just want to say that White Hot Peppers has a great selection........good service.....great price.
Thanks for the business.  Hopefully you will get them early next week.  Under Ideal conditions its about a 6 to 10 days,   International mail can be unpredictable, about 1 in 10 seems to take forever so lets hope yours is timely.  Good luck with your grown and hope they grow great for you.
Jase4224 said:
Good luck Justin, looking forward to some seeds in future. That's seriouse dedication there..
Yeah, takes a bit of time for sure.  But once I get them planted at least a few months of easy times until the harvests start.
FreeportBum said:
That's a crazy list my friend! Looking forward to watching your grow this season. Hope the seeds I sent do well for you. Cheers
Thanks.  I am growing several, some from the pods you sent and some from the last wave of seeds.  I know I didn't get all of them in, but many.  I couldn't remember the names of the last batch when I was tweaking the list last night so not in there yet.  I will have to edit anyway as I know theres a few others that are going to get cut and a few of those look destined to not germinate and only had 3 or 4 seeds of them.  Thanks for sharing some of your crosses, they are going to be great I am sure.  I need to double my efforts in trying to make my own this year.  Thinking maybe some better feeding throughout they year and i will have better luck with the receiving bud not dropping.  Dunno, but I'll try again.  At least some reading glasses are in order this year also, eyes not getting better.