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Why is Ted Barrus disliked here?

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Why is Ted Barrus disliked on this forum? I watch his videos and in one of them he said he doesn't come on here anymore because people don't like him here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9LQiBhMiXM&feature=plcp
Yea I Have him on Facebook and he says that there is alot of bad people as good people in this forum, from what i know of him he is a family/Church type of guy who helps promote new and young kids to eat peppers so i always wanted to know the Secret dark side of this site lol

^^^ this maybe be one of the reasons lol
Even though I'm not a big fan of RTF, that was a bullshit thing to say and I can damn sure say that that is one of the reasons why Ted is not liked on here. That dude just kept rubbin people the wrong way. And like the thread said in the link, he did have "IDIOT" right in his name. So I guess no one can really call him a liar. Going to church does not make someone a good person, it just means they go to church. Ted is an IDIOT, through and through.
Yea I Have him on Facebook and he says that there is alot of bad people as good people in this forum, from what i know of him he is a family/Church type of guy who helps promote new and young kids to eat peppers so i always wanted to know the Secret dark side of this site lol

Where are these bad people you speak of? Aside from the occasional bit of elitism from long time members -- which is perfectly normal, IMO -- everyone on here has been extremely friendly towards me, Jerret, and the other newer members.

If there is a dark side to THP, I must be failing to see it.
I don't know anything about Ted, however, as far as rudeness and an evil side on THP-------> I haven't seen it, at all....anywhere....not even when stupid or redundant questions are asked....ever

I love this site and one of the reasons is due to it's atmosphere and the members sincere gestures to help and share with one another.
Like has been said. He cannot take being called oit. He claimed to be a reviewer, but here at THP we want a review that includes the complex flavors and smells and where it burns. He was more of an "oh look at me as I do this stupid shit" like that video where he rubs peppers in his eyes. He is seeking attention and he was called out on it and he could not handle it. His videos are over the top and what I call "stupid comedy" well if he would have learned that he had a place as a member here as a retard and not a reviewer, and not pester growers for pods he would still be a member
I dont dislike or like the guy. But I dont consider him to be good reviewer, more of just a dare devil. S#%& really hit the fan when he couldnt take honest criticism from members on the forum.
The only thing I had to go by was I saw a post from him oneday where he went on a big 'rant' on how he was leaving THP and never coming back yada yada yada. It seemed a little 'school play groundish'...like, 'I'm mad and not getting my way, so I'm going to take my toys (peppers) and go home (to another site) :cool: idk, I'm not the world's most mature person at times, so guess I can't throw rocks LOL!

Oh, and if i want to watch ppl doing crazy things and throwing up, I'l go to ebaums world or watch one of the jackass movies :) If I want a review of a pepper or sauce.....I'll try it myself :beer: Only my $0.02 ;)
Sometimes people do get a little uptight around here, and yes there may be a certain elitism shown by some of the older members, WELCOME TO THE HUMAN RACE, Ted came off as a giant douche in a thread awhile back, several members just kept fanning the flames.
I could care less really. He eats pods and and samples hot sauces for people so what. Give the guy a break. I see a lot of members on here saying abrasive things to new members anyway, so who's right and who's wrong? There are some BIG egos on here that i have noticed, just as big as ted's. He's a reviewer not a chile grower. So maybe he should have never gotten on here in the first place. I came on here looking for help with my chile growing project because i could not find ample info on indoor growing. I would grow outside but because of where i live it's next to impossible because of the weather patterns and temps at night during the summer months. As it turns out i knew more than i thought about growing chiles indoors. I started this project because i can't buy the chiles i want to eat at the store and my grow room was located in my home before i got here. Worked out perfect for me. This site is here to help people and share your love for chiles and chile products. If you don't like what people say about chiles and other products well there is nothing you can do about it. The best thing you can do is not pay any attention to him.

Sometimes people do get a little uptight around here, and yes there may be a certain elitism shown by some of the older members, WELCOME TO THE HUMAN RACE, Ted came off as a giant douche in a thread awhile back, several members just kept fanning the flames.
I agree with you on this one. I read the threads and thing that maybe some people should have just let the whole thing go. Now it's fired back up again. Grow some goddamn chiles and be happy.
Eh, like a lot of people if you call him out on something he will get defensive and act like a child.

Some can handle critism and some cannot. The guy is never going to get anywhere in life if he cares so much what people think.

I do what I do, if you don't like it that's fine, I'm not going to make a thread and rant because someone on the internet doesn't like how I do things.
I can understand where everyone is coming from. There are a LOT of good points in this thread. I dont think it deserves a whole new thread, but I guess Im fanning the fire by posting in it as well. I guess we're all just really bored. lol
As much as I dislike the jackass, that I KNOW of, he never claimed to be anything else. So I guess we can't blame him for being a taste tester on a mostly "growing" site. We CAN blame him for being a jackass. But, whether or not we think highly of him, people are still watching his garbage reviews. I'm not taking up for the guy at all. I think he belongs right where a few other chili growers belong.
The world needs idiots. It gives the "smart" people something to talk about.
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