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Hey dude welcome to the Internet. There's this thing called spam. Be careful or you will end up broke and married to a Russian bride named Boris.
WOW! Celeste, Are you accusing the man?,, and are you really saying that your hubby betta not be lookin at porn? or the D word is in effect? You are one tough cookie!
Some how you got added to a mailers list...not a biggie. Back in the day scanner bots surfed AOL chats for valid addies...and all in the chats where valid.

Simply add the mailers addy to your blocked domains and never open them. If You open it verifies the addy :crazy:
haven't had a problem yet, if i do i will spam it at that point and continue to to do so until its not one anymore



Celeste dearest Joe never said he checks out porn sites. Hope his wife doesn't read your post or he's a dead man.

Just in case anyone wonders about me calling Celeste "dearest" we've been friends for a few years now and I'm confident that she doesn't mind at all. In fact I'm hoping she likes it. :)
okay, cant figure out how to use the quote function- Here's the line I misunderstood: "SHE SAID SHE WAS INTERESTED IN ME?? WELL THAT SET ME AT ODDS A BIT!!!
im a happily married man i hope that it doesn't have anything to do with what i think it may "PORN" "

Patrick love, (and all the others rushing to Joe's defense)
I read that as meaning he must've got the spam because he visited a porn site. If thats not what you meant Joe, my apologies- My point was- If a wife is going to get upset about random suggestive spam-mail, then, well, the hubby better not be looking at porn. Naive to think you would not get random suggestive mail if you surf porn.
(um, and you get random weird e-mail if you use the internet at all- some of the creepiest stuff my family sends me!) I see now that he probably meant that the spam was porn. my apologies.

Dont have a hubby, he left me, apparently on-line sex was more attractive....dont know how I'd feel about having a husband surfing porn, cant imagine having a husband again. I know married male friend who does surf porn, doesnt seem to hurt his marriage.

What, Patrick, flirting again? :) No I dont mind if you do, I'm long out of practice! >giggle<

No offense meant, Joe.
Hey dude welcome to the Internet. There's this thing called spam. Be careful or you will end up broke and married to a Russian bride named Boris.

*lol* Yeah, that's the web! I'm always amused how many pharma spam mails I get. Zyban, Viagra, Cialis, various antidepressants and so on are advertised. All prescription! And of course all fake.
I keep 2 email accounts, 1 is with my direct ISP(a canadian telco called Telus) they provide my highspeed DSL into my house, they provide their security service software that runs on my desktop.

The other account is with an online service like yahoo/hotmail(I use gmail) and use this account to sign up to many online services like linkedin, dave's garden, skype and yes thehotpepper - anytime someone adds me as a friend, my gmail gets the request. I also have to provide a valid adult email account when ever my kids want to sign up for an online game, like club penguin. My goal is to have gmail front end all the SPAM keeping my Telus account for business and personal contacts only.

Now you would think, with some of the services i have linked my gmail account to, that i would get bombarded with SPAM, nope, nothing. But, my Telus account, on occasion, lets some SPAM slip through and that's when I get offers of member enlargement, viagra, online degrees etc. Never got a call from Miss Sofia, perhaps it's too cold in Canada for her.(actually, I shouldn't say that for sure because I screen a lot of my emails from my blackberry before they even get to my desktop and i delete them using the BB). The SPAM that does get through is eventually caught by Telus and filtered as they update their security data.

Even with advance securtiy you still ahave to be aware of what websites you are visiting and sometimes that is difficult especially if you are a "googler". with all the links that are provided from a search, some could be hacked and you have to know how to back out gracefully so nothing is loaded onto your computer. I had 1 that said I had a virus and to click here to remove it, I knew I didn't have a virus but it wouldn't let me close explorer. I finally did <cntrl><alt><del> and blew it away through task manager. We had uniblue registry booster get loaded on the computer, the wife was doing something, i think looking for music and a site she was on said her computer was too slow to access it and somehow it ended up downloading itself on our system. She said she didn't tell it to download.