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'White strawberry'

The campany in Holland that grows them won't be selling seeds or plants at all. The only way I can get them is hope the supermarkets in my city sell them in march.
The campany in Holland that grows them won't be selling seeds or plants at all. The only way I can get them is hope the supermarkets in my city sell them in march.

Vincent. Coincidence or what -- At 9.13 when you were replying I was PMing Jungles to tell him that I had already asked you for seeds and that if you managed to get some that I would share them with him.
So, is it the actual pineberry that you are looking for or white strawberry or alpine berry?

There are a couple of online seed bearers that offer white strawberries. Some call them pineberry/apline wood berry, I have seen soul berry as well. I kind of think the golden/yellow strawberry is pretty cool.

I grow regular boring old red field strawberries and the wife buys them all the time, i don't think i could sell her on white starberries as the red berries start out white before maturing to red. Our year round red strawberries come from mexico and many times are picked unripe with a lot of white. wifey wouldn't buy them unless the berries are perfectly red.