well, i'm not doing turkey---as in "wild", but for some reason, sitting on my desk this morning, is a whiskey drink i didn't quite drink night before last, before i had to go to the dentist the next day......ugh.......so as i sat here this morning, i took a sip....yum thats tastes good at 7:30am, moments after getting out of bed. i think i better make a fresh one with ice since that ones gone....oh yeah, the new stuff is even better. i'm getting to know my ole buddy jim beam pretty well this morning. hmmmm, is the sleeping "turkey cooker" going to be pissed if im "pissed" before 10am. i doubt it, it will keep me out of her hair(or in) and out of the kitchen........MAYBE????? its not that this is typical at all for me to be drinking at 8 in the morning, but hey, i used to be an engineer on a commercial salmon fish boat in alaska, and the clock seems to dissapear during fishing season; and so midnight might very well be morning, which means 8am could be the same as 5or6 pm (((aka happy hour)) wahoo, lets be happy. yep, i'm going to be in trouble allright. its time for drink 3 and seeing it is the day we celebrate ((in the good" ole USA)) the beggining of the "screwing of the indiginous peoples" and eat god awful amounts of turkey; i might as well make my next drink out of "wild turkey" in reverence to turkey day. kind of like bumpmg from a xalapeno to a bulgarian carrot......i don't really buy WT anymore, but some nice soul seemed to have left some after a party for just such an occasion. the violator just happens to share my birthday, 7/18/19?? only 25 years later than mine. thanks jeremy, thats some strong shit. ok, yep well, as long as i talked about fish, i might as well ask a pepper question. a friend last summer gave me a fish pepper start. what a beautiful plant. what i've read says it was brought to the philly/baltimore area and used while eating fish----BUT HOW WAS/IS IT USED with fish. can anyone here shed some light for me? do you make a dry rub, eat fresh with a fish bite, make a sauce, and etc.....i just don't know. so before i go to drink #5, i best go fire up my sauna and sweat this crap out of me. my sweet "turkey cooker" is still asleep and maybe i can sauna up and be nice and clean for my lovely wife before she know i'm snonkered(i make BIG drinks)). so hope all you turkeys have a great day and you keep yourselves out of trouble. don't be obnoxious to your partner/wife/hubby and smooch he or she up well. thanks for putting up with me and peace to each and all------texas bob